Part twenty-nine

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Edward was holding Bella in his arms. They were dancing. Sunlight hit their skin, making them sparkle. They smiled at each other as Jasper and Audrey joined them. Elizabeth and Ruth play with their magic.

-𝗩𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗘𝗻𝗱𝘀-

Aro was utterly delighted as he released Alice's hand. "Mesmerizing! To see the things you've seen, that haven't happened yet!" Aro replied. Alice moved to Edward's side and, with Bella's help, helped him up. Jasper and the cousins stood next to them. "I'm so sorry," she apologized. "Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal," Aro ordered. "Go make your preparations." Caius was put out. Jasper held Audrey to him as he kissed her head.

"You're letting them leave?" He asked. "Dear Caius, the girl's disappearance will be conspicuous at best. The witches will certainly prove their worth. And surely you see their potential," Aro answered. "Let us be done with this," Marcus added. "Heidi will arrive any moment." Aro gestured as Demitri threw open the carved double doors. Caius glared at them threateningly. "We will make sure they follow through," Caius spoke up.

"I would not delay. We do not offer second chances." Edward recovered now, held Bella at her waist, and, with Alice, Jasper, and the cousins behind them, they cautiously backed toward the door. Demitri led them down the hall. As they made their way up the corridor, they saw a group of two dozen tourists, led by a beautiful vampire, Heidi. They walked past them. They stopped to let them all pass.

As Heidi passed the second guy, he gave her a flirtatious smile. "Nice fishing, Heidi, save some for me," he smirked at her. Heidi smiled and gave Audrey a Curious once-over, flirtatious smirking at Audrey. Then continued. "This way, please. Stay together...," she asked. A husband and wife, in their 60's, cameras around their necks, passed them. The husband winked at Audrey. "Unusual tour, isn't it?" He smiled.

"Bill, get a picture of that bust there," his wife asked. As the tourists filed past, They heard a variety of languages, German, Japanese, English, etc. The group was moved toward the carved double doors which swing open for them. They filed into the marble hall as Edward pulled Bella forward, but she craned her neck back as the last of the tourists disappeared inside.

As the large doors closed, they began to hear screaming. Bella and Audrey shared a face of terror. Edward and Jasper rushed both out. Alice shook her head as the screaming got louder and louder.  They got on a plane and sat in their seats. When they arrived in Forks, Jasper carried Audrey to her room.

-𝗙𝗲𝘄 𝗗𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿-

"How many times are we going to leave?" Ruth asked. "And why would you go to the Volturi? We've avoided them for three centuries now." "They knew about us because our mothers told them about us," Elizabeth agreed. "But they never told them about how old We are. When I told them, they stopped and Aro gave this necklace to me. As an order to tell others that We were not to be killed on sight." Elizabeth showed the necklace to them.

Handing the other two to Audrey and Ruth. "Seems like an attempt to get us to join them," Ruth suggested. "When they were informed of our existence, Aro would want us to join." "Either way, I won't wear this necklace," Audrey agreed, taking it off. "It's not cute" "We should head to my house," Jasper asked, entering the room after taking a call. "Bella wants to talk to all of us."

-𝗖𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲-

They entered the living of the Cullens' house as Bella stood in the center

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They entered the living of the Cullens' house as Bella stood in the center. "You all know what Edward wants. And you know what I want," Bella spoke up. "But I won't force myself on you." The house had been restored to its original warmth and beauty. Edward sat off to the side as Bella addressed us. "I think the only fair way to handle this is by vote," Bella continued. "You can't be serious," Edward asked. "This is my meeting, Edward," Bella scolded him sternly.

Edward, frustrated, sat back. She faced the family again. "However this turns out, I'm not letting the Volturi hurt you. I'll go back to Italy alone," Bella continued. "The hell you will. I'm not missing another fight," Emmett swore. "That's not up for a vote, Emmett. I don't want you involved," Bella reminded him. "This is my fight." Bella agreed. "We've always been involved, honey, and we're not going to stop," Esme spoke up. "No, please. I want you to seriously think about this,"

Bella explained. "If I join you, you'll be stuck with me for a long time forever. It's a huge decision. And I want, I need your honesty here." They nodded or otherwise communicated agreement. "Then let's take a vote... Alice?" Bell asked. Alice jumped up and hugged her. "Like you're not already my sister. Of course, yes!" Alice told her as Audrey smiled. Sora rose but kept his distance.

"I vote yes. It'll be a relief not to have to worry about your safety. And I've seen your decision. You'll make one hell of a newborn," Sora agreed. "Um. Thanks? Okay, Rosalie?" Bella asked Rosalie. Rosalie, torn, looked at Edward who was stony toward her. "Edward, I'm sorry for what I did. I really am. And I know you're not ready to forgive me...," she spoke up. "But this isn't the life I'd have chosen for myself. I wish there'd been someone to vote no for me."

She exchanged a glance with Carlisle. "So, no." She took it stoically. Emmett bounded over and lifted her into a bear hug. "I vote hell yeah. We can pick a fight with these Volturi some other way," he laughed as Esme approached and embraced her warmly. "I already think of you and the cousins as part of the family," she agreed. "Yes." "Thank you, Esme," Bella smiled at her. "Elizabeth, Ruth," Bella asked.

"You might not be part of the Cullens. Or vampires. But they view you as family. Same as me. Do you agree or not?" "I agree," Elizabeth smiled. "That way, you can help us fight the Volturi if need be." "Ditto," Ruth agreed. "You have my vote," Jasper spoke up. "Same for me," Audrey agreed."I'd love to be friends with you forever" Audrey hugs Bella. Carlisle moved, not to Bella, but Edward. "You can't, Carlisle," he asked.

"You've chosen not to live with them, which leaves me no choice but to go along with this, you know what it means: I won't lose my son," He turned to Bella. "But Alice has never turned anyone. It'd be safer if I did it." The front door suddenly slammed. Edward's gone. "He'll be back soon," Audrey smiled at her. Bella nodded but turned to the family. "Thank you. Thank you all," she thanked them.

 Thank you all," she thanked them

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