Part twenty-one

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Audrey was watching a woman, Maria, kissing Jasper. She was crying, two of her minions holding her arms. Her Mother Sarah died again on the floor. Maria was standing on her. Maria pulled away and smirked, turning to face Audrey. She ran to her, grabbing Audrey's neck. "Checkmate," she hissed, twisting her neck. Audrey's body fell to the floor, the flowers around her being crushed. "Now we can be together again. My little witch"

-𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝗘𝗻𝗱𝘀-

Audrey's eyes snapped open as She got up

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Audrey's eyes snapped open as She got up. Jasper was looking at her as She looked at him, scared. "Bad dream," Audrey told him as She got up. As Audrey walked to her closet, the dream still weighed on her. Jasper walked up behind her. Kissing her neck, slowly going down. "What do you think you're doing, lover boy?" Audrey lightly moaned out. Jasper didn't answer. Audrey turned around pulling Jasper into a kiss. They moaned into the kiss. Audrey leads jasper back to her bed. Pushing him down and getting on his lap. They started kissing again. No worrying about anything. Just being in the moment with each other. Audrey pulled away and walked into her bathroom. Leaving Jasper wanting more. "Fuck" he mumbled.


Bella pulled up in her truck at the parking lot

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Bella pulled up in her truck at the parking lot. It was just a dream... but also my worst nightmare, Audrey thought as She watched the landscape fly by. Audrey climbed out as She looked around the parking lot. Dylan appeared by her side as he wrapped his arm around her neck. "Don't worry too much about it," Elizabeth reminded me. "It won't happen." "You sure about that?" Audrey asked. Ruth opened her mouth but was interrupted.

"Wherefore art thou, Bella?" Mike asked as they saw Mike, Eric, Angela, and Jessica approach. "You guys finish the Shakespeare assignment?" Mike asked. "He means will you finish his assignment?" Jessica translated for him. "No, I don't, okay I do," Mike disagreed. "I can help you with it but first," Bella agreed. "Please don't," Dylan asked. "Dude needs to do his homework." He glared at Mike, who shifted under his glare.

"I need a picture. My mom is expecting a scrapbook full of memories," Bella asked. "I take 'em, I don't pose for 'em," Angela held up her camera. "You do today," Ruth asked, pushing her towards the others. They arrange themselves for a photo. Dylan photobombed the picture. "You'll photoshop my nose if it looks big, right?" Jessica asked Bella. "Don't worry, I'm in the picture; no one will be looking at you guys," Eric joked as Jessica scoffed.

"You mean looking at me?" Audrey adds. Eric laughed. Angela points her camera at Bella. Mike and Eric joust as she aimed her camera. She snapped the picture of them, fun, delightfully carefree... but when she lowered her camera, their playfulness dissipated as they saw someone behind her. Bella turned to see Edward climbing out of his silver Volvo. Jasper climbed out his as well.

"Oh good. Hale and Cullen Are here," Mike sighed. "Yay," Jessica agreed as they all moved off. "Check ya later," Eric told them as Audrey walked to Jasper. "Hello, Darlin'," he told me as he kissed her. "I'll never get tired of you calling me Darlin' in your accent, love" Audrey smiled. "Glad you like it," He smiled at her as he picked Audrey up for a hug. "Guess we're almost the same age now," Audrey said.

"Eighteen is a little early to be worrying about your age," Jasper told her. "It's the same as you," Audrey argued. "Aud, I'm a little over two hundred years old," he reminded her. "True. Maybe I should be creeped out that I'm dating such an old guy," Audrey joked. "Yes, it's the age that's creepy, not the fact that you're dating a vampire, yet you're older than me almost three hundred years old" Audrey hits his chest. he laughed as he kissed her tenderly, adoringly.

Audrey kisses him back, and despite their restraint, the passion mounts until Audrey pulls away. As always, they are left wanting more. Audrey nodded toward the school building. "Class," Audrey told him. "Right. Class," Jasper said as they walked to school. They entered the double doors when suddenly two small, wrapped gifts appears in Bella's face. Alice presents them. "Happy-," Alice began to say.

"Shh!" Bella asked. Alice whispered in her ear as she hugged her. " -birthday," she finished. Over Alice's shoulder, Bella saw Sora, keeping his distance. He offers her a pleasant nod. She tries to hide Alice's present, hoping no one noticed. Audrey held hers with happiness as Jasper smiled at her. "Alice, didn't I say no gifts?" Bella asked. "You did. I didn't. I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it," Alice replied.

"I know Audrey will love her present. Open it, Audrey!"  Audrey smiles as she opens Alice's gift.

 Open it, Audrey!"  Audrey smiles as she opens Alice's gift

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"Omg! I love them!" Audrey pulls Alice into a hug. "I knew you would! I got us matching ones. I have pink. You have purple. And Rosalie has blue" Alice told Audrey. "And Bella has green. We wear them today on your birthday" "You had a vision about my birthday," Bella sighed.  "And about the green dress you'll be wearing to your party tonight," Alice replied. "Great color on you. And Audrey, nice outfit you'll pick."  "....My party?" Bella repeated.

  "Please? It'll be fun," Alice begged.  "I... guess I can deal....," Bella sighed in defeat.  "Great! See ya at seven!" Alice smiled as she hugged them again and raced off before Bella can change her mind. That's when she realized something.  "Wait, Jasper, no fair with the mood control," she scoffed at Jasper as he offers an apologetic bow before Audrey dragged him away.  "Can't believe you made her do that, love" Audrey laughed. 

"Alice would've been disappointed," he chuckled. "It gets annoying to a certain point."  "Vampires. You can't trust them," Audrey sighed as they headed to class.

 You can't trust them," Audrey sighed as they headed to class

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