Part sixteen

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They all stopped

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They all stopped. Jasper was immediately at Audrey's side. The family instantly gathered at home plate. "They're traveling so quickly," Alice continued. "You said they left the county," Rosalie reminded her. "They did, but then they heard us...," Alice said as she looked at Edward. "And changed their minds." "Put your hair down," Jasper asked as Audrey pulled her hair out of the ponytail. "They?" Audrey asked, looking at the woods. "The vampires who killed Waylon?' "Right," Emmett confirmed. "Jasper, cover my scent with yours," Audrey asked.

"They might still catch it," Jasper reminded her. "At least we can try it," Audrey added. "I shouldn't have brought you here," Jasper apologized. "I'm so sorry." "It's not your fault," Audrey shook her head. "What can I do to help?" "Don't say anything," Jasper asked as they all turned to the edge of the forest. There's a faint rustle as three vampires emerged. As they were near, Audrey could see their bare feet, then the deep burgundy of their eyes. One of the guys had Waylon's jacket. The guy in the middle held up the baseball.

"I believe this belongs to you," he spoke up as he tossed the ball to Carlisle, who easily catches it and smiles politely. "Thank you," Carlisle said. "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle said. "Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed," Laurent said. "Yes, we maintain a permanent residence," Carlisle replied. The three newcomers exchanged a look of surprise. "Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore,"  Dreads answered. "The humans were tracking us, but we led them east," the redhead spoke up.

"You should be safe." "Would you like three more players?" The guy asked. "Of course," Carlisle replied. "I'm Laurent," The guy introduced. "This is Victoria. And James." "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball," Victoria said. "We'll see about that," Emmett smirked. "Shall we begin?" Esme asked as we all turned to move. That's when the wind blew through Bella's and Audrey's hair as James turned to them. "You brought snacks," He asked as Audrey pulled Bella behind her. Jasper pushed Audrey behind him.

Edward sprung in front of Bella, baring his teeth. A truly menacing, feral snarl rips from Jasper's and Edward's throats. James growled back as the Cullens joined Edward. Esme pushed Audrey and Bella behind her. Laurent and Victoria line up behind James. His eyes meet Audrey's. She could see the lust in his eyes. He heard her heartbeat. Most males get this way when they see her. They get this urge to claim Audrey as theirs. Jasper growled at him. "The girls are with us," Carlisle said.

"We won't harm them," Laurent said. "Just try it," Emmett smiled. "I think it best if you leave," Carlisle asked. "Yes, I can see the game is over," Laurent said as he got up. "We'll go now. James?" But James' eyes don't leave Edward's. Laurent puts a hand on James' shoulder, and finally, James backs into the woods with his cohorts, disappearing. Once they're gone, Esme immediately gathers up the bats. "Get Bella and Audrey out of here. We'll follow them," Carlisle said as he, Emmett, and a resentful Rosalie race off after the three vampires.

Jasper scoops Audrey up as Edward pulls Bella onto his back. They ran to the Jeep as Jasper strapped her in. They get in as Jasper turns on the car. Edward sat next to Bella as Jasper drove. "James is a tracker. I saw his mind," Edward told them. "The hunt is his obsession, and our reaction set him off." The tires spin as Jasper whips the jeep around. "We're a large clan of strong fighters all protecting one vulnerable human and a witch," his voice was dark with disgust.

"We just made this his most exciting game ever. James wants to claim Audrey as his." Bella gasped at the dawning realization of what she has just wrought up. The jeep careens down the mountain road. "The first place he'll go is your houses," Jasper told them. "He'll track your scent there." "What?!? Charlie's there," Bella exclaimed. "He's in danger because of us!" Audrey added. "Because of us!" "Then we'll lead the tracker away from him. Somehow," Edward said as Jasper angrily whips around a bend, mud flying everywhere.

When they arrived at Bella's house, Jasper helped Audrey out as She hugged him. In the car, Bella told them her plan. She didn't want to do it, but Edward told her she must. Jasper pulls Audrey on his back and runs to her house. "Elizabeth!" Audrey yelled out running to the potion room as jasper goes to Audrey's room to pack her stuff. "What! What's wrong?!" Elizabeth asked. "There's a vampire after me and Bella!" Audrey told Elizabeth. Ruth quickly put a protection spell over their house.

"Ok! It'll be okay. Do you guys have a plan?" Elizabeth asked, trying to make Audrey calm. "Jasper's in my room parking me up some clothes. We're going to Bella's and taking her to Phoenix. We have to break Charlie's beautiful heart tho." Audrey told them. Jasper walks into the room, looking at everything before Audrey. "Ok we'll make sure Charlie stays safe," Elizabeth said as she and Ruth hug Audrey. Audrey and jasper get to Bella's house. "I'm going to hate myself forever," Audrey told him.

"Charlie's heart is so pure." "He'll forgive you," Jasper told her as they head to Bella's truck. They place Audrey's bags in the trunk. They could hear Charlie and Bella talk. Audrey nodded at Jasper as She headed inside. "Your mother's not even in Phoenix," Charlie said. "She'll come home," Bella told him. "I'll call her from the road." "You can't drive home now," Charlie told her. "I'll take you to the airport in the morning." "I want to drive," Bella said. "I need time to think. I'll pull into a motel in a few hours. Audrey can drive for me. I promise."

"Bells, I know I'm not around much, but I can change that. We can do more things together," Charlie begged. Bella looked at Audrey as She took a breath, hating herself for what She was about to say. "Like watch more baseball on the flat screen? Or go to the Coffee Shop?" Audrey asked. "Same people, same steak, same berry cobbler every night? That's you, Charlie. Not her." This hits him hard. "Bella...... I just got you back," Charlie asked her. Audrey's heart broke. "And if I don't get out now, I'm going get stuck here like mom did," Bella lied.

Charlie's stunned, wounded. Bella and Audrey took advantage of his shock, pushing past him out the door. They headed to Bella's truck as tears fell down Bella's cheeks. Audrey thought She saw in the woods a pair of deadly eyes. James. He watches from a distance as Bella pulled away from the driveway. The truck moves off... and so does James, leaving Charlie alone with his pain, staring out the window. A Force field only Audrey can see is on Charlie's house as they drive off.

 A Force field only Audrey can see is on Charlie's house as they drive off

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