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Childe didn't know what he was doing but there he was. The man you were arranged to marry sat in front of him, signing papers while humming a small tune to himself.

He had dark brown hair, slowly falling to a much lighter almost gold colour at the ends. His eyes were a piercing yet welcoming yellow and he seemed almost pleased to have a guest over. "I assume you came here to talk about the arrangements between Mr L/N and I."

"How did you?" Childe was quickly shut off as one of the man's maids offered him a drink politely to which he took. "My name is Zhongli by the way."

"Tartaglia but many of my friends call me Childe." Zhongli nodded, taking a sip from his glass while putting his papers aside. "Tsaritsa already told me of your arrival and I won't be marrying miss L/N if that's what you wish." Childe was shocked to say the least, however the man just continued to smile nonchalantly. "After all, the L/N business is only a small loss to me and right now I have no intentions of marriage. I simply wished to make some new friends through this ordeal."

He was going to marry a woman he just met to make friends? Childe didn't know whether to call the man before him a nutcase or incredibly lonely. "If that's the case Mr Zhongli, I can always help you make some new friends."

Childe felt strange offering the man who was supposed to marry the girl he was infatuated with help. However it was obvious he held no feelings for you, and if anything seemed happy to be offered a way of speaking to others.

"I'd be delighted to accept then, here's my number." Zhongli handed Childe a written note with his number before the man left with a smile. Childe was happy the whole thing went down smoothly, most likely because of Tsaritsa's ties with different people. Even when all the way in Russia she managed to fulfill her work across the globe. It was slightly unnerving to think just how powerful that woman was.

Childe however shrugged it off, making his return home where you were babysitting Teucer for him. He lied to you saying he had important business with Baizhu to deal with, which thankfully his green haired friend covered for. Even Though in reality he was out to bargain for your freedom out of an arranged marriage which turned out to be a way easier task than he expected.

Once home, he saw Teucer lay in your arms watching TV. Popcorn was on the side and the movie 'Archon War' was playing on the screen. Childe smiled at how his two favorite people were cuddled up on the sofa, taking off his jacket as he entered.

"Welcome back home." He enjoyed being greeted when entering his house. It felt nice. It made him feel important, like someone was happily waiting for him to come home.

He took a seat beside you, slipping an arm around your waist while Teucer hummed in disapproval. He was very much comfortable where he lay but now Childe's hand was in the way though he supposed he couldn't complain, you were his brother's girlfriend after all. Or at least he thinks you're his brother's girlfriend.

"How was that business with Baizhu?" Childe froze, forcing a small smile as he pulled you closer earning another groan of discomfort from Teucer. "It was good, how was looking after Teucer? I'm sure he must have been tiring work."

You shook your head with a warm smile, allowing yourself to relax more into the sofa. "Not at all actually, we went to the park and ended up getting some popcorn for a movie." Teucer nodded his head with a grin. "You have a nice girlfriend!"

The comment made the two of you flush, quickly averting your eyes elsewhere from each other. "Sorry, I don't know where he got the idea from…"

"Well you're both always checking each other out. You might as well just hook up already." The little boy spoke sleepily, cuddling further into you as he put his focus back onto the movie. You felt yourself growing warm with embarrassment while Childe grinned.

"So you were checking me out huh?" He teased to which you rolled your eyes with a smile. "Weren't you also doing the same thing?" Now it was Childe's turn to grow embarrassed, unable to respond as he began to flush immensely.

"Hey, is that my shirt?" He tried to change the subject nonchalantly, looking down at the shirt encased your form. "Not that I mind, you suit it much more." He spoke, sending shivers down your spine while you watched how he eyed you there with a grin. You swear your heart did a whole three sixty there and then.

"You alright Y/N?" He spoke in a hushed tone beside your ear. You gave him a small nod of confirmation before keeping your eyes on the TV, unable to ignore the soft chuckle that left his lips as you did. You were thankful to have him around when you needed him the most however when he did things like this it was painful for you.

One side of you wished to give into your desires. Give into his touch and sweet words while the other side of you was hesitant. You hesitated to let another person into your life, distancing them as a mere friend. Although your feelings seemed to grow stronger and more frustrating to deal with when around Childe. You swore he was doing it on purpose sometimes.

It'd have been perfect to settle your heart and admit your feelings towards the man. Or at least it would have been if you weren't so damn confused with yourself.

Were you feeling this way because of Childe or because you just needed someone to find comfort in - especially after being left so vulnerable and heartbroken of your own family?

Either way you believed it was too soon to be jumping into a relationship. You had too many issues to deal with first, one especially being the arranged marriage your father has you tied down to. That would be a hard one for you to get out of, who knows if the man you're marrying was an understanding type.

 That would be a hard one for you to get out of, who knows if the man you're marrying was an understanding type

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