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You finished wiping up tables with Yun Jin, grabbing your coat quickly after. The day was a long day, and Childe's sudden kiss still lingered freshly in your mind. It was if it was taunting you, your fingers sometimes ghosting where his lips once were.

"Make sure to get home safe Y/N!" Hu Tao chimed, already getting ready to leave with Chongyun and Shenhe. Both chose to walk the teen home before returning themselves, Chongyun being adamant on her having a safe arrival.

"Will do!" You grinned, waving goodbye while you exited the building. "Y/N wait for me!" Childe grinned cheerily, slipping his hand into yours as he caught up. You felt yourself grow flustered while your mind drifted off to the incident earlier again. Throughout the whole day you avoided speaking to Childe. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy the kiss but it was most definitely quite embarrassing.

The two of you walked silently, sometimes Childe coming up with different topics to talk about. Compared to you he seemed completely carefree almost as if earlier didn't happen. Maybe it was for the best…

Once at the apartment, the pair of you stood there nervously. You played with your fingers and looked around awkwardly, the silence incredibly thick between you both. "Do you want to come in?" The offer was simply to be polite and you didn't expect the male to accept it.

Now you both sat awkwardly in your living room. Childe was looking around, just noticing how depressing your apartment was. There was little to no mess around and everything was neatly organized and practically everything was untouched.

"You have a nice apartment." Childe spoke hesitantly, watching as you swayed slightly while making him a drink.

"Thanks, I don't usually spend my time here." You admitted, handing Childe his tea and taking a seat beside him. You wouldn't admit it to yourself but you couldn't help but let your mind stray to what the two of you would do while here. Butterflies attacked your stomach however you briskly shook those thoughts away.

There was no doubt you had feelings for Childe. Though you never planned to admit it to the male, not unless he did first which you doubt he'd do.

"So I wanted to speak to you about something." Childe hummed before taking another sip of his drink, placing it down on the table before him. You felt yourself tense slightly, millions of thoughts crawling into your mind. What if he never wished to speak to you again? Perhaps it was a bit drastic but the thought still managed to make you anxious inside.

"Y/N look." Childe spoke sternly, letting out a curt cough as he felt himself begin to blush. His heart was practically beating out of his chest while he kept his eyes trained onto you.

"I want you to be my girlfriend. If that's what you want I mean…" Childe scratched the nape of his neck, watching your dumbfounded expression. He felt the bundle of nerves inside him grow tighter as he waited for your response. Your throat felt dry while the beating of your heart filled your senses.

"Y/N? Please say something, this is humiliating." Childe whined, already regretting asking you out. He wanted to be more open about his feelings to you but in the process he was worried that he scared you away.

You shook your head and smiled softly, your face heating up while you did. "I mean I'd be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for you…" you mumbled, looking down to the table ahead of you. Childe's eyes widened and for once he felt incredibly hopeful.

"Does that mean you'll be my girlfriend?" You bit your lip before nodding hesitantly. You hoped to God you won't regret your decision. You could feel the nerves in your body while Childe hugged you happily. He hid his face in the crook of your neck blissfully, happy to finally be able to call you his. You could feel the anxious thoughts already beginning to bubble but quickly brushed them away.

"I promise you won't regret this." Childe hummed, pulling you closer into his embrace while he did. You relaxed into the embrace and couldn't help the small smile coming to your lips.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all…

Maybe this won't be so bad after all…

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