Part twenty-eight

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There were two figures in hooded overcoats

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There were two figures in hooded overcoats. Both are stunningly handsome males in their 20's. Both have unsettling burgundy red eyes. Audrey knew what they drank. Human blood. Demitri and Felix. "I won't be needing your services after all, gentlemen," Edward spoke up. Edward pushed Bella Behind him. Jasper pushed the cousins behind him. "Aro wants to speak with you again," Demitri asked.

"No rules were broken," Edward replied, knowing about Bella knowing their secret and the cousins being witches. Felix's smile suggested he doesn't agree. He's the more gracious of the two. But no less dangerous. "We should take this conversation to a more appropriate venue," the guy smirked. "Fine. Bella, Sandersons, why don't you stay and enjoy the festival?" Edward asked them. "The girls come with us," Felix smirked at Audrey.

Audrey didn't need Jasper's gift to know that he was lusting for her. All people do, males and females. Audrey gave off this aura that caused a lot of people to desire her. It was the same for her mom. Audrey felt disgusted as Jasper tightened his grip on her. "That's not going to happen," Jasper snarled. Alice suddenly appeared, lightly tripping through the alley toward them, pulling back the hood of her white swing coat.

"Come on, guys, it's a festival," She asked as she reached them, positioning herself in a protective stance, as well. "We wouldn't want to make a scene." "There won't be any scene. And we'll still win," Demitri sighed. "But not easily as," Edward replied. "Enough," Someone spoke up as a very tiny, young woman appeared. She also wore a dark overcoat, her Botticelli angel-like face peering out from under the hood. Audrey could see her crimson irises.

Jane. "Aro is wondering why it's taking so long," she spoke up as the two guys backed off immediately. Edward, Jasper, Alice, and The cousins stepped back, as well. Bella could see we were afraid of this small girl. "Who is she?" She asked. "Jane," Edward answered. "Just do as she says," Alice added. Jane tossed Edward an overcoat as he donned it. "Follow me," Jane ordered as she simply turns and heads up the alley, confident we will follow.

"She is quite beautiful. Don't you think" Elizabeth whispered. Knowing they could hear her. "Yes really beautiful" The first guy, smirking, gestured for us to go ahead of him. Jasper held Audrey's hand. Jane led them through several narrow, dark alleys as Demitri and Felix bring up the rear. Edward never loosened his grip on Bella's hand. Our path was dead-ended at a wall of brick.

Jane just walked forward and, without breaking pace, she dropped down into an open hole in the street. Audrey realized it was a drain. Alice followed Jane. Audrey looked down and saw nothing but blackness. "It's alright. I got you," Jasper smiled as he placed his hands on Audrey's waist. "Don't get my hair ruined" He jumped as they landed next to Alice.  Edward and Bella landed beside them, then Felix and Demetri.

Jasper pulled Audrey close as they followed Jane through the sewer. He met Audrey's eyes, trying to look reassuring, but he was tense as hell. Finally, we reached a folding iron elevator door. Jane easily pulled it aside. They all entered. As the door clangs shut on us, the elevator moved up. The door opened to an elegantly decorated space with old-world charm. They were greeted politely by a human receptionist.

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