Part forty-eight

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They head to the library as Carlisle recounts the history of immortal children for Bella. "What are the Immortal Children?" Bella asked as Jasper stands behind Audrey. "Children who are turned at a very young age," Carlisle informed her as he looks for a book. "Why would anyone want to turn a young kid?" Bella asked.  "They can't be taught in controlling their thirst," Esme told her. "They remain in their child-like state."

"The immortal Children were very beautiful. So enchanting. To be near them was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned. They couldn't be taught or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy an entire village. Humans heard about the devastation. Stories spread. The Volturi were forced to intervene. Since the Children couldn't protect our secret, they had to be destroyed,"

Carlisle explained as he hands them a book on the Immortal Children. "Their creators grew very attached and fought to protect them. Long-established covens were torn apart. Countless humans were slaughtered," Sora added.  "I have encountered one several years after I was turned. "Traditions, friends, even families. Lost." "The Volturi gave the order that the Immortal Children must be killed," Jasper told them. "This is the reason why Irina did what she did."

"So the Denalis' mother made an immortal Child?" Bella asked." "Yes," Carlisle confirmed. "And she paid the price." "They killed her and the child," Audrey sighed, to which Carlisle nods. "Well, Renesmee and Aurora are nothing like those children," Bella argued. "They were born, not bitten. They grow every single day. And what's the difference for witchlets."

"Witchlets are like immortal children. But their power grows faster. More evil. Every time they would cast a spell. It could kill millions. Of course, they can't be controlled. We always have to kill or imprison them" Winfred told them. Floating next to Elizabeth. "So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Seth asked. "They can't just kill us without getting our side of the story." "Fair trial, right?" Audrey asked. "Aro has enough proof in Irina's thoughts," Edward replied.

"So we fight," Jacob argued. "Their offensive weapons are too powerful," Jasper spoke up. "No one can stand against Jane." "Alec's even worse," Alice added. "Well, then we convince them," Audrey asked. "They're coming to kill us, not to talk," Emmett reminded her. "No, you're right. They won't listen to us," Edward replied. "But maybe others can convince them. Carlisle, you have friends all around the world." "I won't ask them to fight," Carlisle sighed.

"Not fight. Witness. If enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen," Edward explained. "We can ask this of our friends," Esme asked as she turns to him, rubbing his arm.

-𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗗𝗮𝘆-

They decided to ask Carlisle's friends to witness for them and save Aurora and Renesmee

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They decided to ask Carlisle's friends to witness for them and save Aurora and Renesmee. They all pack to go and gather as many vampires as they can. Audrey is with Aurora as she packs her backpack with snacks for the long drive. Aurora can tell that everyone's been on edge since yesterday. As she plays with cat Isabel. "At least we get to go to London again. We haven't been there in a long time," Esme smiles at Carlisle as she turns to him.

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