Part eleven

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Headlights blind them as a silver Volvo and another car screeched up

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Headlights blind them as a silver Volvo and another car screeched up. The frat boys dove out of the way.  The unknown car pulls up to me as someone pulls the passenger-side door. Audrey saw it was Jasper. She was too stunned to even move. "Get in," Jasper told her as Audrey got in, shutting the door. Bella got into Edward's Volvo as well. Edward and Jasper get out of their cars. "That was a pretty dangerous maneuver you just did," the frat boy said. They look at the frat boy in anger.

Audrey never saw his glare so chilling, so animalistic in its fury that the boy, scared, instinctively backs off. As Jasper climbs back into the car, Audrey just stared at him as he seething with anger, hands gripping the steering wheel, jaw clenched. "How did you find me?" Audrey asked him. "I should go back and rip their heads off," Jasper snarled through gritted teeth. "No. Bad idea, pretty boy" Audrey told him. "You don't know the vile, repulsive things they were going to do," Jasper told her as She looked at him, confused.

"And you do?" Audrey asked. "Not hard to guess," Jasper told her as he pulls up to the restaurant. Audrey saw Bella and Edward walking up as Jessica, Angela, and her cousins exited the restaurant. Audrey got out as they saw her. "Where were you!? We left you two a message," Angela asked. "We waited, but we were starving-," Jessica started to say as they saw Edward and Jasper behind Bella and Audrey climbing out of their cars. They froze, agog. The cousins smirked at Audrey as she blushed.

Jasper and Edward are composed now, making an effort to be charming. And they are charmed. "Sorry I kept Audrey from dinner. We ran into each other and got talking," Jasper told them. "I - we - understand. We were just... leaving, so-," Jessica said as they started to go. Bella was starting to follow them as Edward asked her to come with him inside. Audrey watched them go inside as She was forced to go with them. "Okay, well. Thank you, pretty boy" Audrey thanked Jasper as she followed the girls.

"Maybe I should make sure  Audrey gets something to eat," Jasper told them as Audrey looked at him surprised. "......If you'd like. Then I could drive you back myself." "That's so... thoughtful," Angela said. "Thoughtful," Jessica added. "I guess, I could eat," Audrey said as he guided her inside as the two girls share a look and a noiseless scream of excitement. Her cousins give Audrey a knowing look. Once inside, Jasper and Audrey sat on the deck. A dramatic waterfall shimmers behind us.

A waitress placed a steaming plate of mesquite roasted salmon in front of Audrey and nothing in front of Jasper. She shoots Audrey a glare when she notices that Jasper was looking at Audrey and not at her. "Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" She asked. "No, thank you," he said as he didn't even look at her. "Alright, let me know when you decide," the waitress said as she exits. "Not hungry playboy?" Audrey asked as She picked up a fork. "I'm on a special diet," Jasper told her. "What kind?" Audrey asked.

"You probably won't know what it is," Jasper answered. She looked at him curiously and took a bite. "So how 'bout some answers pretty boy?" Audrey asked. "Yes, no. To get to the other side, and 1 point 772453851," Jasper told her. "Really playboy? The square root of Pi?" Audrey retorted. "You knew that?" Jasper asked. "How did you know where I was?" Audrey asked. "I didn't," he lied.  Audrey shook her head, frustrated, and turned to leave. "Don't go," Jasper begged. He seems torn by some internal dilemma.

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