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You woke up to the soft aroma of pancakes being made, the smell causing you to stir around in the silk sheets around you. That's when you realized, didn't you fall asleep on the sofa?

You sat up quickly, rubbing your eyes as you tried to take in where you were exactly. It was quite a large bedroom, the sheets a dark blue and the pillows white. The walls were painted a soft white as well, some small paintings decorating it. Some are pictures of Childe and friends or family. In one, Childe stood with a group of almost eleven people.

He smiled happily, his arm wrapped around a slightly smaller male who held a grimace. A female stood beside the two, her hair long and silky blonde. She held a smug smile within the photo, her whole posture one of elegance. All of the names were signed above their heads, the handwriting painstakingly precise.

Above her head inlaid the name 'Signora' and the male with Childe had 'Scaramouche'. There were many others within the photo that you didn't recognize, most presumably more friends of Childe's. Though it wasn't your intention to pry, so instead you ran your fingers through your hair before going downstairs.

Childe let out a deep chuckle as he slid a pancake onto the plate, "good morning Y/N. Sleep well?" He asked while you took a seat, nodding tiredly. "Good, Teucer should be down in three, two, one."

Footsteps could be heard as someone sprinted into the kitchen. His mouth was watering and he eagerly eyed the pancakes before him as he took a seat beside you.

Childe took the other seat beside you, sipping his coffee as he watched his brother begin to stuff his face without second thought. You on the other hand, couldn't help but have your eyes drift off to Childes morning figure. His hair was messy, most likely from getting out of bed recently. He wore a simple tank top, his figure being slightly visible from underneath. The thought made you blush slightly while you quickly turned to your coffee.

Childe wasn't oblivious however, smirking as he made no comment to how you checked him out just now. Most presumably because he did the same, repeatedly actually. He couldn't help it. Even when having just woken up you were stunning in his eyes. Plus he didn't mind the fact your eyes were on him, he'd rather have you staring at him than anyone else for that matter.

You took your last bite before washing the meal down with your coffee. Quickly going to take your leave from the table with a small thank you. Both you and Childe had work today, and considering you were having to wear one of his uniforms you had to look presentable.

"The uniform should be in the wardrobe, need anything else with that?" He chimed, a small smile on his lips as you sped up the stairs with a quick no thank you.

"I still think she's your girlfriend." Teucer hummed in approval. "She's nice though so I don't mind, just don't be loud." Childe felt himself flush before he pushed his brother's head gently, watching as the younger boy grimaced in disapproval from the act. "Watch your mouth Teucer or I'll tell mum."

Thankfully, the uniform didn't seem too obvious that it wasn't yours. You were able to tuck in the shirt and make it look more presentable on your form before doing your hair.

However as you were changing you couldn't help but let your mind stray back to Childe. You had to shake it off swiftly. He was your work colleague and friend, nothing more was going to happen between the two of you. Or at least you hoped not.

You felt your feelings for Childe grow the more time grew between the two of you but so did that anxiety. The anxiety that if you were in a relationship with the man it'd just end up like your father's. You swear you were turning into your mother more and more each day, wishing to run away from life to start anew. Although you couldn't, you didn't have the guts to do it like she did. You were still the same little girl who begged for her not to leave that day and you knew it.

You were sure how to handle your emotions recently except by pushing them further down your throat. You didn't want to open up about it at all, instead pushing it aside as if it was nothing new.

You made your way back downstairs, sorting your hair out as you did. Childe was already waiting and dressed, sitting on the sofa nonchalantly. Teucer was in his uniform, his bag in hand while the two of them waited for you to be ready.

"Alright let's go then." You hummed, re adjusting your tie while the three of you made it out of the house. "Do I even have to go in today?" Teucer whined, walking in between you and Childe tiredly.

"Tough luck. Me and Y/N have work and there is no way in hell I'm having Dottore or Scara watch you." Childe spoke in a stoic tone, fixing Teucer's hair at the school gates. "Then have Aunt Signora look after me."

"She'd have me pay her at least thirty pounds per hour, no way." Childe sighed, patting the kids head. "Plus she didn't even help you study last time all you did was plait her hair. Have a good day kid." With that the pair of you began to walk to work, Teucer having his head hung low as he trudged inside.

"So is Signora his usual babysitter?" You hummed, trying to make conversation as the two of you walked down the street silently. "Nah, just someone I went to college with. She's all the way traveling with her boyfriend last I checked tho." He shrugged off, not really bothering to remember his last conversation with the woman. They were still friends no doubt about it however he'd rather let her do her own thing. She always went on about how she wanted to travel the world.

Once at the cafe, Childe walked in first and hung up his coat. Greeting everyone with a cheery good morning to which you did the same. Hu Tao stood by the counter, patiently waiting for orders while happily talking to Chongyun who pretended he wasn't listening.

Today was most likely going to be a mundane day, especially considering how empty the streets were.

Today was most likely going to be a mundane day, especially considering how empty the streets were

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