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Bells chimed as you walked into the warm atmosphere of the cafe before you. There were a few customers within however the place seemed quite quiet for the most part, two workers cleaning unoccupied tables happily.

One had white hair messily tied up behind her back in a plait, her face devoid of emotion. Though you wouldn't say she looked sad, just incredibly focused with what she was doing. On the other hand, the other worker had bright ginger hair, holding a rather charming smile on his lips as he cleaned.

You walked past the two as they let out a greeting, one presumably all the workers had to say before a customer entered. "Hello, I was wondering where the manager was?" You held your resume tightly within your arms and smiled warmly at the two while waiting for a response. A part of you wanted to run away and try another day, your communication skills being the complete opposite to what you said on the email. However, you needed the job so you stayed put.

"Ah you must be Y/N! Baizhu is in the back, follow me." The orange haired male led you out of the room and further back into the employees only section. Even when inside where customers couldn't see, the place looked incredibly well kept. The place must have been quite a popular place for them to keep it running for so long.

Gold lining, most presumably fake considering that it would be around twenty four thousand yen, ran along the cornice and walls slightly. It was beautiful to say the least, you couldn't help but let your eyes wander in awe. "It seems you already like the place, anyway here's the boss's place. Careful on your way in." The male smiled before taking his leave, probably back to work cleaning tables.

"My name's Tartaglia by the way but my friends call me Childe." He grinned, you sent him a curt nod before entering. Upon entering, you were greeted with the soft scent of lavender. Much different compared to when entering your father's office, it was also much more welcoming to you.

"Y/N is it? Welcome to Liyue Cafe, you spoke to me briefly over Hoyomail." Baizhu smiled warmly, resting his head on his hands while you took your seat. "Yes I did, I was hoping the position would still be open." You spoke, putting your resume on the table calmly. Inside you were practically screaming with nervousness, however you didn't want to look anxious in case he said you were unfit for the job.

Baizhu took the folder and opened it to begin silently reading, a small hissing sound coming from behind him before a little head popped up on his shoulder. "Ah my apologies, it seems Changsheng wanted to say hello." He smiled awkwardly, patting the snake's head gently with his fingers while you stared dumbfounded.

The snake stared at you in silence, watching as you sat there nervously in your chair before choosing to rest on Baizhus shoulder. "It seems Changsheng has taken a liking to you." He smiled to which you returned, simply in means of being polite. It was a lovely snake but you were still quite shocked to find it in a workplace like this.

"Anyway, I've read your resume and it's perfect. If you could start today that would be lovely, I'll have Yun Jin and Childe show you the ropes." You nodded and followed the male as he began to leave his office. "Your uniform should be here by next week and your shift days are Monday to Thursdays. Is that okay with you? The rotor is very flexible."

You hummed with a small nod, "that will be fine." Baizhu grinned and continued on into another room. A young female could be seen working the barista machine contently. "Yun Jin, we have another worker with us. Can you and Childe teach her the basics?" The male from earlier looked over with a smile and waved happily while Yun Jin nodded. "Why of course, it's a pleasure to have more workers. I hope we can be friends, my name is Yun Jin."

You smiled back warmly while Baizhu took his leave, allowing the two to show you how to do things. "Say why don't we introduce you to the rest of your colleagues, after all we'll all be friends by the end of the day." Childe hummed, motioning you to another employee-only room with Yun Jin.

The first person you took notice of was the female from earlier. She looked up and smiled slightly, more like she tried to anyway. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Shenhe."

"Shenhe works with our ice cream in Summer most of the time, she's really good at making cold desserts and drinks." Childe explained happily while Shenhe blushed in embarrassment from the sudden praise. "It's nice to meet you Shenhe, I'm Y/N." You hummed with a soft smile before you were swiftly turned to another one of your co-workers.

You felt dizzy being spun around to face different people, and also a bit squeamish from all the interacting. However you knew Childe meant well having you introduced to all of your fellow coworkers, plus you needed to get used to interacting with others anyway.

"This is our cashier Hu Tao, she tends to sleep on the job though so we have Chongyun work with her." Childe whispered the last part into your ear with a grin while Hu Tao welcomed you excitedly while the younger boy behind her waved nonchalantly. "Our new coworker is so cute!" Hu Tao gushed while you felt heat rise to your cheeks, Childe quickly leading you out of the room with a smile.

"I hope you find the place to your liking Y/N." Yun Jin hummed, motioning you towards the kitchen. You thanked her while Childe watched from afar, leaning against the doorframe silently. "Don't worry if it ends up being too much for you either, just let me know. We're coworkers now after all."

You thanked Childe while he sent you a reassuring smile, watching as Yun Jin began to explain. "Now I'm not a cook, however I know how to make a few dishes so I'll just teach you them alright?"

"That's fine." You skimmed through the pages of the cookbook with Yun Jin before she paused on a simple moon pie. You were satisfied with getting a new job, happy almost and also excited. Excited for the new things that were waiting ahead of you.

You hope to enjoy your time working at Liyue Café and hope to make some lovely memories.

You hope to enjoy your time working at Liyue Café and hope to make some lovely memories

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