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Sunlight peeked through the slit within the curtains, dusting the pair of your forms entangled under the sheets. Childe's arms held loosely around you, his chest pressed snuggly against your back.

The two of you had a shower yesterday before falling straight to sleep, lacking any more energy for the night.

You squeezed your eyes shut from the sun's harsh morning beams, moving to hide. You didn't wish to get up today and your lower half burned with pain. With that, the memories of last night flooded your mind, causing you to burn with embarrassment.

You had sex with Childe. Honestly that thought alone shook you to your core, your face encased in red.

"Hm, morning." Childe hummed groggily, kissing your neck lightly. "Good morning Childe," you smiled softly, turning to face the man who held you closely in his arms. His eyes trailed to the dark hues that tainted your s/c skin, a satisfied smirk held loosely on his lips. "I suggest we get some toothpaste on that."

"Yeah, I'd rather not enter the cafe painted in two different colours." You joked, pulling yourself up while Childe untangled his arms from around your waist. "We could always make it three."

"No." The answer was blunt but it made the pair of you laugh none the less. Who knows why the both of you were so happy but you were so happy. You couldn't help but smile at the male, your heart fluttering happily.

"Alright, I'll go make breakfast." Childe was the first to remove the covers from himself, tensing at the cold temperature. You followed after, your knees buckling slightly. He really did a number on you yesterday…

"Jesus…" You clutched onto the bedside, pushing yourself up more onto your legs which ached in agony. Yesterday you may not have cared that much to stop but now you wish you did. Everything from your hips down soared with pain. "You alright princess?" Childe chimed, his eyes glancing over to your form. You were like a deer that had only just learned to walk.

"Mhm, yep. Never been better." You hummed, wincing as you attempted to make it towards the door of the room. Your legs could barely hold onto your weight, the aching in your legs making it incredibly hard to walk. You knew people felt pain after extreme excersise but you never knew it was the same for sex.

"Sure you are." Childe walked over, slipping his hands under your thighs and one around your waist. You gasped while he pulled you up from the floor with ease. "There, I'll be your amazing escort for the day." He grinned in a teasing manner while you wrapped your arms around the males neck.

"Don't drop me or I swear I'll give you a black eye." It wasn't exactly a threat but more a promise. You were already having to go on throughout the day in two different colors, you really didn't wish to add bruises to the list.

Childe was happy to carry you all day, even if you protested otherwise. He loved how his hands slipped perfectly under your legs while he carried you bridal style; enjoying how you clung to his neck nervously while he descended the stairs. He pondered if you'd be like this on your wedding night.

"Why don't I put you down and go make breakfast?" He chimed, dropping you with ease onto the sofa before you could have a say. "I suppose I don't have a choice." You sighed solemnly, stretching outwards onto the leather material tiredly. If one animal could describe your current position, it'd be a cat.

Childe chuckled and went to make some food, being hungry as soon as he woke up. Unlike you, he was perfectly fine psychically wise other than being slightly peckish. He felt a bit bad, considering he was the reason for your current state although he wouldn't take back a single thing that the two of you did.

The memory was still ingrained into his mind as if it was nothing but a dream. Though he knew otherwise, he felt it. And god he loved it.

"Childe, can I have some coffee please?" You called from the opposite room causing the man's lips to curl into a smile. "Of course princess, I'll have it done in a few minutes." He was most certainly in love with you, though he wouldn't have it any other way.

A/N: Sorry for the slow update, I kind of started writing some more drafts of some future stories and let it slip my mind

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A/N: Sorry for the slow update, I kind of started writing some more drafts of some future stories and let it slip my mind.


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