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Light dusts your face gently while you scrunch your nose tiredly, hiding your face in Childe's chest with a hum. The male smiled, allowing his fingers to play with your hair tiredly.

"Good morning love." He spoke in a hushed tone, planting a small kiss on your head while you tried to wake up properly. "Good morning, what time is it?" Childe shrugged, looking at you sleepily yawning with a smile. He loved waking up to you in the morning. Even with messy hair and a tired expression you managed to look gorgeous in his eyes.

"What do you want to do today love?" He chimed, running a hand through your hair while you chose to rest on his chest. "Sleep? Although I doubt I'll get any more considering I'm not fully awake." You sighed wistfully, a small smile gracing your lips as Childe ran his fingers along your back and shoulders. He traced small circles silently, listening to the lively hood from outside.

Cars gentle hums could be heard along with birds singing their usual morning melody. Nothing could break the peaceful start to both of your mornings.

That was until the sound of Childe's phone emitted through the room. He winced at the shrill sound and maneuvered his way out of the silky sheets to shut it up. You groaned and hid further under the f/c sheets with a grimace while Childe hit the answer button.

"Hello. Yes this is Childe speaking…" The other person's voice was faint but you could just make out that it was female no doubt. "Well I'm with my girlfriend, why? Did something happen?" Worry seemed to lace his tone, causing you to force yourself up into a sitting position.

"Yeah, tell him I'll be there shortly." With that he ended the call, his brows furrowed and worry glazing his eyes. "Is something the matter?" You watched observantly as Childe ran a hand through his hair, his adam's apple bobbing slightly as he swallowed down as much air as he could.

He was most certainly worried. You had become accustomed with Childe's small habits towards his emotions. He always seemed to do the same notions whenever worried or upset.

"Teucer threw up at school, thankfully an old coworker of mine was able to pick him up." You nodded, going to get dressed as Childe did the same. "I'm sorry to ruin our morning like this princess, I need to get him sent to a doctor when I can." You shrugged, leaving light feathery kisses along Childe's free neck.

"Don't worry about it, just don't stress okay? I'm sure Teucer will be okay." He smiled, pulling you into a soft kiss before messing with your h/c hair. You grinned and followed the male as he threw on his jacket to leave.

"Hopefully I won't get another harsh note from his teacher again." Childe chuckled awkwardly, scratching the nape of his neck while you both speed walked down the pavement. "If you do then pay no mind to it, you weren't home at the time to take any calls."

"I suppose you're right. Though sometimes I feel like I need to do more for Teucer…" He shamefully admitted, looking to the ground while his once go to happy mood disapated. "Well you're his brother not his parents, you're doing enough as it is. And I'm sure Teucer of all people can see that."

He flashed a smile. One of your favorite smiles to be exact; one of true happiness and serenity rather than a false one you sometimes had to see. It made your heart flutter and caused a smile on your face also.

Soon the both of you found it back to Childe's house were Tuecer stood with a tall blonde female. She held a warm smile as Tuecer sadly played with her hair, his face stained with tears from being sick earlier. She reminded you of someone, someone you had seen before.

"Signora!" Ah, the lady from the photo. Now you remember. She was far more beautiful in person to be honest. She held a nonchalant position yet was dressed like an empress honestly. If you weren't dating Childe you'd ask if she was single.

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