Part thirty

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-𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗣𝗢𝗩–

Victoria watched the Cullens, the pack, Audre,y and Bella interact as fury filled her. She ran and ended up on the highway. A Ferrari has pulled over to the side of the road. Victoria peeked in the window. The driver, a middle-aged man, smiled at her. "Where are you headed?" Victoria asked him. "Seattle," the man replied. "Sounds perfect," Victoria slowly grinned as she climbed in.


Jasper drove Audrey home. He held her hand. "Guess Bella will become a vampire soon," Jasper spoke up. "After graduation," Audrey replied. "Just two months," Jasper sighed. "It'll be best for Charlie that way. She can pretend to be at college somewhere," Audrey replied. "Carlisle suggested it. Bella wants to know if I can do it." "Is it possible?" Jasper asked. "I don't know," Audrey answered. Jasper sighed. He looked at me and kissed my hand.

-𝗦𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲-𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗬𝗲𝗮𝗿 𝗔𝗴𝗼 𝗔𝘁 𝗣𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗣𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝘁-

The rain came down in sheets, slapping the cobblestone. Bright Lights from the surrounding bars reflected off the wet stones. The dull thud of rock music wafted out. A barred door opened as the music briefly blasted out as a young man exited. He is Riley Biers, 22, genial, handsome, and a university student full of promise. He paused under the awning, preparing to face the rain. He slung a messenger bag over his shoulder, laden with thick school texts.

He waved to his friends in the wind before heading into the downpour. "Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice," Elodie read. Dark, deserted. Riley made his way up to it. Suddenly, a shadow flew past him, moving at an inhuman speed. Riley paused. What was it? Unnerved, he sped his step, about to round a corner, but suddenly, something leaped over him, knocking him back to the ground. It moved so fast that it was only a brief shadow.

Riley now panics. "Who's there?" He called out. No response. Riley bolted in a different direction. Riley ran, beelining towards the end of the street at which stood an apartment building with a brightly lit lobby and a security guard. Safety.

-𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗻𝘁, 𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁-

He found himself on the deserted boardwalk. Beyond the trail, black water. A dead end. He turned, realizing he was utterly alone. He searched the darkness for whatever was charging him. "Who's there? What do you want?" He called out. The shadow darted past him, after which he yanked his hand back. "OH, GOD!" He screamed in pain. He gripped his hand in pain and looks at it to find a crescent pain on his palm, blood seeping out.

He's been hit! His confusion and terror turned to agony as the venom from the bite crawled up his arm. Riley dropped to his knees crying out in pain. Then he fell, writhing as the venom spreads throughout his body, changing him, killing his humanity.


Jasper and Audrey are lying on the grass as they listen to music

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Jasper and Audrey are lying on the grass as they listen to music. Let me love you by Mario. Audrey was reading a book. Jasper teasingly pulled the book away and moved in to kiss Audrey. She stopped him by putting a finger between their lips. "You know, I've got an English test. I gotta focus, playboy" Audrey told him as he grinned and kissed her anyway, removing Audrey's finger.

The sun briefly came out from behind the clouds, causing Jasper's skin to sparkle, making the kiss appear magical. He pulled away smiling. "Marry me," Jasper asked. Audrey laughed. It isn't the first time- nor the fiftieth or hundredth - time he asked her. This is a game between them. "No," Audrey jokes. "Marry me," Jasper asked again. "Make love to me first, Handsome," Audrey asked. Sitting on his lap.

He kissed her neck. Audrey slowly grinded on jasper. Jasper groans lightly. Audrey goes faster. Jasper's moans get louder. Jasper stops Audrey. "Okay, I will if you marry me, it's called a compromise," Jasper responded. "It's called coercion. It's not fair. Marriage is just...... a piece of paper," Audrey retorted. She affectionately pushed him down and got up. "It means that I love you," Jasper reminded her.

"Even if I'm a witch?" Audrey asked. "Darlin, I'll love you even if you're a witch," Jasper said. "It also means that I got knocked up," Audrey replied. Audrey starts to gather her coat and books. He's suddenly right in front of her. He playfully grabs her stuff. "So, you're worried about what people think," Jasper asked. "You know, two out of three marriages end in divorce," Audrey explained. "My parents were never married and had me. It means that I'm a bastard." "Well, I think you'll find the.... vampire-witch divorce rate is a little lower," Jasper answered.

They're inches apart, the game laced with their attraction. "Just marry me," Jasper asked again. "I can't. I have to be back at four. Charlie was mad that I left with Bella for Italy," Audrey smirked. "Elizabeth had to pretend-ground me to keep him happy." He pulled Audrey in and kissed her.

-𝗔𝘂𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘆'𝘀 𝗛𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲-

Audrey and Jasper entered the house as She hung her jacket on the hanger. "Honey, I'm home!" Audrey joked as She walked into the living room. Elizabeth and Ruth were watching a news report on the deaths and disappearances in Seattle. Ruth laughed when Audrey said that. Audrey saw the headlines. It read "Murders, Disappearances, Possible Work of Serial Killers, etc....." "Could this be the work of a nomad?" She asked.

"It isn't," Elizabeth answered, walking behind her. "A nomad would burn the body once drained off." "The Volturi will be involved if it is a coven of vampires," Ruth agreed, walking from the garage. "It might not be a coven," Elizabeth sighed. "The closest coven to Seattle are us and the Cullens." "The last I saw of this type of destruction was when I was in the newborn army a few decades ago," Jasper spoke up. "I've heard of those armies," Audrey agreed.

"But could it be an army of newborns? They would not have the ability that we have in controlling our thirst." "It might not be newborns," Elizabeth sighed. "They're too uncontrollable. Whoever is doing this is keeping it down low. Jasper, are your coven members also keeping an eye on the Seattle deaths?" "They are," Jasper answered. "If need be, we will have to go to Seattle to deal with this if this gets out of hand."

Audrey nodded. "I'll see you later, okay?"Jasper turned to Audrey. "Okay," Audrey nodded as She kissed him. He left and Audrey headed to her room. Audrey paced around the room, thinking about what was happening.

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