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The two of you got home completely soaked, your umbrella being ditched when the two of you went on to an empty playground.

You wanted to go on the swings even if it meant getting your ass wet from the seat, so Childe volunteered to push you. The evening consisted of the pair of you laughing and messing around like kids.

"That was fun." You sighed contently. "Yeah but I suggest we get out of these clothes before we catch a cold." Childe teased, looking down at how your uniform clung to your body thanks to the rain. It was an endearing sight to say the least, though you without clothes on would be much better.

"Alright pervert, keep your eyes up here." You grinned while Childe felt his face begin to radiate with heat. "Right, sorry, let's go get changed."

You rolled your eyes and followed the male while he briskly made his way upstairs to his room. You found how flustered Childe could get incredibly entertaining and cute in all honesty.

Inside, Childe was already removing his uniform quickly. You flushed deeply at the glimpse of his shirtless form, quickly covering your eyes from the show. As much as you wished to see it felt almost immoral to allow yourself to see such a sight without consent.

"Some clothes are on the bed for you," Childe explained while he continued to change out of his soaked clothes.

You peeled the cloth off of your skin quite quickly, shivering at the cold air that met you. "Jesus do you not have a heater on in winter?" You tensed, feeling the small hairs on the back of your neck lift. "No but I'm a better heater," Childe teased, slithering his arms to around your waist.

Your bare back was pressed firmly into his clothed chest, the only barrier on the upper half of your body being your bra. The thought made your face heat up while Childe smiled contently, resting his head into the crook of your neck. "See? Isn't this better than a heater?" It was. Though that was most likely only because you licked his touch more than anything.

"Though to be honest, there are other ways of increasing body heat." He smirked, trying to look into your eyes while you diverted your gaze from anywhere but him. You felt like a deer in headlights, unable to move at all from the man's arms.

Your heart was practically beating out of your rib cage at this point, the heat slowly travelling down your spine and to your lower half. Childe chuckled slightly, littering your neck with light kisses. "Princess, are you not going to look at me?" He whispered slowly, his hand trailing up your neck and to your chin. "Did I embarrass you?" He teased, motioning your head to the side to face him.

You purse your lips shut, finding it quite hard to swallow while Childe simply smirked. Then Childe removed his arms from you, almost releasing a whimper from the loss of contact as the cold met your skin once more.

That was until his lips were on yours, his hand firmly on the back of your neck. You could feel his other hand running through your hair, slowly dragging down to the expanse of your stomach. He looked at you while the pair of you went to catch your breath.

"I'll only do what you're comfortable with, so may I?" His eyes glazed over your half dressed form while he awaited your answer. You were most certainly dripping wet at this point, your heart flipping within your chest while you watched the male silently. "Yes, you may…" The words seemed to escape your mouth without second thought but that was enough for Childe to continue.

He continued his assault on your lips, biting and licking until they were swollen. His clothes were coarse against your bare skin, simply adding to the sensitivity of the whole thing as his hand slid under your undergarments.

You gasped from the contact, another noise swallowed by Childe's mouth. Your body squirmed from all of the sudden senses, his taste and scent overriding your overall thoughts. He dipped two of his fingers down, slipping them in with ease almost chuckling from how soaking wet you were.

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