Part twenty-six

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Audrey went to the kitchen to make Bella some hot chocolate

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Audrey went to the kitchen to make Bella some hot chocolate. "Bella, what is that God-awful wet dog smell?" Alice asked, holding a look of disgust on her face. "Um... That's probably me," she smiled weakly at her, placing her mug on the table. "Or it's Jacob." "Jacob who?" She asked. "Jacob's kind of a werewolf," Elizabeth explained. "Bella! Werewolves are not good company to keep," she scolded her. "Or love," Dylan added.

"Speak for yourself," Jacob spoke up. Alice got up and looked at him. "I had to see you were safe," he added. "I thought you couldn't protect me here," Bella reminded him. "Guess I don't care," he sassed. "Well, I'm not gonna hurt her," Alice reminded him. "She's become like a sister to us," Elizabeth told him. "No, you're just a harmless Cullen, and hag" Jacob shot back. "I'm talking about the other bloodsucker who tried to kill Bella because of you."

"Victoria?" Alice asked. "Yeah, Victoria's been around," Bella confirmed. "Did you see her?" "I've been looking for her, with my magic. but she was on La Push Land," Ruth argued. "I didn't see her. I didn't see you get pulled out of the water, either," Alice shook her head. "I can't see past you and your pack of mutts," Jacob growled at her. "Don't get me upset...," he glared at her, ready to pounce.

"Hey, stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop," Audrey asked, getting between them. "Or things are gonna get very ugly."Alice stepped back. Jasper took Audrey out of the room.

-Bella's POV-

"I'll give you a minute," she asked, turning around."Hey. You're not going anywhere. You're gonna come back, right?" I asked. "As soon as you put the dog out," she answered. We headed to the kitchen."Is he..." Jacob asked. I shook my head. "How many Cullens are here and how long are they staying?" He asked. "Just Alice and Jasper. And they'll stay as long as they want, Same with the Sandersons" I snapped back. "Are the rest coming back?" He asked.

"Not that I'm aware of. Anything else?" I asked him, angry. "That's it," he replied. "Better go report to Sam," I snapped back. "And don't come back."Jacob turned as he started to leave. He looked back and saw my anger turn to hurt. He stopped. "I've done it again. I keep breaking my promise not to hurt you," he realized. "We don't have to do this to each other." "We don't," I agreed. "Bella," he whispered. He moved back to me and looked into my eyes with sadness.

"I never meant to," he added. "You think that I'm going to be killed here," I replied. "They could never hurt me. I'm not that weak." I sighed as I looked down. "Am I gonna lose you this time, Jacob?" I asked him. He can't answer that, but he pressed his hand to my cheek. "It was easier when we were both human, wasn't it?" Jacob replied. We looked at one another, Jacob's hand still on my face, his eyes searching mine. Slowly, he starts to bend toward my lips.

I didn't pull away. I missed him too much, and I needed him too badly. This time, I'll let it happen. A kiss was a centimeter away. Suddenly, the shrill ring of the phone made us both jump. Jacob, the closest to it, doesn't move his face, just keeps looking into my eyes, as he reached for the phone and answered. "Swan residence," he said as I smiled. But he instantly bristled, voice going cold.

"He's not here. He's arranging a funeral...," Jacob replied. Then the phone goes dead.

-Edward's POV-

I stared at my phone crazed, enraged, grief-stricken. I hurled it against the wall, shattering it.   She's gone, really gone, I thought as I got up. 

-Bella's POV- 

Jacob hung up the phone.  "Who was it?" I asked him.   "What?" He asked. "Always in the way."  "Who was that?" I asked again.  "Bella, step back," he asked, stepping back.  His eyes go wild, his body stiffening, as he started trembling in the way that preceded a wolf morph.  "Jake, who was that?" I asked again.  Then, Alice, and the cousins came in, the former scared out of her mind.  "Bella! Bella, it's Edward. He thinks you're dead," Alice cried out.

"Rosalie told him why we came here. She told him that you died."  I turned to Jacob, realizing what he did.   "Why would you...," I asked. "Why didn't you let me speak to him?"  "He didn't ask for you," he said.   "Bella," Audrey asked, trying to pull me away from him.  "I don't care!" I shot back. "He's gonna blame himself for me doing that!"  "Bella! Bella! He's going to the Volturi,"  Audrey exclaimed, turning me to face her. "He wants to die, too." 

I ran to my room, packing a bag. I grabbed my passport. I grabbed a notepad and wrote a quick note for Dad to read. I headed outside, Jacob following me. Alice and the cousins were ahead of me as they flew to the car.  "Ruth, stay, You to Audrey" Elizabeth asked them. "If they know about you, they'll kill you."

"We're not letting you go alone, plus they'll kill you too" Ruth argued.  "Jasper's already at the airport," Audrey informed her. "I called him to meet us there. He'll protect us."  Elizabeth nodded.  "He left you, Bella," Jacob reminded me as I walked to the car. "He didn't want you anymore. Remember?"  "I remember," I shot back. "I'm not gonna let him kill himself out of guilt."  "What about your dad?" Jacob asked me.

"I'm eighteen, legally free to go," I replied. "I'll leave a note."  I got in the car and closed the door. The cousins got in the backseat. But Jacob caught my arm through Alice's window, not hostile. Just pleading.  "Please, Bella. Stay here. For Charlie... for me," he begged me.  "I have to go," I asked.  "I'm begging you," he asked again. "Please."  I saw the love in his eyes; this could be the last time I ever saw him. I hugged him, then pulled away.

"Goodbye, Jacob," I asked. "Don't get hurt again."  He left.  "Maybe Jacob's right," Alice told me, but I tried to interrupt. "No. You need to realize. The Volturi could easily see all of us as Edward's accomplices. And you're a human who knows too much and tastes too good. So are the cousins but they're magic. They could kill us all."  My response was to yank my seat belt into its clip. She saw she won't change my mind. She shifted into gear and peels out.

I looked out the window for Jacob but he was not there. I turned toward the woods as we drove off.

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