Part thirty-three

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-𝗔𝘂𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘆'𝘀 𝗥𝗼𝗼𝗺-

A man's hand touched Audrey's desk and turned it. It's Riley. He has appeared since his disappearance early in the year. He moved around Audrey's room, touching her stuff, looking at her pictures, moving her stuff around, only slightly. Finally, his hand fell on Audrey's favorite scarf, the one she got from Alice. He brought the scarf to her face as he inhaled her scent. He stuffed it into his jacket and exited, heading to Bella's house.

He entered the human's house and grabbed Bella's red blouse. He left the room and entered the living room to find Charlie asleep on the couch. He's in uniform, a case file on his chest, Riley's case file. And there was a newspaper article about the murders in Seattle. Riley is intrigued as he takes Charlie's gun and sees a bullet. Charlie was unaware of the danger he was in.

He saw the picture of Charlie, Bella, and Audrey smiling back up at him. He heard a car nearing the house as he left.

-𝗔𝘂𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘆'𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲-

Audrey entered the house. It was empty and quiet as Ruth spoke up. "What! how!?" She asked. Audrey turned around startled to see Elizabeth and Ruth in the living room. Playing a game. There was a knock on the door. Audrey opened the door to find Jasper. "Hey, playboy" Audrey said kissing Jasper. Jasper kissed her back. Stopped smelling something. Elizabeth and Ruth stop. Feeling a bad aura. Then we all stopped. Alarm bells rang within Audrey.

"Is it just me or the aura not from us?" Audrey asked. "No, no," Jasper replied. "Something's wrong."  He moved into the living room and darted through the first floor, checking it. Elizabeth and Ruth went through the house, looking for where the aura is coming from.   "Jasper, you need to look," Audrey asked. "The aura is overwhelming me."  "Stay here," Jasper answered as he bolted upstairs.  Audrey followed him upstairs.

Audrey entered her room to see Jasper holding her spell book. "Is it someone we know?" Audrey asked. "Someone else's been in here," Jasper turned to her. That caused Audrey to start hyperventilating.

-𝗖𝘂𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲-𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁-

Edward paced, frustrated. Alice was stressed. Bella tried to track their fast-paced conversation with Emmett, Rosalie, Carlisle, and Esme. Dylan was out with Jasper, and Sora, helping to locate the intruder. Elizabeth and Ruth were sitting next to them as they rubbed Audrey's back. Audrey was breathing in a brown bag. "Who was it?" Alice asked. "Someone we know it?" "Just a stranger," Edward replied. "I didn't recognize his scent."

"A nomad passing through?" Esme asked. "A passer-by wouldn't let Bella's father alive," Rosalie replied. They are chilled by the thought as Esme wrapped her arms around Bella. The door burst open as Jasper, Dylan, Sora and Emmett entered. "Their scent disappeared about five miles south of the girls' house," Jasper announced, walking towards Audrey. He pulled her up into his arms, taking in her scent.

"Someone's orchestrating this," Edward deduced. "Victoria?" Carlisle asked. "I would've seen her deciding," Alice replied. "She would have let someone else decide," Elizabeth suggested. "I would have seen it," Sora spoke up. "Still, that is a possibility," Ruth agreed. "Could she do that, Alice?" "She might," Alice answered. "It has to be the Volturi," Dylan added. "I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions, too," Alice responded.

"So we keep looking," Emmett spoke up. "We also take shifts, guarding Bella and Audrey at their houses," Carlisle added. "The Witch coven can guard them both." "Another protection detail?" Rosalie asked. "Rosalie," Esme scolded her. "No, she's right. You can't protect us and watch Bella's dad," Audrey spoke up."And search for the intruder. And for Victoria. And keep yourselves fed," Audrey added.

"I can protect myself. Bella tho. You can't do all of it yourself. We're not leaving you defenseless," Audrey reminded her. "Well, I'm not gonna let you starve," Bella shot back. "We wouldn't be unprotected. We have......"  Bella stopped as an idea gave birth to itself in her head. Audrey looked at her, a tiny glimmer of optimism flashing on her face. Bella smiled as well as Audrey got her idea. 

"What?" Edward and Jasper asked.

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