Part forty-three

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Audrey stood in front of a mirror, remembering the night before

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Audrey stood in front of a mirror, remembering the night before. "How badly are you hurt?" Jasper spoke up from behind her. "What?" Audrey asked as he showed her the bruises on her arm. "You were a little rough last night." "No, it's not that," Jasper sighed. "Look." He pulled Audrey's robe down her shoulder and showed Audrey the bruises on her shoulder. "Audrey, I can't tell you how sorry I am," Jasper apologized. "I went overboard last night."

"It's not a big deal, we did go two rounds" Audrey shook her head. "I can heal myself. You should know that." Audrey heals her bruises as He turned and walked away. I followed Audrey. "It is a big deal. Hurting you in any way is something that I vowed to never do," Jasper turned to Audrey as he sat down on the bed. "I want to make it a good night for us but you got hurt." "I'm fine, Love." Audrey sighed.

"It was my first time and it's gonna hurt. It always hurts the first time. I'm fine" Audrey said sitting on Jasper's lap. "How about round three? We can make it a tie" Audrey whispered into Jasper's ear. Making him laugh. Kissing him. Jasper growled into the kiss, pulling her closer.  Audrey gasped at the touch as he palmed her. Audrey moaned as he kissed her neck, then he pulled away. "Let's make a bet," Jasper asked.

"First one to give in to their urges. Has to pay for the night" Audrey smirked. He nodded. Walking away towards the kitchen. As Audrey watches him leave. Sending him her lust. A lot of it. "You naughty little minx," Jasper called out. "Make me, pretty boy," Audrey replied as she got ready. Later, Jasper took Audrey all over the island. They went on a hike, went cliff-diving, and played chess on the beach over the next few days.

Every night, Audrey modeled a piece of lingerie, which caused Jasper to restrain himself from making love to Audrey and losing the bet. There are nights when Audrey fell asleep in her lingerie. One day, they were playing chess on the beach, which ended with Audrey winning the game. Audrey smirked at him as she launched herself at him, kissing him. One night, Audrey woke up crying.

Audrey had a dream about a baby boy who had Jasper's locks with her eye color. Jasper looked at her as Audrey rolled towards him. "Audrey? You have a nightmare?" Jasper asked. "No," Audrey replied, looking at him. "It was just a dream. It was a really good dream." "Then why are you crying?" He asked her. "Because I wanted it to be real," Audrey replied. "Tell me," Jasper asked. "We had a kid together. A boy," Audrey explained.

"He looks like you, with your hair, with my eyes." Jasper looked shocked, happy, and upset at it, knowing that they can't have kids with him.  Audrey got a thought. Audrey reached for her spell book. Flipping the pages. Jasper was curious. Audrey showed Jasper one of the pages. "We can. It may be reckless. If I was fully human. But I'm not. I'll live" Audrey told him. Jasper looked at the book. Then at Audrey. "We can try. If you want to of course. But will it work?" Jasper asked. Putting the book away. "Do you want to find out"

Audrey pulled him towards her and kissed him. Making love to each other.

-𝗡𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗠𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴-

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