Part thirty-four

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Jacob was inside the house as we walked around

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Jacob was inside the house as we walked around. They searched for the scent, which was in Bella's room and the living room. They walked outside to see Edward and Jasper at the curb, frozen in place, waiting for eyes unblinkingly watching the front door. Jacob was behind Audrey as they met halfway. Jasper and Edward are cool, and calculating; Jacob is hotheaded and fractious.

"Whoever it was, they left their stink behind. It'll be hard to miss when we cross it again. We'll handle it from here," Jacob informed them. "We don't need you to handle anything. Or anyone," Edward shot back. Jacob steps toward Edward who doesn't move. "I could care less what you need," Jacob hissed. "Alright, we're done here," Audrey interjected. "No, you're done here," Jacob shot back at Audrey. Jasper growls at him. Bella moves between them. "Stop. I'm tired of this," Bella spoke up.

"From now on I"m Switzerland, Okay?" she finished as she tried to push them apart; it was like pushing boulders. "Stop!" Bella ordered as Audrey stepped back. Jacob simmers. Edward and Jasper just look at him. "I don't expect you guys to chuck a football around together. Fine. But we have a lot of problems. And this is one temporary solution. Are you willing to at least try? " she added. a long tense beat.

Finally, Jasper and Edward, and Audrey nod. Then Jacob.  "Alright, so you need to coordinate. You know, schedules and stuff," Bella asked, to which neither says anything. Bella sighs, and turns to Jacob. "Would the pack prefer days or nights?" she asked. "Nights," Jacob replied. "Will days work for all of you?" Bella asked. They nod. Okay Audrey's family can do it day or night. Good. See? How hard was that?" Bella asked them, Bella was determined to make this truce work.

-𝗕𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮'𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲-Bella's POV-

From above, looking down at the dark, silent forest beyond the yard. Stillness. Suddenly, I see a movement in the trees. Then two gleaming eyes peering out, belonging to... a wolf skulking at the edge of the tree line. It looks up at me.

-𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗣𝗢𝗩-

  Bella stands in the window, looking down at her protector. Then, in contrast to the danger that surrounds her. "U.W. sent me and Eric our dorm assignments yesterday. Angela spoke up as Bella turned back to the room where Angela lies on the floor, a massive stack of graduation announcements in the "done" pile. Angela is blithely unaware of Bella's situation.

"I'm in the furthest dorm from campus. Eric's in the closet, of course. Has Alaska assigned you guys dorms yet?" Bella looks at her, missing her already. She lies next to Angela and takes up a card to address. Audrey is on the other side of Angela, writing down the same thing again. "Not yet," Bella answered for us. "Where are Edward and Jasper tonight anyway?" Angela asked. "Out looking for trouble," Audrey replied.

Angela hears the worry in Audrey's voice and looks at her. "Is something wrong?" she asked. "No, why?" Audrey asked. "One, Jasper and Edward's always with you. Two, you keep looking out that window like you're hoping he'll show up with a mariachi band," Angela listed. Audrey laugh at that. 

"Angela what if Eric was secretly a member of this... violent gang, and... your brother was in this other gang, and they wanted to kill each other, and you couldn't tell anybody?" Bella's slightly odd remark just kind of sits there as Audrey stare down at her. "It's okay. You don't have to talk about it," Angela replied. "There's nothing to... I mean there is but...," Bella debates then sits up, cross-legged, choosing her words carefully. How can she describe this?

"Okay. You remember Jacob Black?" "Ah. Edward's jealous," Angela answered. "You say that like it's so obvious," Bella told her. "Oh, it's not?" Angela asked. " It is," Audrey added to Bella, looked at her, and went back to angela. "Edward just thinks Jacob's dangerous or something... bad influence on me," Bella added. "But he knows that he has been my friend since childhood." Angela smiles and shakes her head. "What?" Bella asked.

"I've seen the way Jacob looks at you.  Edward has seen it too, and they're only human. He's going to react like any other guy," Angela explained. "It's more complicated than that," Bella told her.  Say the words," Angela asked. "jell-oh-see," Audrey said. "I've told Jacob how I feel. He accepts it. He'd rather be best friends than nothing. " "Okay, so the words are dee-ghoul," Angela retorts. "You're saying I'm an idiot," Bella asked.

"Just a little oblivious," Audrey added, to which she hit Audrey with a pillow. "Well, I don't want this. Every move I make hurts someone," Bella sighed. "They're big boys. They make their own choices. Don't worry it will work itself out. It's not life or death or anything," Angela told her. You have no idea, Ang, Audrey thought as Bella glanced back at the window at their reality.

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