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The Aoyama Ward was far too expensive for you to live in, the apartments high in price and you little in money. You never knew what it was like living among people poorer than you, now you did. And you didn't know whether you hated it or not.

You had finally rented a small apartment within the Kyoto district that fit your slim allowance and was far enough away from your father. That was something you needed, a job. Thankfully, with the qualifications you received from private school along with the extra curricular you did that should be an easy task. The question is where would you work?

You needed a place with decent pay however little work, you wouldn't say you were lazy but you just didn't want to rush into work life just yet. So you opened your laptop, and began the search. Until you came across Liyue Cafe.

A small cafe within the central part of Kyoto. It was definitely well known within the area however, they were apparently struggling to find workers willing to help them run the place. Their email was attached at the bottom so you took it, and pasted it into your Hoyomail. You needed to sound suitable for the job, so you started planning your application.

To Mr. Baizhu,
I am writing to apply for the job offer you have recently put up within your work establishment. I fit all of the work credentials you have placed online and I feel I would benefit you and your company greatly if you'd allow me to work for you.

I have studied at a private school within Aoyama, getting the highest grades you could possibly hope for. All of the things I have studied are particularly ideal for your workplace.

Receiving a nine within my culinary classes, I would gladly say I am skilled within that sector along with my social classes. Working with people is a very great talent of mine and I'm sure if I worked with you I would get along with my coworkers perfectly.

Thank you for your kind attention and I await your reply.

Kind regards Y/N L/N.

Okay so maybe you did make up a few things within your email, however the credentials part was true. You did in fact pass your culinary lessons with flying colours, only burning one or two things when you started. But hey where's the fun in getting a job without a little lying- I mean enthusiasm...

You clicked send and let out a sigh of relief, flopping back down onto the bed behind you. "Who knew writing emails could be so tiring. I need some sleep..." You stretched your aching body before going to sleep. After all, you had a long day ahead of you. A day full of unexpected, new adventures and possibly a new job.

While the man who read your email sat silently in his chair, contemplating to himself tiredly. "What do you think Changsheng? Do you think she can work for us?" The snake simply hissed, resting it's head on top of the males shoulder tiredly.

Baizhu chuckled, clicking reply calmly. "I'll take that as a yes. It'd be good to finally get some help here."

And with that, your new life starts. Welcome to Liyue Cafe Y/N and I hope you enjoy~

 Welcome to Liyue Cafe Y/N and I hope you enjoy~

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