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Work was mundane the next day, you'd much rather have been lounging around with Childe again than cleaning tables. The cafe was empty oddly enough, customers not seeming to make way into the designated establishment as per usual.

You however didn't choose to question the matter though. Considering the aggressive rain outside it was truly no surprise to you that the place was deserted.

"Y/N~" Childe hummed tiredly, choosing to rest his head within the crook of your neck while you continued to clean. "Is something the matter?" You strained your neck to look over at the male who sighed nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders while wrapping his arms around your waist.

"Nothing, I just came to say I love you." You couldn't help but smile slightly and gave the male a chaste kiss on the cheek to which he grinned. He knew you found it hard speaking your feelings, although your actions were always enough for him. Even if it were just the smallest smile, he knows you cherish him just as much as he does.

He also always noticed the little flash of fear within your eyes whenever people spoke of your future with him. Love was something you found extremely difficult, that was something Childe and all of your friends came to notice in the end.

It was as if the topic was like life or death to you. You would zone out and could stand there for hours, heaven knows what thoughts stormed your mind while you did. It worried Childe the majority of the time; he simply wished he could read your mind at times like those.

Though he never blamed you for your fears. It was clear to him that all kinds of relationships were foreign to you. That he blamed your father for entirely. It was clear he never bothered to bond a relationship with you within the slightest, the sudden abandonment probably also tore you apart completely. Whether you admit it or not.

"Thankfully I don't think we'll be here for any longer, after this you can go home." You smiled warmly to the male, running a hand through his hair comfortingly. He whined, pulling you closer while scrunching his eyes shut tightly.

"Do you really have to go back to yours? Why can't you stay at mine for a few more days?" He really didn't wish to let you go so soon. It felt as if the time you spent at his slipped through his fingers like small grains of sand. Of course he could see you whenever he desired, but that wasn't the same as waking up to you every morning.

He loved seeing your messy state and how tiredly loving you were. It was one of the many aspects he had grown to love about you. Although he may never hear those three words from your lips, he was most certain you loved him back just as deeply as he loved you. Which he would be correct in assuming so.

You loved the male strongly, so strong that it scared you. What if your father tried to break the bond you had with Childe? You would be left unable to do anything about it. It wasn't as if you could just snap your father's existence away.

You bit your lip anxiously and your wiping of tables seemed to grow quicker while you let your thoughts begin to cloud your focus. Childe frowned, his eyes furrowing while he sent soft kisses along your face to your neck. "Love, you're doing it again."

"Hm?" You snapped, relaxing as Childe intertwined his fingers with your free hand. "Is something bothering you? You zoned out again, plus your nose scrunched slightly." You flushed as Childe pointed out your small movements as if it were nothing. You found it quite embarrassing how observant the man was when it came to everything you did.

"Sorry, I just had thoughts about my…" You hesitated slightly, pursing your lips shut tightly. "Your father?" Almost as if Childe truly could read your mind, he spoke idly. His thumb ran comforting circles along your knuckles while you sighed in defeat.

"Have you tried to speak to him recently? Maybe signed him up for therapy while you're at it." Childe whispered the last part teasingly into your ear, causing you to stifle a small grin. Making you smile was one of Childe's greatest talents, no matter how distressed you were he'd find a way. It was as if he knew all the right ways to flip your emotions briskly.

"Even if I did try and communicate with him, what would I say? Oh I'm sorry I ruined your business plans but hey, meet my boyfriend Childe." You spoke in an exasperated tone, groaning in defeat. You may not have grown a bond with the old man however one thing you did know was that he was stubborn. Knowing him, he would hold the failed marriage to his grave and will refuse to fix anything so long as you live.

"I was thinking more along the lines of; hey dad, I know we don't have the best relationship right now but I want us to make things right. I need you back in my life." Childe grinned, explaining happily almost as if he had recited the line repeatedly.

"And then once that's sorted I can be a cute little bonus to everything." He kissed your cheek while you smiled softly, enjoying your boyfriend's enthusiasm. Even when speaking of the devil incarnate (your father), he made everything sound so simple. If it wasn't for him your mind truly would have sent you into shambles by now.

"Fine, I'll do it. I'll sort things out with the old geezer." You groaned in defeat, however finding slight joy in the way your boyfriend's eyes lit up. "Perfect! And then you truly will have nothing to worry about!" He stole a quick kiss from your lips before returning to his own separate work.

Your fingers grazed your lips while you sighed tiredly. Speaking to that man is going to be like trying to tame a goat…

 Speaking to that man is going to be like trying to tame a goat…

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