Part twenty-three

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As Carlisle mopped up the blood and removed glass shards from Bella's arm, she was sitting in a chair

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As Carlisle mopped up the blood and removed glass shards from Bella's arm, she was sitting in a chair. He dropped one into a bowl as Bella tried not to look at the blood. Audrey twisted her hands in fear. Audrey felt guilty for not doing anything to prevent her injuries. "I'm sorry, Bella," Audrey apologized. "I was standing next to Jasper and I didn't stop him in time." "It's not your fault," Bella argued. "You didn't know."

"It's not your fault," Carlisle added. "Jasper hasn't been away from human blood as long as the rest of us." "Seems like you're the only one it doesn't effect," Bella noticed from before as he didn't seem to react to her blood. "Centuries of practice," He replied as Audrey's mouth gaped at him. "Really?" Audrey asked. Carlisle nodded in response. "Did you ever think of...," Bella asked after a pause.

"Living differently?" "I enjoy my work too much," Carlisle replied as he continued to remove glass shards from Bella's arm. "Helping people, saving lives. I'm hoping there's a point to my existence, even if I am damned." "Damned?" Bella repeated. "You're not damned." "Then you and I agree," Carlisle agreed. "Edward doesn't believe there's an afterlife for our kind." He looks at Bella. "He thinks we've lost our souls." "That's why he won't...," Bella realized.

"He thinks he'd be damning me."

-𝗝𝗮𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗿'𝘀 𝗣𝗢𝗩-

"If you believed as he did, would you risk it?" Carlisle asked her. Edward and I stood outside as I heard them talk. "No, not ever...," Bella answered. "I thought I was going to be alone for the rest of my life. But when I met Edward, he was the only one that matters." Elizabeth walks past us and goes into the room. "Elizabeth, will you do the honors?"Carlisle asked. "Of course," Elizabeth answered. She took Bella's hand, her hand glowing.

The wound on Bella's arm healed with no scarring left behind. "It truly is amazing how you can heal others without any medical equipment," Bella informed her. "I know, but there are others who can do that," Elizabeth explained. "We can all do that" "You still need to teach me?" Bella asked. Elizabeth laughed lightly. "I'll teach you some" Carlisle hummed as he burned the glass shards. Bella walked out to her truck as Edward followed. Audrey saw me and rushed to me, hugging me.

"Even tho that happened I still have one more gift," Audrey said looking at me. "What gift?" I asked. "On my birthday, I get to see my mom," she told me. "When do I get to meet her?" I ask. She looked up at me. "You can meet her later," she told me. "Will she like me?" I asked. Audrey nodded as she pulled me into a kiss. The kiss turned passionate as I pushed her against the wall. She moaned as I grinded into her. A whistle from Dylan pulled us apart.

I shot him a glare as Audrey giggled at my expression. "Come on!" Dylan asked. "Edward wants to speak with us." "Is this about what happened earlier?" I asked, guilt lacing my voice. "It wasn't your fault," Audrey reminded me. "You didn't know that she would hurt herself" I didn't say anything as we headed inside. Everyone was gathered in the living room as Edward entered the living room. "I don't think us staying here would help Bella at all," Edward spoke up.

"We need to leave" "Why?" Rosalie asked. "Her being around vampires and witches isn't going to help her in having a normal life," Edward explained. "So you're going to just leave her?" Elizabeth asked. Edward didn't say anything, which confirmed what Elizabeth asked. "It is best if we did leave," Carlisle sighed. "If Edward wants to protect Bella, he should do it in his way." "But Bella will be heartbroken if he left her," Audrey argued.

But he still held his ground. "We need to leave," he asked. "Even if we stay, she could potentially die. I don't want that." "Fine," Ruth sighed. "If you guys are leaving, I think it is best if we left as well." "Where will we go?" Audrey asked. "We can visit, Salem" Elizabeth answered. Audrey nodded. As the Cullens moved around the house, packing the boxes, Audrey pulled me to my car and drove her home.

-𝗔𝘂𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘆'𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲-𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗣𝗢𝗩-

Audrey and Jasper walk up to Audrey's room. Audrey checks the time as they pack. "Why are you checking the time some much?" Jasper asked, stopping. "My mom comes in any minute," Audrey said as a small portal appears on the floor. The one and only Sarah Sanderson coming out of it. She looked the same as when she died. "Mommy?!" Audrey ran up to her, hugging her tightly. "My little beauty !! Oh, look how beautiful you are?! Boys must love you!" Sarah said, spinning Audrey around.

Sarah sees jasper, standing behind Audrey. "Who is this" Sarah makes her way to jasper. Touching his face. "Mommy this is jasper... my twin flame," Audrey said. Sarah looks at Audrey with excitement. "Finally!! You found him!! Hi, I'm Sarah Sanderson" Jasper shakes Sarah's hand. "My, My. Aren't you a cute one? Where did you pick him up" Sarah says. "Just lucky, I guess"

"Why isn't he freaking out?" "He's not human mom. He's a vampire" Audrey told her. Sarah looked at Audrey more than Jasper. "Vampire? My, how fun!" Sarah said. The portal started to fade. "Aw our time is up, but before I go here my little beauty" Sarah hangs Audrey a gift "see you soon my beauty," Sarah says as she disappears. Audrey opens the gift.

"How beautiful" Audrey sighed putting it on

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"How beautiful" Audrey sighed putting it on. Jasper walks up behind Audrey. "It looks beautiful on you" jasper started kissing Audrey's neck. "No lover boy, we have to pack" Audrey lightly pushed him away. Going to pack.

 Going to pack

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