Part six

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When Audrey entered the Creative Writing class, she sat down in a chair

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When Audrey entered the Creative Writing class, she sat down in a chair. Jasper walked in and saw her. Audrey didn't see him walking up to her as She was looking through my bag for my journal. "Hello," Jasper spoke up, sliding into the seat next to her. Audrey looked up at him in shock. This is the first time he has ever spoken to her. "Hi, pretty boy" Audrey smiled at him, shaking her shock away. "I'm Jasper Hale," Jasper introduced himself. "Audrey, Audrey Sanderson," Audrey answered like Bond, James Bond. He smiled at the reference as class began. We had to write an original story.

For some reason, Audrey decided to write a story about her move to Forks. "You've been gone, pretty boy" Audrey asked, clicking her pen and beginning to write. "Out of town. For personal reasons," Jasper answered, Audrey glanced at him but he just leaned far away, his face tight. Audrey looked back at my journal. "So your sister talked to me a few days ago," Audrey spoke up. "She told me about it," Jasper agreed. "She likes you." "Does she talk to other students as well?" Audrey asked. "She normally keeps to our siblings," Jasper answered.

"Ah, okay," Audrey nodded her head. "Enjoying the rain?" He asked her, diverting the conversation. "Seriously? You're asking me about the weather, pretty boy?" Audrey asked. "It appears," Jasper replied. "Well, pretty boy, I love it," Audrey answered. "Seems too dreary for my taste, tho" Is that a smile playing on his lips?  Audrey thought as She saw him. For the first time, he seems more intrigued than agonized. He studied her. Audrey wondered if he's doing this because he hates her or not. "Do I have something on my face?" Audrey asked.

"I hope not" Audrey goes in her bag and grabs a compound mirror. Looking at her face. He shook his head and turned a page in his journal as he wrote some sentences down. Audrey looked at him as she noticed his face. He looked just like a sculpture. "No, it's perfect," Jasper answered. Audrey snapped out of it and blushed as she put the mirror away. "Thank you, pretty boy. You're not bad yourself" Audrey thanked him. "You're welcome, Ma'am," Jasper answered. Audrey glanced at him and, this time, She saw a smile. As we wrote in silence, Jasper looked at Audrey. "If you love cold and rain, why did you leave Salem?" He asked me.

"It's quite complicated," Audrey replied. "I think I can keep up," Jasper answered. He seemed interested. Audrey read as She answered. "My Cousin Elizabeth said that we should move here. I do miss Salem. I feel closer to my mom there ," Audrey replied sadly. "If you don't mind me asking. What happened to your mom?" Jasper wondered. "May I ask about her?" "She died when I was 15," Audrey lied.. When the bell rang, Audrey exited as Jasper was in front of her. "What happened to her? If you don't mind me asking?" He asked her. He waited for her answer. Audrey was drawn in by his attention, oddly compelled.

This is the first time a guy paid attention to me without the intention of sleeping with her. "She was killed," I answered. "The town's people made her Kill herself. Same with my cousin's mom's" "I'm sorry Audrey, I didn't mean to make you sad?" Jasper worried. "It's quite fine," Audrey sighed. "It was his choice to leave us. I hated him for what he did.""Will you be able to forgive him?" Jasper told me."I don't think I can," I answered truthfully. "He made his decision to leave us. IHe's trying to understand me. Their eyes meet again. But now I could look more closely at him. His eyes were golden.

Quite beautiful eyes. "Did you get contacts, pretty boy?" Audrey asked him. "," Jasper answered. "Are you sure pretty boy? Are you lying?" Audrey asked. "If I recall. Your eyes were black before, now they're this golden brown or-." "I'm sure," Jasper replied. "Well, if you're sure. I really do love color-changing contacts. Expressly on Halloween" Audrey nodded as Jasper walked her to her locker. They saw Edward walk by them as Audrey noticed his hands clenched into tight fists.

Bella and her cousins were standing there as Bella watched him leave. "I'll see you later, pretty boy" Audrey told him, winking at him before walking to Bella. "Goodbye, Ma'am," Jasper nodded as she left. Bella and The cousins walked outside. The rain has stopped, but the parking lot is full of water and patches of black ice. Shivering, Bella as she head for her car, carrying an onion, carefully navigating the icy puddles. As they reached their cars, Audrey looked across the lot and She saw Jasper stand by Edwards silver Volvo with his siblings, about to climb in.

A moment before their eyes met, then he looked toward the sound of a high-pitched screech that quickly grew louder. The cousins turned to see a van, skidding on the ice, careening out of control, and heading directly for Bella. Audrey pushed Bella out of the way with her magic as She saw everyone looking at Bella. Tyler was desperately trying to gain control, then he shielded his face. Elizabeth saw Edward looking at Bella in horror. The van hit Bella's car. The cousins saw Edward next to Bella and pinned her down. She saw Edward hover over her as Audrey's magic faded .

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