Part forty-two

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Charlie, Sarah, and Audrey walk outside to the aisle, as everyone stands up and turns to look at them

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Charlie, Sarah, and Audrey walk outside to the aisle, as everyone stands up and turns to look at them. Renee and Mary began to cry. Charlie, Sarah, and Audrey begin their walk as everyone had a smile on their face. Audrey locked eyes with Jasper, eyes filled with love. He mouthed I love you to her as Audrey said it back. As they arrived at the alter, Audrey looked up at him as he looked at her with love in his eyes.

The guests sat down as Charlie gave Jasper her hand, and kisses her head as he goes to sit next to Renee. Sarah kisses Jasper and Audrey's heads before sitting with Winfred and Mary. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Jasper Hale and Audrey Sanderson," the Minister spoke up.

"Please repeat after me." "I, Jasper Hale, take you, Audrey Sanderson. To have and to hold," Jasper repeated, looking into Audrey's eyes. "For better or for worse," Audrey added. "For richer, for poorer," he announced. "ln sickness and in health," Audrey stated. "To love," he continued. "To cherish. As long as we both shall live," Audrey finished. "I do," he announced to Audrey. "I do," Audrey repeated. "I love you," he smiled.

"I love you too," Audrey replied as they kissed. They zoned out everyone as if they are in our little world, kissing as they poured their love into the kiss. They pulled apart as everyone stood and clapped.


At the reception, Jessica and the others are staring at the gigantic wedding cake. "Just thought it'd be bigger," Jessica stated. "Yeah," Eric agreed as Alice walked over to them. "Hi!" Jessica smiled at her. "Hi, guys," Alice smiled. "We were just saying how pretty everything is, you know, just saying," Jessica complimented her. "Well, thanks so much. You don't think it's too much?" Alice asked them. "No. Not at all," Eric shook his head. "No. No," Jessica agreed. As Alice and Sora walked away. Winfred and Mary blow a little cake on Jessica.

She gasped as her friends laughed at her. Winfred and Mary too. Jasper and Audrey are with Billy, Sarah, Charlie, and Sue. "Nice to see you," Jasper greeted them. "I'm happy for you. Both of you," Billy told them. "Thank you," Jasper added. "I hope you'll be happy, Audrey," Billy smiled. "Thank you, Billy," Audrey smiled at him. "Did you hear from Jake yet?" Jacob hadn't spoken to Bella ever since he found out about her marrying Edward.

He left a few days ago. "I'm sure he wishes you the best," Billy sighed. "Well, I plan on getting drunk," Charlie spoke up. "They're serving up some pretty fancy champagne. Sue, can I get you a glass?" "Sparkling fire water," Sue agreed. "Sounds great." "It does," Sarah agreed. Even tho the human couldn't hear her. Charlie let Sue walk first as Billy rolled over his feet, his face in pain. We laughed as the Denalis came up to them.

"Audrey. Congratulations, Jasper," Carmen, a brunette Spanish woman, smiled as she hugged them. "Thank you. Audrey," Jasper smiled at them. "Eleazar and Carmen, right?" Audrey asked. "Mmm-hmm. Hola," Carmen said."Yes, and these are our cousins from Alaska. Tanya, Kate," Jasper introduced them. "We've heard so much about you," Kate spoke up. "Welcome to the family. Bienvenida," Eleazer greeted Audrey.

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