Part eighteen

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"You've been here?" Alice asked them

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"You've been here?" Alice asked them. "No. I don't know," Bella replied. "What she means to stay is that she used to go here when she was younger," Audrey answered. "Was your school here in Phoenix?" Sora asked. "Yeah, around the corner from my house," Bella replied. "But I haven't been there in ten years." "Do you have any reason to go now?" Sora asked. "Keep this in mind that I will know what you would decide. I can see what you would decide on." "How?" Bella asked. "Objective precognition," Audrey realized.

"I've seen one other vampire who had the same gift." Sora nodded in agreement as he looked at Bella. "No. Hell, no. I hated the place," Bella replied. Alice and Sora shared a look, trying to figure this out. Suddenly, Bella and Audrey jumped as their cell phones rang. Audrey picked it up and saw the caller's I.D. and exhaled in relief. She picked it up. "Love? Are you alright?" Audrey asked, heading to the bathroom. "I'm coming to get you," He told her.

"We lost the tracker. The woman is still in the area. Rosalie and Esme are protecting Charlie. The force field is working great" "This is my fault. We warned each other, but I didn't think. I just...," Audrey sighed as She bit her finger. "I should've listened to you." "Audrey, we're in too deep. We can't change how we feel...," Jasper told her. "I know," Audrey said. "When will you get here?" "In a couple of hours. Then you and I will go somewhere," Jasper told her.

"Together. Edward will take Bella away as well. The others will keep hunting. Audrey, I swear to you, I'll do whatever it takes to make you safe again." "I know, love," Audrey said. "Come back to me safe." "I will," Jasper told her as they hung up.


Alice and Audrey went to the lobby to settle the bill. Jasper loads up the car out front. Bella was in the room, gathering hers and Audrey's things, then her phone rang again. Home. "Mom, I'm so glad you got my -," Bella said. "Bella? Bella? Where are you?" Renee asked, panicked. "Calm down, Mom. Everything is fine, okay? I'll explain every -," Bella told her as she heard rustling on the line as if Renee dropped the phone. "....Mom? Are you there?" Bella asked as she heard a voice that sends a chill down her spine.

"I must say, Forks High School doesn't protect its students' privacy very well," James spoke up. "It was just too easy for Victoria to find your previous address." Bella was shocked. "Nice house you have here. Not the best on the block, but comfortable," James added. "I was prepared to wait for you. But then Mom came home after she received a very worried call from your Dad. It all worked out quite well." Bella's eyes are wild with fear. "Bella? Bella?" Mom asked.

"Leave my mother out of this," Bella begged. "You're protective of her. That's nice," James laughed. "You can still save her. And your friend. But you'll need to get away from your friends. Bring your friend as well. Can you do that?" "I....don't think so," Bella replied. "If your mother's life depends on it?" James asked. She was terrified, but there was no choice here. "Where should I meet you?" Bella asked. "The old ballet studio around the corner," James answered.

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