Part twenty-four

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"Are you sure she'll be okay?" Audrey said walking with Edward to Bella's house

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"Are you sure she'll be okay?" Audrey said walking with Edward to Bella's house. Edward looked at Audrey. "No but I want her to be safe" they get to her house. Bella walks up to them. "Walk with me," Edward says walking into the wood. Audrey smiles at Bella. Walking to Elizabeth who pulled up. "You ready, Cousin Audrey" Elizabeth said. "Yes, I'm ready Cousin Elizabeth. Just give me a minute"

Audrey goings up to Bella's room. Looking around. Pictures of Bella and the cousins are on the wall. Some of the Cullens, some of her and Edward. Oh, I don't want to do this. Audrey thought about looking around Bella's room. But instead placed a small box on her bed. Leaving the house. "Let's go, love," Audrey said to jasper. Who was waiting for her. At his car.

-Bella's POV-

"I promise, it will be like We never existed. Goodbye, Bella," Edward told me as I didn't see him leave. By the time I opened my eyes, he was gone. "Wait!" I said as I saw a leaf fluttering to the ground where he grazed a branch; the only indication of his direction. I hurried down the path, then ran. "Edward?!" I called out as I kept running, going deeper into the woods. I run through the woods, searching, reminiscent of my dream.

"Elizabeth! Ruth! Audrey!" It was getting darker and darker as I ran. I tripped and fell to the damp forest floor. I looked up, the trees spinning around me. I remained on the ground, curling on the ground, darkening shrouding me. The devastation was paralyzing me. I heard the faint sound of my name being called in the distance. I was too wrecked to respond. Rain begins to pour as I didn't register it.

After a while, I begin to hear an animal snuffling. It gets closer. It sounds large. Scary. Then I heard a whisper. "Move, Bella," Audrey whispered as I lifted my head, looking for him. I saw something instead. Something big, dark. Its eyes reflect light for a split second; they're inhuman, savage. I managed to drag myself to a cluster of trees and squeezed between them. Breathing hard, I closed my eyes, trying to disappear.

When my eyes opened again, I found myself floating several feet above the ground . Trees pass by. I was being carried

-𝗟𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿- 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗣𝗢𝗩-

Half the town was gathered as a tired rescue party that included Mike and Jacob. Charlie, beside himself with worry, pores over a map with Billy and Harry Clearwater. "I'll call the Cullens again. Her note said she and Edward went for a walk," Charlie sighed again. "They left town, Charlie, Same with the Sandersons" Billy said. "Hospital said Doc Cullen got a big job somewhere else, And the Sanderson's missed their, and life in Salem"

Harry added as he puts a reassuring hand on Charlie's shoulder. "We'll find her, Charlie." "Charlie, she's going to be okay," He was glad for the comfort of his two friends. "Charlie!" Jacob called out as he spun to where he pointed. A guy came out of the woods, carrying Bella. "It's Sam Uley. He found her," Billy said as Charlie bolted to her. He's never moved faster in his life. He wraps his arms around Bella lifting her from Sam's arms.

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