Part thirty-two

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-𝗥𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗲'𝘀 𝗕𝘂𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗹𝗼𝘄, 𝗙𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗮-

Bella's face was turned upward to soak in the warm sun

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Bella's face was turned upward to soak in the warm sun. She did want to see her mom again, to make sure she was happy with Phil. Audrey was with Renee and Bella. "Aren't you gonna miss this? Don't you just feel the Vitamin D soaking up in your pores?" Renee asked. They are lying in the lounge chairs pushed tightly together on the deck. Jasper and Edward are inside the bungalow, in an attempt to get away from the sunlight.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss this," Bella replied. "You know, colleges in Florida are way sunnier. I'm just saying. If you go to the University of Alaska..... I'm never gonna see you two," Renee informed her. "You're my baby. The same goes for you, Audrey. Even though I just met you."  This made Bella guilty since, in a few months, she won't be able to come into the sunlight without sparkling like a disco ball. Bella held her mom's hands, playing with her bracelet.

"I'll miss you, Mom," Bella spoke up.  Renee hugged her. "Besides, they have a great science program," Bella added.  "You mean Edward and Jasper program," Renee joked as she nudged her and looked inside. Edward and Jasper are inside, sitting in two easy chairs with a clear view of both of us. They offered them a small wave, then turned back to their conversation with Phil, who lay on his back on the couch.

Renee squeezed her hands and glanced back at their boyfriends.  "The way they watch the two of you..... It's like they're willing to leap in front of you two, and take a bullet or something," Renee confided. "Is that a bad thing?" Audrey asked. "It's an intense thing. You two are different with them. If they move, you move. Like magnets," Renee explained.

"I don't know, we're just in love," Bella spoke up.  "I get it. I just want to make sure you're making the right choices for you. You know cause you're the ones who are going to have to live with them," Renee asked. We looked at each other as she took this. Once she turned, she can never go back to her human life. Our decision is much bigger than geographical location. Renee saw our faces cloud. 

"Alright, enough with the heavy," Renee changed the topic as she reached under her lounge chair and pulled out two large boxes.  "Mom," Bella sighed as Renee placed the box on Bella's lap. Audrey got up and walked inside. "Hello Phil," Audrey said, sitting on Jasper's lap. Phil waves at her. "I wish you could come in the sun with me" Audrey whispers. Playing with Jasper's hair. "I know Darlin" Jasper kisses Audrey's hand.

"So. Have y'all lovebirds thought of getting married?" Renee walked into the room with Bella. Audrey and Jasper looked at each other. "Um... yes we have. We're thinking about it" Audrey answered. "Aw! I can't wait" Renee said.


The Cullens are in the forest, as Alice's eyes are glazed over, intently watching something in her mind. The woods are all mist and shadows. The others are spread out, still as statues, waiting '

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