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A week into your new working career, and your uniform had now arrived. Now you could finally call yourself an official worker at Liyue Café. Despite your dislike of socializing, you have grown to enjoy your job along with the coworkers you work with. Childe would sometimes come in to check if you were alright in the kitchen and after hours, Shenhe would come in with coffee for you to take home. It was a peaceful work experience to say the least.

"Hey Y/N, we have an order of Faith Eternal." Childe hummed happily, waltzing into the kitchen as you began to cut some eggs. "So an egg roll then, don't go saying the names on the menu it confuses me." Childe let out a small stifled laugh as he watched you cook casually. "Sorry I forgot. How're you today by the way?"

"I'm alright, what about you? I've not heard any glass breaking in a while." You smirked while Childe's face began to heat up in slight humiliation. "Don't remind me, that wasn't one of my best times at cleaning I will admit."

"We all make mistakes, don't worry about it." You smiled warmly to which Childe couldn't help but smile back. Then you let out a curt cough and turned back to cooking, "now out before you distract me. You have more orders to take." He chuckled before sending you a small salute, "yes ma'am." Did he just call you ma'am? In no way were you old enough to consider yourself a ma'am yet.

You shook your head and began to prepare the egg rolls. "Hu Tao, wake up!" Chongyun's voice could be heard outside making sure Hu Tao wasn't sleeping on the job once again. You smiled when you began to hear Hu Tao respond back with a spooked sorry. It was nice to finally hear life around you.

You sprinkled some sugar onto the egg rolls. They looked fluffy and perfect, having the little sweet touch that Fate Eternal carried along with it. Whoever ordered the dish must have a sweet tooth. "Sorry isn't enough. Stop falling asleep, what if a customer comes in?" Chongyun continued to lecture the young girl, soon his voice mixing in with the voices of customers that filled the Cafe. Today was a busy day. Busy - you liked busy. It meant life.

You were sick of what it was like back at home. The house was always so eerily silent for how big it was, you or your maids footsteps being the only thing to fill the halls. It was lonely in a way but that's how you found comfort in the end. You didn't like to be dependent on another and you never would allow yourself to be.

From now on you would care for yourself, you need nobody's help to do so. After all, people have shown just how easily they can throw someone else aside. Your father threw his own daughter away with ease for not accepting having her rights being stripped away from her. Just the thought of it made your blood boil.

"Y/N?" Yun Jin walked in and tapped you gently, quickly breaking you out of your thoughts. "If you cut that egg roll too much there won't be any left to serve." She joked casually causing you to smile softly. "My bad, I got distracted." She shook her head and took the plate from you to go and serve, "no worries. But if you need to talk about something I'm here alright?"

You nodded and thanked the girl as she took her leave. You weren't planning to tell her about your thoughts anytime soon, or ever for that matter. This was something you could control on your own perfectly although she was nice enough to ask. The thought filled your heart with slight warmth as a smile tugged at your lips.

"Y/N." Childe rested his head on your shoulder causing you to jump up in fright. "Childe! Just what did I tell you about entering the kitchen unexpectedly." The male chuckled, gently patting your head as you clutched your chest to calm your beating heart. "Sorry, my bad it won't happen again." You rolled your eyes, not believing the man for a second.

"You said that yesterday as well. Just knock or something okay?" He smiled apologetically at you to which you smiled back warmly. However before much more could be said, Shenhe walked in with two cups of coffee. "I thought you two would be in here, the cafe is closing so I brought you both these."

"Thank you Shenhe, you're the best!" You smiled happily before taking a sip of your warm beverage. Shenhe flushed at the sudden compliment while Childe thanked her happily. "I thought I was the best." Childe teased with a small grin while you chuckled, "make a good cup of coffee for me and maybe you can be second best."

"I'm fine with that." He smiled, sipping his own drink while Shenhe took her leave. "Once you're done flirting you can lock up."


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