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First and foremost I wish to thank all of my readers for the positivity this book has received so far and wish farewell to some of you.

This will in fact be a series worth of Y/N books, Childe just being the very beginning of many characters I'll be writing within my Modern AU (also depending who is requested).

I first planned this idea back in lockdown, having been wishing to start with the originals such as Kaeya first. However this man seemed to catch my eye from the start, so I hope all you lovelies don't mind.

It was an honour writing this and I look forward to writing more for you all and new readers also x

It was an honour writing this and I look forward to writing more for you all and new readers also x

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Light shined through your window, causing you to emit a groan of disapproval. It was far to early for the light to be intruding on your dreams. Though if that wasn't enough to wake you up, a pair of arms slithering around your waist sure was.

"Good morning my darling." Childe's husky voice murmured into your ear, lovingly pressing kisses along your collarbone with a smile. You twisted around to face him with a warm smile of your own, running a hand through the man's bed hair. You've grew fond of waking up to Childe's face; along with the small gestures and praise he sometimes managed to give you even when half asleep.

"How did you sleep Childe?" You pushed yourself up, your shirt slightly falling down and allowing your shoulder to be met with the sun's soft light. "Perfectly as always, most likely because you're here with me." He grinned sheepishly.

You had moved into the man's home less than a few months ago, however sometimes it still feels like only yesterday. Perhaps it will always be like that...

You remember how Childe begged to help you move everything into his, you briskly shutting him down on the offer. Many of your belongings consisted of clothes and undergarments only along with your laptop. There truly wasn't much to pack.

If you were being entirely honest with yourself, you didn't miss the apartment. It always held a isolated aura within it, the smallest pin drop being noticable behind the paper thin walls.

Childe was joyous when you finally agreed to living with him in his home. He wished more than anything to wake up to your gorgeous face every morning, to hear your soft breathes when you finally relax beside him. Or perhaps your needy whines when underneath him on certain nights.

All he knows was that he needed you and only you. He loved everything about you, from your favorite food to your small habits. He still sometimes believed that he was simply within a lucid dream, you truly were just that perfect to him.

You grinned and stifled a small giggle while the man began leaving small kisses along your jaw and neck. "What's with the sudden affection?" Not that you were complaining. You loved everything Childe did to you; he always managed to send butterflies coursing through you.

"God I love you Y/N." Childe whispered into your ear, hiding his face into the crook of your neck while he took in your scent. "I love you to." You hummed, lips perking into a warm smile while you played with his hair. "I don't know what I'd do without you in my life."

That you couldn't help but agree with. If he didn't appear you doubt you'd have found the will to love again. He was able to drag you from the shallow pit you called anxiety and showed you the beauty of love.

You've slowly began to open up with your father again also. He held many regrets of his own because of his actions and although you wished nothing more than to hate him for his neglectful ways, you couldn't. His harsh treatment made you stronger, strength you should have never needed.

He wished more than anything to be able to go back in time and change all of his actions. Although if he did, would you have met Childe? Would fate have brought you back to the man of your dreams?

You'd rather not ponder such thoughts. Right now, your life was running smoothly and you were the happiest you'd ever been. Looking back at all the memories, it made you smile to see just how far you had come.

That small child wishing for nothing more than the appreciation of her father managed to grow into a strong independent woman. Something you never fathomed to come true.

It made you realise that no matter ones background or past; change was only something you could do. Nothing was going to magically fix itself without a little hard work. That was something everyone needed to know within the world.

However they also needed hope. No matter their situation it could change if they tried. Change is an inevitable thing within the world but it's all about how you utilize it. That was something you learned the hard way.

"Y/N, Childe!" Teucer shrieked from the opposite room, his footsteps being heard within the halls. Childe was the first up, opening the door as his younger brother came flying in.

Teucer was practically the same as ever. His cheeks had shrank with age and he grew in height but he was the same archon obsessed boy you grew to adore. "A new Archon movie came out this week!" You grinned while the boy jumped to sit beside you on the bed.

"Oh really? We'll have to go check it out." Teucer's eyes sparkled with joy and he shook you by the waist excitedly. Even as a teenager he managed to hold the youthful innocence of a five year old. It made you grin slightly.

"Alright quit hogging my girlfriend kid." Childe hummed, choosing to take the left side of you to himself.

"Well she's technically my aunt. Plus you get her all the time." Teucer stuck his tongue out before snuggling into you with a smile. He grew to adore you greatly, seeing you as another member of the family besides Childe. You spoiled him when you could and was always there when he needed you. It was as if you were another mother to him.

You managed to give him something you never had as a child. Someone to depend on. Of course Teucer had Childe before you, however even sometimes he couldn't always be there. However, you made it clear to the boy that no matter the time or place, you'd drop everything for him.

You were like a best friend to him and he knew he could always count on you. That made both him and Childe happy inside. They were both happy to call you a member of their family.

You smiled while both the boys hugged your side, Childe pressing soft ticklish kisses along your skin while Teucer gagged. Some things truly do never change...

The End.


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