Part forty-six

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Elizabeth, Ruth, and Audrey were cooing at Aurora, who was looking at all of them

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Elizabeth, Ruth, and Audrey were cooing at Aurora, who was looking at all of them. Their mothers are behind them. "She has got to be the cutest baby I have ever seen," Sarah sighed. "She is," Audrey giggled. Aurora looked up at Audrey and cooed. "She is the proof that Jasper and I truly love each other," Audrey agreed. "She is," Jasper spoke up. Audrey turned to Jasper and smiled. Aurora reached out for him as he lifted her in his arms.


He kissed her on the forehead

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He kissed her on the forehead. "Do you think Bella will be able to control her thirst?" Ruth asked. "If it comes to it, I would need to stay by her side to keep her controlled," Jasper answered.  "Guys, she's coming!" Elizabeth asked, looking outside. They headed to the living room where Renesmee was in Rosalie's arms. "Hey there, Nessie," Sarah cooed at her. She smiled at her as she placed her hand on Audrey's cheek. She saw Bella's face and knew.

"She's coming, Nessie," Audrey informed her. She cooed and Aurora made a cute baby noise. Audrey took her in her arms and the two girls placed their hands on each other's cheeks. They both shared the same gift. Jacob ran outside and met with Edward and Bella. They talked for a few minutes, then Jacob ran inside. As Edward and Bella walked into the house, the whole family are there, in the living room.  "Hey, Bella," Audrey greeted her.

"Audrey," Bella smiled. "Is this Aurora?" "Yea," Audrey nodded in agreement. She smiled and stroked Aurora's cheek. Aurora reached up and placed her hand on her cheek. Bella gasped when she saw her memories. "What was that?" Bella asked. "She's gifted," Jasper spoke up. "Wait until you see Renesmee," Dylan agreed. Bella nodded as she turned to the family.  "Welcome to the family," Esme smiled as she faced her.

"You look amazing, Bella," Alice greeted her as she moved to stand next to Sora. "Someone has been waiting to meet you," Carlisle added as he moved to be with Esme. "Rose," Edward asked, Rosalie, facing away from her. Rose turned to face Bella, holding Renesmee. She gasped when she looked up at her. She was truly beautiful. Her eyes were filled with love and admiration for her mother. Rosalie handed her the baby.

Renesmee tenderly touched her face as she saw her memories in her womb. "What was that?" Bella asked. "She showed you his first memories she has of you," Edward informed her. "Showed me? How?" Bella asked. "How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future?" Edward replied. "She's gifted." Bella noticed how much older she looked for a newborn baby. Bella checked her teeth. "I've only been out for three days?" She asked.

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