Part seven

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The cousins are in the waiting room for Bella

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The cousins are in the waiting room for Bella. They saw her walk out. "Bella! Thank goodness you're okay" Elizabeth tells her. "Yeah I'm okay," Bella says. Bella shook her head and pulled out her cell phone. She was about to dial a number, but then looked down the hall. They saw Rosalie, Jasper, Edward, and Dr. Cullen. Rosalie was furious at Edward who stood his ground. Dr. Cullen played intermediary. "This isn't just about you, it's about all of us," Rosalie argued. Dr. Cullen saw Bella and Cousins and stopped Rosalie.

"Let's take this to my office," he asked. Rosalie glared at Edward as she went off with Dr. Cullen. Edward adopted a nonchalant air as Bella approached, determined. The cousins walked over to Jasper. "Thank you," Elizabeth said, walking past Edward. He looked at her before Bella. "Hello pretty boy," Audrey said to Jasper, who smiled at her. Getting used to the nickname. "Hello, you must be Jasper. I'm Ruth" Ruth smiles at jasper. "This is Elizabeth," Ruth pointed to her. Elizabeth waves.

"So how did Edward get over to Bella so fast?" Ruth asked. Elizabeth hit the back of Ruth's head. "You can't do that?! That's rude!" Elizabeth yelled at her. "Edward was right next to her," Jasper told them. The cousins shared a look. "No you weren't, Silly boy," Audrey said. "We're with her" "No he was," Jasper said, being serious. "But we saw you and Edward on the other side of the parking lot," Elizabeth told him. He stepped closer to them. His face was icy hard.

"No he wasn't" he lied. "If he were, then why was your sister arguing with him?" Elizabeth asked. "She doesn't want you guys or Bella to suffer what she went through," Jasper sighed. "What has she gone through?" Ruth repeated. Elizabeth hit Ruth's head again. "Doesn't she hate Bella and us?" "She doesn't hate you guys per say," Jasper explained. "She likes you guys and she doesn't want you to experience the dark side of humans." "Humans?" Elizabeth repeated.

"You're human, aren't you?" He didn't say anything. The cousins share a look. "If you don't want to answer that, you don't have to," Audrey softly told him. "If it is something you can't do, We understand. You're not comfortable with telling us your secrets." "Really?" Jasper asked. "We will never do that to someone," Elizabeth confirmed. "Everyone has the right to have a private life. Besides, I don't tell secrets to anyone. I keep secrets." Ruth says.

"And your friend, Bella? Will she be able to keep secrets?" Jasper asked. "She and Us weren't planning to tell anyone," Elizabeth lowered her voice. "We have a secret too," Audrey told him. This registered with him. He and Audrey were inches from each other, the tension thick. The other two cousins share a look and walk outside to Elizabeth's car. "If you want to tell me more about you, you can do it on your own time," Audrey asked. "But can I ask you something?" "Anything," Jasper agreed. "Can we be friends? Including my cousins" Audrey asked. "You're the kind of person we like to befriend." "Yes, Ma'am," Jasper agreed with his Texan accent.

"Thank you, pretty boy" Audrey smiled up at him. "I have a challenge for you," Jasper asked. "What kind of challenge?" Audrey perked up. "I do love challenges!" Jasper smiled at her enthusiasm. "Given that you believe I was across the parking lot, you should give your theories about it," Jasper asked. "I will surely win this!" Audrey clapped her hands. "Then I hope you do find out," Jasper sighed. "Being with you makes me feel like something I haven't felt for a long time." "Like something happy?" Audrey asked him. "Yes," Jasper agreed. "I can say the same about you. I feel happy with you."

Audrey smiled as She stood on her tip-toes and kissed Jasper's cheek. He froze with a smile on his handsome face. Edward walked away as they looked at each other. Jasper waved goodbye to Audrey as he followed Edward. Later that night, Audrey dreamed of Jasper Hale. She was running in the woods with Jasper. Her skin was like his when she hit the sunlight. He kissed Audrey as she bolted awake.  In that split second, in the darkness, She saw Jasper, watching her. Audrey snapped at the light as the room was empty. Was I dreaming? Audrey thought.

 Was I dreaming? Audrey thought

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