Part fifty

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When it is time for the Volturi to arrive, the Cullens and their witnesses, all gather are met in a large, snow-covered field

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When it is time for the Volturi to arrive, the Cullens and their witnesses, all gather are met in a large, snow-covered field. Garrett stands next to Kate as they watch and wait. Aurora clings to her parents as Renesmee clings to her mother. "If we live through this, I'll follow you anywhere, woman," Garrett told his mate. "Now you tell me," Kate shakes her head at her mate. They hear the Volturi and their army getting closer. Audrey grips her mate's hand, worry filling her, as he looks at her. He calms her down with his gift. They pull their kids closer to them. "Sisters. They're here" Elizabeth says through the magic bond.

"The Redcoats are coming! The Redcoats are coming!" Garrett announced.Suddenly Aro and his army become visible and it's clear that they outnumber the Cullens and their witnesses. Edward watches Aro as they walk towards them."Aro's looking for Alice," Edward spoke up as Bella and Belle looked at each other.

As Aro and his army get closer, the wolf packs are coming out to join the Cullens and their witnesses, both have increased in numbers over the last few weeks. Irina looks at the witnesses the Cullens gathered in shock. Her sisters lean on each other when they see her. Jacob in his wolf form comes and stands next to Bella, Renesmee, and Edward. Seth and Leah walk over to Jasper, Audrey, and Aurora. Aro and his army stand in a line facing the Cullens and their witnesses. Audrey glares at Aro as Carlisle walks forward.

"Aro, let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner," Carlisle asked. "Fair words, Carlisle. But a little out of place," Aro replied. "..given the battalion, you've assembled against us." "I can promise you, that was never my intent," Carlisle answered. "No laws have been broken.' "We see the child. Do not treat us as fools," Caius argued as he glares at the children, who buried their faces in their parents.

"They are not immortal! These witnesses can attest to that," Carlisle announced. "Or you can look. See the flush of human blood in their cheeks." "Artifice!" Caius shot back. "I will collect every facet of the truth. But from someone more central to the story," Aro explained. "Edward, Jasper, as the children cling to your newborn mate and witch, I assume you are involved." Jasper and Edward look at Bella and Audrey, then at their children.

Jasper kisses Aurora's head as Edward looks at him. He nods. They make their way towards Aro, as Bella watches Edward walk towards Aro. She uses her powers to shield Edward and Jasper, but they step out of reach. As Edward and Jasper reach Aro, Edward extends his hand. Aro takes it and uses his power to read his thoughts and realizes that Renesmee is not an immortal child. He takes Jasper's hand after releasing Edward's hand and reads his thoughts, also confirming his suspicion that the young Aurora is also like their cousin.

"I'd like to meet them," Aro asked. Jasper and Edward turn and look at Bella, Audrey, Aurora, and Renesmee. Audrey and Bella take their children's hands as Jacob and Seth follow them. Bella looks at Emmett, who follows them. Audrey looks at Sarah. Who follows them as well. They reach their mates as Aurora reaches for her father, who takes her hand. "Ah. Young Bella," Aro said as he looks at them.

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