Part three

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"The Cullens," Angela informed Audrey. Jessica leaned in, swinging into gossip mode. "Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They all moved down here from Alaska two years ago," Jessica answered. "They kinda keep to themselves," Angela added. "Because they're all together. Like, together together," Jessica continued. "The blonde girl, Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett." The cousins saw the long blonde hair, model beautiful, girl as she walked with a big, brawny, dude. You'd swear he's like one of the WWE fighters or something. "They're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal," Jessica added.

"Jess, they're not related," Angela reminded her. "But they live together. And the little dark-haired girl, Alice, she's weird...," Jessica continued. "She's with Sora, the cute Japanese boy." Alice was pixie-like, rail thin, light on her feet with short, black hair going in every direction. She hovers over Sora, a model-like man. "I mean, Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad slash matchmaker," Jessica told us. "Maybe he'll adopt me," Angela smiled happily. "My, My. Who's the other blond guy?" Audrey asked "That's Jasper," Jessica answered. "He's always in a lot of pain." "We have the same class together," Audrey replied.

"Really?" Bella asked. "Yeah," Audrey nodded. "They were in my mechanics class. When I finished the car in fifteen minutes, they were impressed." "He's looking at you," Angela told me as Audrey looked. Jasper was looking at her. staring at her. Audrey blushed as she turned back. Rosalie smiled at Audrey. "He likes you," Jessica sang. "I don't know him at all," Audrey said. "It's not like we're going to get married or something." "Sure.....," Angela smirked at me. "Even Rosalie is smiling at you. She normally doesn't look at anyone but her family like that." Bella laughed, liking her, as she saw the last Cullen to enter.

He had untidy, bronze-colored hair as he seems inwardly turned, mysterious. More boyish than the others. But the most striking of all. Not to Audrey, or the other cousins, but Bella. Bella can't take her eyes off him. "Who's he?" Bella asked. "That's Edward Cullen," Jessica told her. Suddenly, Edward looked over, as if he heard Jessica from across the room. His eyes met Bella's. But he seems confused. Bella quickly looked away. "He's gorgeous, obviously," Jessica sighed happily. "But apparently, no one here is good enough for him. Like I care. Anyway, don't waste your time." She does care, I thought.

"I wasn't planning on it," Bella replied. Such a liar. Ruth kicked Bella's leg and smirked at her. She glared at Ruth, blushing. But Bella can't help but peek at Edward again. He's staring at her outright now, with a slightly frustrated expression that unnerves Bella. She hid behind her hair. 

-𝗝𝗮𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗿'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩-

I was in Mechanics class with Rosalie when a blonde-haired girl walked in. She handed her slip to the teacher, who I could tell held a bit of jealousy toward the girl. I could see that she had the face and body of a model. Only a form of magic could make that body. As the girl sat next to Rosalie, I caught her scent. It's mouth-watering. But it has a very sweet smell. My face contorts in pain and restrains as the girl looks at me. As class began, she grabbed a wrench and popped open the hood of a car, finishing it within fifteen minutes. I looked at her in amazement as Rosalie looked at her with a proud look on her face.

As class ended, Rosalie turned to me. "Alice is right, you know," Rosalie spoke up. "She is your mate." "But I don't want her to get hurt when she finds out about us," I sighed. "Did you check her feelings?" Rosalie asked. "She was intrigued, but she didn't care," I answered. "Then she won't get hurt," Rosalie reminded me. "She  looks like a warrior." Later at lunch, I found out what her name was Audrey. One of the Sanderson cousins, from Salem. When Edward walked in, Bella looked at him. He looked confused as he tried to read someone's mind. He sat down as I looked at Audrey. She blushed as she turned back to her friends and cousins.

"I can't read Bella's mind," Edward told us. "One of the Sanderson cousins is wondering about us but she didn't seem to be as intrigued as Bella." We looked at each other as lunch ended.


I walked into my Creative Writing class and handed my slip to the teacher. She signed as she told me to sit next to Jasper Hale. Jasper looked up at me as I sat next to him. He slightly inhaled, then abruptly stiffened. He didn't seem that way before. He grabbed onto the edge of the table, crumbling it slightly. No one noticed. I could see that his eyes were coal black as he held a face of disgust towards me. I felt bad about what happened. I turned to look at the front. I looked at him from the corner of my eye as he held guilt in his eyes at me. I think he was guilty of what he did.

The teacher handed out worksheets and Jasper pushed one to me as if I had Ebola. Rude. I took my paper and made a curtain of my hair between us. I can see his hands under the table, clenched into fists. I felt insecure, and I never feel insecure. for making him like that. I didn't want him to hate me. When the bell rings, Jasper bolts out the door. Other kids and I exit a moment later. I looked down the hall and saw that he was gone. I walked to my locker next to My cousins and Bella. And opened it. Bella walked up to me and saw my expression. "Cousin Audrey, what happened?" Elizabeth asked.

"Jasper," I simply replied, knowing that I would have some kind of experience. We walked to the office and entered, but Bella almost grabbed my arm and nearly turned. Edward and Jasper were sweet-talking the enchanted administrator. They didn't see Bella and us. "There must be something open in the sixth period. Guitar? Religion? Physics? Biochem?" Edward asked. "No, every class is full. I'm afraid you'll have to stay in biology and history. I'm so sorry," the woman told him. Bella blanched. The administrator saw us and gestured for us to wait a minute. But Edward suddenly straightened as if sensing Bella.

He slowly turned to glare at her with piercing, hate-filled eyes. She backed to the wall, hugging herself, suddenly chilled with fear. "I'll just endure it," Edward replied as he walked out the door. Jasper didn't look at me as he walked out as well. When we were finished, we hurried to the truck, upset. Edward climbed into a shiny new silver Volvo with the Cullens. Jasper was looking at me in guilt. I didn't look at him. The many eyes still watched us as it added insult to injury. Finally, I got into Elizabeth's car and slammed the car door. I looked at the Cullens in the rear-view window and huffed. "If he didn't look at me with that 'I want to f*ck you look', which most boys do. then why did he act like that?" I asked. "You're more than sex  cousin Audrey," Ruth told me. " I know cousin Ruth, I'm just used to it"

 " I know cousin Ruth, I'm just used to it"

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