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You stared at the messages sent to your father, sitting within the restaurant's chairs nervously for his arrival. You simply must remember you're doing this for your own benefit. Plus, if all goes wrong Childe said he'd meet with you straight away.

You wore formal attire, your dress hugging your form perfectly. You styled your hair to fit the predicament, keeping it simple yet elegant for father dearest. After all he has always cared about appearance more than anything else (after his business of course).

The restaurant wasn't very busy, there being only a few people at their own reserved seats. You were honestly surprised Childe was able to make reservations here, having it been a place of incredible high class. Though of course when you asked all he said was 'he had some help from a friend.'

You truly hope he's not in some sketchy business. Though you don't wish to pry too much into his life; you were grateful enough for him to help you organize the meeting with your father.

You waited patiently, the nerves within your body jumping at every small noise. If you were to be completely honest, this meetup was one you were dreading incredibly. There was no way your father would see things from your view, nor would he be pleased especially after his arranged marriage for you went down in shambles.

If he met Childe you feared he'd have someone sent to kill him.

The man finally appeared, being directed to a seat in front of you by one of the workers. You forced a small smile in front of the man, resting your shaking hands on your knees delicately.

"Hello father." It was strange to be sat before him like this ever since the last time in his office. His words stuck with you since; it stuck with you how he chose his rotten business over his own child.

"You dressed nicely. When you asked to meet, I didn't expect you to make reservations here." Your father spoke awkwardly, re adjusting his tie. Was he nervous? It was your first time seeing such a serious and stoic man lose his cool. Almost abnormal. It made you quite happy to be honest, it made him seem more human.

"Well I know you have a specific taste for things." You hummed, thanking the waiter gracefully as he poured you both some drinks with a polite smile. Your father nodded, his eyes following your every move nervously. "Of course, so how have you been?"

How have you been? You almost choked on your drink from the sudden question. It felt as if someone had kicked you full force in the lungs with his sudden question. Was he pretending to care for your wellbeing? Well two can play that game.

"I've been great! What about you? I hope the business is running smoothly." Your father blinked, slightly dumbfounded while you smiled warmly. You hated this already.

The restaurant felt so claustrophobic while you sat there. The sound of other families and couples chatting was practically going through you while you stared at the man before you. Looking at it now, he looked just as uncomfortable as you did, nervous almost.

His hair was more disheveled than it's usual slicked back state and he had bags under his eyes. He looked like he just went through eight different stages of grief. "I'm taking a small break from it. It was causing more problems than I realized…" He admitted shamefully while your eyes widened.

"Why don't we talk about this elsewhere?" He suggested, looking around before meeting your eyes. You couldn't help but allow the man to pull at your heart strings. Even though he was awful, he was still your father. You hated him wholeheartedly but looking at his state brought a large sense of pity into your heart.

"Sure, I don't like it here anyway." He couldn't help but smile slightly while following behind you to leave. You were feeling a whirlwind of emotions from the sudden changes in his demeanor lately. You remembered him as a cold and cruel man but today it was as if someone flipped a switch.

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