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The next morning, you felt someone's soft breathing along your neck. Behind you, Childe lay with his arms wrapped loosely around your waist. You couldn't help but smile at his peaceful expression.

His hair strewn messily on the pillow, his mouth slightly parted, his nose twitching cutely giving off an untroubled innocent feel. It almost warmed your heart looking at his state, if it wasn't for the fact he had you trapped. Of course it was a Saturday so to be honest, you could sleep in but something within you told you to get up.

You sighed when Childe curled up against you when trying to sit up, his legs tangled into yours while he pressed soft kisses onto your crown. "Childe, wake up." You gently pushed the male off while trying to slowly sit up; however he just groaned in disapproval.

Now he had himself latched around your waist, burying his face into your stomach and like a stubborn cat that has found their favorite spot. He refused to move an inch. "It's too early, please just go back to sleep for a bit." He whined while you rolled your eyes, this time having to try and wrestle your way out of the males grasp.

"Yeah no, I'll make breakfast for Teucer while you try to get up." Childe rolled onto his bed and allowed you to leave with a reluctant groan, looking up at the ceiling before him. He was hoping to just sleep in today but it was most likely good that he let you get up because a shrill shriek filled the house.

"Jesus Christ Teucer!" Y/N was crouched down to the young boys level, sick stained the corner of his mouth and tears rolled down his cheeks. "I didn't mean to, I'm sorry." Your lips tugged into a frown and your brows furrowed while you rubbed the boys back comfortingly. "I don't think anyone means to be sick Teucer, it's alright I'll clean it up."

Childe quickly ran down the stairs after detangling himself from his bedsheets. "Oh shit what happened here?" Childe tried to keep his volume low, not wishing to make Teucer feel worse. "Just a slight sick bug it seems, maybe you should go back to bed, Teucer. I'll bring your breakfast up to you." You smiled warmly while Teucer nodded his head, accepting how you helped him back onto his feet.

"Childe can you make breakfast for him? I'll clean this up." Childe hesitated, not really wishing to give you such a grilling job but in the end went to go and do what you asked.

And that's how the morning began. Not exactly the way you'd wish for it to start but you can't exactly be mad at the kid since being sick is uncontrollable.

You scrubbed the floor tirelessly, grimacing while you tried to make sure no smell could stick to the floorboards. Childe on the other hand, slid butter along the slices of toast tiredly, his eyes glancing over to you every so often. You were on your hands and knees cleaning, thankfully Teucer not throwing up much. However Childe's eyes were more or so focused on your figure, enjoying the sight of you on your knees.

He shook his head, flushing at his perverted thoughts as he went back to focusing on making breakfast. He needed to put his attention on his brother's well-being, not how good your ass looked. With a sigh, he cut the toast into triangles and made his way upstairs.

He knocked on his brother's door gently before entering. The boy was lying in bed, his eyes still pricked with tears while he let out a choked cough. "Here's your breakfast bud, Y/N's just finished cleaning." Childe smiled warmly, placing the plate on the boys bedside and patting his head. "Gah, this is so embarrassing!" Teucer whined, hiding his face in utter shame.

He just had his brother's girlfriend witness him throw up, not to mention help clean it. None of Childe's other girlfriends ever did that, they just ignored him and waited for Childe to get up. That's probably another reason they were called exes though.

"Hey don't worry, Y/N doesn't mind. Plus being sick isn't exactly the most controllable thing in the world." Childe reassured his brother, sitting beside him nonchalantly. "Sure it's not exactly the nicest thing to wake up to but at least it's dealt with." Teucer nodded, hesitantly biting into his toast while Childe smiled.

"Just call one of us when you need something." With that, he patted his brother's head before leaving.

You sat on the living room sofa after cleaning your hands, a soft sigh escaping your lips at finally being finished with your task. Childe sat down beside you, kissing your neck softly. "Thanks for the help love." He hummed, a warm smile painted on his lips. "Don't worry about it, I'm not just going to leave a sick child curled up on the floor." Well, not Childe's brother anyway.

Childe was utterly and most definitely in love with you. "I'm still tired though." Childe sighed while you grinned, "yeah but it's good I got you off me when I did. You were latched onto me pretty tightly." Childe smirked, kissing you to which you hummed in content. "Don't tell me you don't like when your in my arms."

"I don't know, maybe." You teased while Childe rolled his eyes nonchalantly before kissing you again. You ran your fingers through the males hair, not minding how his hand slid to your hip. "Why don't we change that then?"

The atmosphere around you two most definitely grew heavy. The light teases seeming to grow into more or so dirty promises to one another. Your e/c eyes met Childe's, seeming to be aching for something much more. You felt weak to his touch, his kisses trailing from your lips down to your neck.

Your breathing was turning shallow and you could feel your heart beats grow more rapid. You were practically dripping to the core, a warm tingling sensation surging through your whole lower half.

"Childe!" You were both swiftly interrupted when Childe's name was shouted along with a coughing fit after. "Can you get me a drink, please?" Teucer whined, his throat incredibly sore. Childe groaned but removing himself from you, allowing you to catch your breath on the sofa while he departed.

"One second lemme get you one!" And the moment was gone, just before it could go any further. Though that was most likely for the best considering a bed ridden kid was just upstairs. Not to mention Teucers door was in fact open, you'd rather not grace small ears with such sounds.

Childe trudged into the room, small complaints running through his head while he did. However he couldn't be mad, considering he did in fact tell Teucer to call him when needing something.

"Oh before you go, if you turn on my TV and shut the door I won't hear anything. Have fun with your girlfriend." Teucer explained, sipping his drink while Childe choked on the air around him. "What? There's no way you two would be that quiet unless you were planning to do something."

That little shit.

That little shit

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