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The next day at work was as it was every other day. Hu Tao was found teasing Chongyun at the counter, bringing up his hatred for evil spirits.

"You never know Chongyun, you may have to come and exorcise my funeral parlor." She grinned while Chongyun grumbled in annoyance. "I'd rather the ghost eats you or something." Hu Tao snickered while Chongyun went to serve the guest who awkwardly had to listen to their conversation.

Yun Jin was wiping down tables happily to herself, ignoring how pervy middle schoolers made crude comments. Shenhe on the other hand watched silently from the coffee machine, an irk mark slowly growing on her face. Though she remained expressionless, tired almost. She never understood how someone could be so disrespectful to women, especially at such a young age. You'd think they were taught better.

Childe almost wiped tables however every once in a while, he pop into the kitchen to say hello to you who was cooking. You smiled at the males antics, shaking your head with a sigh. He seemed to pay more attention to you than his work.

Zhongli was sitting in the far corner of the cafe signing some of Baizhu's papers. He found doing his business ordeals in a semi populated area was much more comfortable than in a completely silent room. He did say that he found himself getting distracted easily when he worked at home. Although he says he left his business in the hands of a dear friend of his - by dear friend it looked to you all that he was clearly infatuated with her.

He'd go on about her actions as if she were an angel sent from above. It was cute honestly, you never really saw Zhongli as someone who would catch feelings for someone. Though of course you never saw yourself in a relationship either and there was a clear change of course in that plan.

"You have an order of Eternal Fate once again." You sighed and shook your head, going to grab the eggs calmly. "Someone must have a major sweet tooth or something, they buy this like every week." Childe chuckled, leaning against the door frame while he watched you work. "No but her boss is, last I checked Kujou Sara doesn't eat sweets."

"Kujou Sara? As in assistant to the army militant Raiden Shogun?" Childe nodded while you went back to focusing on the work at hand. "This Café must be popular if she likes it."

"Well to be fair she's never ordered this much before, she must enjoy your cooking." Childe teased, moving to stand behind you while watching your hands work. "Well I'd hope people enjoy my cooking, it is my job after all." You smiled, looking up at the male behind you. "Well if I had to list someone as the perfect future wife it'd be you." Hu Tao chimed from the door.

She skipped in and took a cherry from the bowl beside your work space with a grin. You simply flushed at the sudden compliment, turning down to your work cheerily. Childe's eyes narrowed, wrapping his arms around your waist while you began to cut the egg rolls. "Go back to annoying Chongyun and quit trying to steal my girlfriend."

Hu Tao clutched her chest dramatically and stifled a small laugh, "sir I'd have you know I'm a minor. I couldn't possibly steal a fully grown man's girlfriend. Not yet at least." She whispered the last part with a smirk while Childe grumbled curses under his breath.

Hu Tao skipped back out of the room after grabbing two popsicles from the freezer. "I swear she's going to be in a casket soon." You forced down a small giggle at the man's choice of words. "You do know you can't kill a kid right? Actually don't kill anyone for that matter." Childe hummed seeming to be thinking about it with a small grin. "Childe…"

"Kidding. Besides I already know I stole your heart." Childe whispered the last part, his tone sultry within your ears. You felt yourself tense at the feeling of his breath beside your neck, "anyway I have tables to clean!" He kissed your cheek before leaving with a grin, enjoying how flustered you got from his light teasing.

You let out a tired sigh and shook your head. You were in a workplace, it was supposed to be nothing more than a working environment. You couldn't possibly allow yourself to have such thoughts while here, especially while working on somebody's order.

Speaking of orders, Shenhe was the next person to enter the kitchen. She thanked you while sliding the dish into a delivery box nonchalantly. "I would have came in sooner but it looked as if you and Childe were having a moment."

"You, you saw that?" You squeaked, trying to keep your voice low to not allow the rest of the cafe to hear you. Shenhe shrugged, "well everyone already know you two are dating so it's not that big of a deal. As long as we don't find you two fucking in the workplace we don't care." Her words made you flush while you thought about how absurd it'd be to commit such actions in a public environment.

"Anyway, this should be the final order so you can go and grab your things." You thanked Shenhe while she smiled slightly, leaving to go and deliver the requested treat.

You went and grabbed your belongings, checking the time on your phone nonchalantly. The weather was slightly humid today with a bit of light rain so instead of a coat, you brought an umbrella. Childe on the other hand wanted to prove you wrong as he believed it'd be sunny today.

"You ready to go sunshine?" You teased, looking out the window to the rain hitting the ground. Childe sighed, running a hand through his hair to which you nudged him slightly. "I'll share my umbrella don't worry."

"You're an angel Y/N." Childe hummed, still slightly defeated by being proven wrong by mother nature herself.

" Childe hummed, still slightly defeated by being proven wrong by mother nature herself

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