Part eight

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One week has passed since the accident

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One week has passed since the accident. Elizabeth being the overprotective cousin and friend she is, made us go to school with Bella. As Bella stood in the exact spot of the accident, Audrey looked around for Jasper. Behind them on the lawn, several classes congregate, gathering for a field trip. Mr. Molina was in charge. "Make sure I get your permission slips," he asked as Bella looked. Audrey saw Jasper arrive with Edward, Sora, and Alice. (I just realized I never showed you sora)

Audrey watched him, barely noticing as Tyler walked up to The cousins

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Audrey watched him, barely noticing as Tyler walked up to The cousins. "Look! You're moving. You're ALIVE!" Tyler mocked Dr. Frankenstein. ' We weren't in the accident ' Audrey said through magic. ".....Yeah, false alarm...," Ruth joked. "I'm glad you're not dead 'cause - well, that would suck, plus I wanted to ask you even though it's, like, a month away...," Tyler asked. Audrey didn't hear the rest of it as She made eye contact with Jasper. "So how would you like to Prom with me?" He asked Audrey. "Oh, right. Prom," Audrey sighed. "I don't think we can make it. We're going to Salem, visiting family."

Jasper looked at Audrey as he held disgust in his eyes at Tyler. "You can't go another weekend?" Tyler asked. "Non-refundable ticket," Ruth apologized. "Maybe you should ask Lauren," Elizabeth adds. Tyler looked across the lawn to the girl mentioned. She smiled at us as Jasper walked across the field. He seemed to be smirking, glaring at Tyler. We got on the bus and Jasper sat a few seats away from me. When we arrived, Jasper walked up to Audrey as She looked around. "Hello, Audrey," Jasper smiled. "Hey, Pretty boy," Audrey replied. Mr. Molina and a Tour Guide led the several dozen kids through the greenhouse.

Bella kept an eye on Edward who was up ahead with Alice and Sora. Mr. Molina demonstrated the compost machine as the students messed around. around. ".....c'mon, Eric, stuff that composts down deep... that's it...," Mr. Molina announced as the machine gurgled and spun. "Now Tyler, take a big steaming cup of "compost tea. " This is recycling at its most basic level. Hey, don't drink that!" He chased Tyler as he grabbed the cup and drank it. "So you're not going to Prom?" Jasper asked me. "Family," Audrey replied. "Where in Salem does your family live?" He asked. "How did you hear that playboy?" Audrey replied, looking at him.

Jasper smiled at the nickname. "You didn't answer my question," Jasper smirked at her. "You haven't answered mine, Sweetheart," Audrey notched an eyebrow. "He wasn't hiding his excitement to ask you to Prom," Jasper answered. "They live in downtown Salem," Audrey explained. As She walked, Audrey didn't see that the floor was slippery. And She slipped. Jasper caught her before She could fall. He got a whiff of her scent and tensed. "Be careful next time. I don't want anything bad to happen to you," Jasper asked. Audrey nodded as he helped me to my feet. Audrey smirked at jasper.

"Aw you care about me darling" Audrey said putting her hand on Jasper's chest. Then walking away. Leaving Jasper in shock and flustered. Audrey looked at him and laughed at the site. She reached her cousin as Lauren suddenly rushed up. "Guess what? Tyler asked me out to prom," Lauren smirked at me. "Seems that he doesn't like you like the other guys in school. Any of you guys" "He asked me out our first week " Elizabeth said. "He asked me last week," Ruth told her. "He asked me out before in the school parking lot," Audrey revealed. "We all rejected his offer and asked him to ask you to Prom," Elizabeth told her.

She didn't want to believe it. "No, he was talking to you about something," Lauren shook her head. "You sure?" Audrey asked. "He was pretty interested in me when we and Bella first came here." Lauren scoffed at us and walked away. Elizabeth shook her head at her denial of Tyler asking them out. Bella and them met up and headed out the door that leads to the bus. While they headed to the bus, everyone was looking at the compost "worm box" grossing each other out with the slimy creatures. As Bella backs away, Edward stepped up. The cousins walked toward the bus to give them some space. Someone came up to us.

"Hey, Sandersons!," he smiled at me. "Dylan!" Ruth grabbed his head and gave him a noogie. Dylan smiled at us as they hugged. Audrey noticed Jasper glaring at Dylan. "What are you doing?" Elizabeth asked him. "Aunt Hailey asked me to come here since Mom and Dad went on their business trip to Italy," Dylan explained. Dylan is our cousin from Elizabeth's dad. Billy's side of the family. His parents are CEOs of their own companies. "Guess that you can't stay from me," Audrey smiled. "Keep telling yourself that," Dylan snickered. Jasper came up. "Hey," Dylan greeted him.

"I'm Dylan. I'm their better-looking cousin." "Jasper Hale," Jasper said as they shook hands. "Jasper, Dylan here is staying with us," Elizabeth explained. Jasper relaxed a bit as he nodded. Suddenly, Alice appeared at Jasper's side and smiled at me. "Hello, Elizabeth, Ruth, and Audrey," She smiled. "I'm Alice." "Hello, ms Tinkerbell," Audrey replied as She held her hand out. Alice smiled at the nickname. Alice pulled her into a hug. Audrey hugs her tighter. Before she pulled away. "The bus is leaving," Alice told Jasper. "Will you be riding with us?" She turns to us.

"I'm going to ride with the cousins," Jasper replied. Alice looked at Dylan, confused. "This is Danny, our other cousin," Elizabeth introduced them. Alice nodded, knowing something as she walked away. Bella sat down behind us as she huffed. The cousins knew Edward said something to her. Jasper sat next to Audrey as the bus began to move. Dylan was sitting next to Bella as they talked. He made Bella feel a little better.  (This is Dylan)

  (This is Dylan)

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