Part fourteen

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"Get a whiff of that," Rosalie said

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"Get a whiff of that," Rosalie said. "Here comes the human and witch." Verdi's opera blasted as Bella, Edward, Jasper, and Audrey entered to find the kitchen in full swing. Carlisle, Emmett, Rosalie, and another woman prepare elaborate platters of Italian pasta and antipasti. The woman rolls out a pizza dough and fans tomatoes around it in an instant. Rosalie held a bowl as Emmett cuts up a salad, disinterested. The woman saw Bella and Audrey and stopped, emanating maternal warmth.

Her heart-shaped face and billows of hair are reminiscent of the silent-movie era. "Bella, Audrey, we're making Italiano for you two," she told them. "This is Esme, our mother for all intents and purposes," Edward told them. "Bon Giorno?" Bella asked in Italian. "Molto bene!" Esme spoke back, smiling. "Per questa bellezza, fiori per la tua davvero" Audrey said and flowers lightly fall on Esme's head. Audrey then makes a Bouquet of roses and gives it to Esme. " Why thank you, Audrey, they're beautiful"

"Thank you for the flowers. You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time," Carlisle told them as he hit pause for something. Audrey saw brand new Williams-Sonoma cookware boxes in the corner as they were watching an Italian cooking show on TV. Emmett hits the DVD remote control. "I hope you're hungry," Esme told them. "I'd love to get some, I bet it'll be great" Audrey smiled. "Oh, absolutely-," Bella started to say. "She already ate," Edward spoke for Bella as she shot him a look, but something shatters.

Rosalie has broken the salad bowl and now leaned against the wall. Audrey pouted at the broken bowl as Jasper chuckled. "Perfect," Rosalie sighed. "I just assumed -- because you don't eat, you know...," Bella told her. "Of course. That was very considerate of you," Esme smiled. "Ignore her. I do," Edward told her. "Don't be so rude eddy" Audrey told him. "Yes, let's keep pretending this isn't dangerous for all of us," Rosalie glared at Bella and Audrey. "I would never, ever tell anyone," Bella told her. "Neither would Audrey."

"I never told everyone about my existence or my cousins until now," Audrey said. "Only Dylan knows of our existence. And now you guys." "They know that," Carlisle added. "The problem now is that you four have gone public now, so......," Emmett said. "No, she should know," Rosalie sighed as she looked at them. "The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly." "....badly?" Bella repeated. This hangs in the air, uncomfortably. Edward can't look at her. Audrey was mentally face-palmed.

You sure do act like a blonde, Bella. "Oh. Badly. Like, where I become a meal," she realized as Audrey snickered at her. Emmett chokes back laughter. Jasper grins as he wraps his arm around Audrey. Even Esme has to chuckle. Rosalie, exasperated, heads back into the kitchen. Emmett shrugs go after her. "Clean this up!" Esme told Rosalie as she left. "I got it," Audrey said, waving her hand to make a new bowl. They look at the bowl fascinated by her power. "Bella, Audrey," Alice said as she leaped over the rail, holding a bouquet of wildflowers.

Sora followed her. She bounces forward to kiss Audrey's cheek and handed Bella the wildflowers. "I'm Alice. You do smell good," she said as she walked back. "Alice, what are you doing?" Jasper asked. "It's alright, Bella and I are going to be great friends," Alice told him. "Rose and Audrey are already friends." "You got that right," Rosalie agreed, grabbing Audrey. Audrey laughed as Rosalie slung her over her shoulder. "Sorry, Emmett," Audrey joked. "I'm taking your wife now." Emmett's eyes widened as he realized what She meant.

"Hey, bring her back!" He exclaimed as he chased after them. Rosalie giggled as she ran around the house, carrying Audrey over her shoulder. Jasper watched his siblings goof around with Audrey. Edward and Bella headed to his room after Rosalie tossed Audrey to Jasper. He held her bridal-style, Emmett playfully glaring at Audrey. "What can I say, I pull man and woman" Audrey winked at Rosalie. Who smirked at Audrey. "Leave my wife alone! She's mine!" Emmett said, holding Rosalie in his arms.

Audrey nodded as Jasper led her out of the room. As they descended, Audrey look at the eclectic art pieces from around the world, Ethiopian crosses, Dresden China, and Asian scrolls. They reached the landing to find a  wall of dozens of artistically arrayed silk squares with tassels. Audrey looked closer. "Graduation caps?" Audrey asked. "A private joke. We matriculate a lot," Jasper agreed. "That has to be a nightmare, repeating high school," Audrey shivered.

"True, but the younger we start in a new place, the longer we can stay there," he said. "And that leads me to you." He kissed her hand as Audrey blushed. "Well, played lover boy" As they walked on, Jasper opened the door. "....and this is my room," he told her as Audrey entered to find a wall of glass doors open to a deck, with the river beyond. The rest is floor-to-ceiling CDs, vinyl, 8- track tapes, etc., with a sophisticated I-pod/stereo setup. "So you're obsessed with music. But...," Audrey looked around.

"No bed?" "No sleep," Jasper added. "Ever?" Audrey asked, curious about his lifestyle. "No nightmares, no drool, no snoring," Jasper smiled at her as Audrey nodded. "But you, you're exceptional when you sleep." Audrey blushed as She ran her hand along a wall of CDs, studying the titles. "Do you have any favorites?" Jasper asked me. "My Mom had a love for classics. She had me listen to them. For me. It depends on my mood. Alternative? Jazz?" Audrey answered. "Sixties, seventies..."

"Ooh, you know your music," he smiled. "Alright, the nineties. Eighteen-nineties. Classical." "I'd have to say... Debussy," Audrey said as he looked at her, surprised, and smiled. "My favorite, too," Jasper smiled as he pulled out a CD and put it on. A solo piano version of Clair De Lune began to play. He moves to Audrey as he takes her hand, then he starts to turn her into a pirouette, dancing with her as She blushes. "You're amazing," Audrey smiled. "I spent time learning how to dance," Jasper replied as he dipped her down.

He looked at Audrey's neck as he pulled her back up. "You're good yourself," He smiled at her. "Growing up in the 1600s has its perks," Audrey said. "I only took ballet when I was younger," Audrey said. "That's it. Stopped when My mom told me to. Then put me into the waltz." "I can always make you," he suggested. "You don't scare me, lover boy" Audrey reminded him. "You really shouldn't have said that," Jasper grinned as he grabbed her and ran outside. Audrey was in his arms as he held onto a tree.

Audrey started to laugh as he looked at her. "Are you ready?" He asked her. "Always," Audrey agreed. "Then close your eyes," Jasper said as he pulled her onto his back and leap to another tree like a flying squirrel. Then, again, to the top of another tree. He easily gets a foothold, while Audrey hugged him tightly. "Open," Jasper told her as Audrey saw the most astonishing bird's eye view of the valley, river, and mountains beyond.

They talked as they sat in the tree. Audrey puts a hand on Jasper's face. Kissing him.

 Kissing him

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