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It was a new day; you and Shenhe were wiping down tables after guests began to leave. Some could be heard hesitantly ordering while their eyes shifted to Hu Tao's sleeping form behind Chongyun. Apparently she had a large upcoming exam and messed up her sleep schedule more than usual.

You couldn't help but pity the girl, your exams were incredibly easy thanks to the tuition your father forced you to go to. You managed to pass with flying colours.

"Say Y/N, how did your date go?" Shenhe looked up at you while you blinked repeatedly out of shock. It was as if your ears were still trying to process the words that escaped her mouth. Until it clicked and you began to feel yourself blushing immensely. "It was not a date, simply two friends hanging out is all."

Shenhe shrugged, "call it what you want. Looked like a date to me." You sighed while the female continued to point out the little things you and Childe did such as holding hands when leaving, or Childe's clumsy flirting which you didn't manage to catch onto. In her eyes it was most definitely a date, no matter how much you denied it - Childe seriously has fallen hard.

"And to answer your question I had a very nice friendly catch up." You hummed out as a short nervous reply, still quite embarrassed from Shenhe's awful observation. It wasn't that the idea was bad, you did indeed find Childe quite an attractive man. However a person's looks don't outweigh their actions, what if he ended up being just like your father?

You remember your mother telling you the story of how they both met. It was like a story from a fairytale as she explained all the things father did for her. Except that was the old him, before he was corrupted with money and fame. It was before he had that shitty business that began to tear at his life.

You remember clutching onto your mother, begging, screaming for her not to leave. She simply pet your hair, tears staining her beautiful features. She didn't want to leave you but she had no choice. "I'll come back for you sweetheart. Mother just has some things to take care of." She spoke to you reassuringly. However you knew she wasn't going to return, not for anyone not even you. However you didn't blame her for it, you blamed him. How could such a man be so cynical to get rid of his family without remorse? You usually didn't wish to speak ill about anyone but you honestly hoped his business would crumble.

"Damn at this rate that table will be so clean it might as well be a mirror." Childe sighed jokingly, looking at just how long you were wiping the same spot. You flushed in shame and apologized quickly to which he shook his head. "Don't worry about it, just try and focus a bit more."

You felt red with shame as Childe caught yet another one of your slip ups at work. You couldn't help but get caught up in your own mind too much, the thoughts not shutting themselves up. Although Childe didn't mind, he found it cute how embarrassed you got when being pulled from your thoughts. He loved how your delicate features would scrunch into an expression of thought as you did. He just wished he knew what you were thinking about, it concerned him just how much you'd daze off, looking at happy families and couples wishfully. A bad home life maybe? If so he didn't wish to pry, however he didn't want you to suffer alone.

"Y/N, are you okay seriously though? Is everything alright at home perhaps?" Childe felt guilty asking however it was clearly effecting your train of thought whatever it was. You smiled sadly, giving the man a small nod. "I'm fine, don't worry about me. Just a bit tired is all."

You found it sweet just how much the boy seemed to worry over you. However you really didn't wish to burden him with your thoughts or past, after all he has a life of his own to prioritize. You're simply his work colleague. "Alright…"

Whatever was bothering you, it was clear you wished to keep the matter private. So Childe would respect your wishes, after all it's your own choice whether or not you share with him what's wrong. Although that wouldn't stop him from worrying about you, it was clear that it was affecting you and it caused him great concern.

He didn't know why he cared about your well-being all of a sudden. Though he did, he didn't like seeing such a sad expression on your face. He didn't know why but it made something in him tighten horribly. "Say, can I walk you home today?" He grinned happily, remembering how it was yesterday.

"Thank you for walking me home Childe, you didn't have to." You smiled softly, getting your keys from your pocket to open the door of the apartment block. Childe smiled and shrugged nonchalantly, "I insisted, it's better you get home safe." Although he would admit he mainly did it to spend some more time with you. Something about you was just so endearing to the man and he couldn't help but not want to let it go.

You pulled the male closer and kissed his cheek gently, smiling warmly as his face flushed deeply. "I'll see you tomorrow, have a nice night." With that you walked inside, leaving the male to try and organise himself outside. All he knew now was, if he ever got the chance to walk you home again he'd do it.

"Hm, I mean if you want to. Although I'm pretty sure I have to do some food shopping…" You thought, trying to remember just what you were missing within your apartment. You didn't need a lot, just the odd few necessities. Living alone meant things lasted a lot longer, even if it was incredibly lonely by yourself.

"That's fine, and plus you never know if you'd need some extra help." Childe winked while you stifled a small laugh. "I doubt it but I'd be happy to have some company." Childe grinned happily, resting himself on top of the table while you went to go and put away your cleaning supplies.

"Damn cupid hit you hard." Hu Tao teased while Childe blushed deeply, brushing himself up as he went back to work. Okay he would admit, he most definitely has feelings for you. Though it was clear you didn't see him in the same light; you were probably way out of his league anyway.

"Your right, I think I'm in love." Childe sighed, running a hand through his hair with an embarrassed smile while Hu Tao snickered. "Well you two do seem quite cute together. The all over the place flirt and the completely oblivious."

"Not funny, didn't laugh. Plus don't you have studying to do?" Childe chucked the table cloth at Hu Tao who snickered, quickly ducking before the thing made impact with her face.

"The day I pass you have to ask out Y/N~"

"The day I pass you have to ask out Y/N~"

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