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"Thank you for today." You sighed blissfully to the male as he walked you back to your apartment. You'd be lying if you said you didn't want to stay with him a bit longer. However you had to get home.

"Don't mention it, text me later alright?" Childe ran a hand through your hair, a soft smile on his lips. He was practically on cloud nine after the time he spent with you today. Of course he put focus into his friends but his attention seemed to be on you the most. The whole day his eyes seemed to move onto you.

"I will." You hummed, a small smile of your own curling onto your lips. "Oh, and about what you said." Childe teased but you quickly pushed his face away with your index finger. "Nice try."

The male sighed before hugging you tightly once more, taking in your soft scent before letting go. He didn't want to leave you but he knew you had a life of your own. Plus, he couldn't keep you standing outside of your apartments forever (although he wanted to).

He went to leave while you unlocked the door, hesitating slightly. "Childe…" He quirked a brow, turning to face you while you flushed nervously. You walked back over to the male, watching as his eyes flickered across all your features. Before more could be said, you planted a small kiss on his lips.

"Thank you for today, have a nice night!" You squeaked and with that you were gone. The male stood there completely dumbfounded. His heart beat within his ears rapidly and he felt a dumb grin pulling at his face.

You on the other hand, were unsure if you were second guessing your decision or not. You would admit your feelings for Childe were most certainly real but you were unsure if he felt the same way. What if he was just teasing you? Oh Lord and you just kissed him…

You covered your face with your hands, sliding down the back of your door with embarrassment. You just kissed Childe, the man you have to see everyday and can't possibly avoid. If that wasn't bad enough, you heard your notifications go off, causing you to jump.

It was Childe. He had texted you. Was it to never see him again? Did he not want to be seen with you after that? You felt the nerves in your fingers tingle while you clicked onto the message. You felt your heart accelerate while your eyes skimmed over the text.

"I want another, you caught me off guard." You didn't know whether to feel heavily relieved or flustered from the message. He practically just admitted to wanting to kiss you again, no he didn't practically do it. He did admit it. And you had to see him at work tomorrow.


You woke up the next day, lay on your sofa awkwardly. You missed waking up in bed already, however it was back to the old tendencies you found hard to get out of.

Wiping away sleep from your eyes, you yawned tiredly. It was only eight in the morning but you needed to be ready to start work soon.

You pulled yourself up sluggishly from the sofa. You needed a shower before you got dressed, maybe that could also wake you up properly. You grabbed a towel from the cupboard and started the water.

The sound of water meeting the shower floor rang in your ears while you undressed. Once inside, you shivered slightly as the droplets rolled down your skin. It was rejuvenating to say the least, the whole thing waking you up a lot more than you were before.

You ran your fingers through your hair slowly, mixing in scented shampoo and washing it out thoroughly. You heard somewhere that showers can in fact be quite therapeutic, it was true. Your whole demeanour felt incredibly calmed when exiting.

Once finished drying yourself up, you changed into your uniform. This time it is actually yours and a better fit for your form. Once dressed, you grabbed your keys and left.

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