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The next was quite mundane, there were a few orders however they were mainly mochi or pancakes. The kitchen was quite cold unless you stood beside the stove. Most presumably because of the large freezer used to store ingredients.

You could feel the chills running up your spine as you looked for more sugar within the cupboards, your fingers slightly shaking from the temperature. "I swear I work in Antarctica or something…" the soft rain outside could be heard blending in with the elderly couple that sat alone within the cafe. Today seemed to be one of those days with little visitors. Although you didn't mind.

Once you powdered the pancakes with a soft amount of sugar, you left the kitchen briskly. Yun Jin took the dish from your hands and smiled as she turned to leave.

"How're you today Y/N?" Childe spoke happily, somehow seeming much warmer than the kitchen. "Good, what about you?" You smiled softly at the male while he went back to working the barista machine. "I could be better, I don't think the rain is going to stop anytime soon." He sighed tiredly, steaming milk while making a shot of espresso beside it.

"Did somebody order another drink?" You looked over to the couple being the only pair within the shop today. Most presumably because of the god awful weather that you were gifted with outside.

Looking at them, they seemed incredibly happy though. The two elderly continued to talk happily as if it was their first time meeting, love evident in their eyes. It made you slightly jealous, to be honest. You knew you didn't have the right to be but at the same time, seeing them so happy made you hurt. Looking at them, you saw something you would never get in life.

"Well, I wanted to make you coffee today since Shenhe always does." Childe smiled warmly, handing you the now finished drink slowly. "You okay? You seem out of it?" His brows furrowed with concern while you shook your head with a soft smile, removing your ill thoughts briskly. "Sorry, I seem to be out of it today…"

"Hey don't apologize, sometimes even the best of us get off days." He smiled comfortingly, poking your cheek to which you flushed. "Don't do that."

"What? This?" He poked you again, and again while you grinned. "That's better, I prefer seeing a smile on your face. It suits you." He grinned while you took a sip of your drink, trying to calm the smile forcing its way onto your lips. You couldn't help it though, you felt happy. Happy to know you had such a person to care about you. You were happy to have such a friend.

"Thank you Childe," he quirked a brow while you felt your cheeks dust pink. Looking down at your coffee, you coughed slightly as embarrassment made its way up to your face. "For the coffee I mean…" Childe hummed, ruffling your h/c hair nonchalantly. "If you ever need me. I'm here."

For some reason those words brought comfort to your heart. An envelopment of warmth seemed to spread through your body, it could have been purely because of the coffee but when you looked at Childe you couldn't help but smile warmly.

He watched you silently, the blush spreading to his face as he did. For some reason he loved that smile on your face, the way your cheeks went up slightly as your lips tugged into such a happy expression. It made him happy for some reason too. Was this what love felt like? No, he couldn't be getting a crush on his coworker that's unprofessional. Although if he did, he wouldn't complain.

Looking over at you, he definitely wouldn't complain if he did. He loved how soft your expressions were as you went into a world of your own thoughts. How steady your movements were when cooking in the kitchen, he never wished to disturb you when working. You looked content, and perfect in his eyes. Perhaps this was a crush of his?

Though if it was, he wasn't going to admit that to you just yet. After all, it has only been a short time you two have known each other if you think about it. He didn't wish to make you uncomfortable within the workplace with his silly crush.

"Childe?" You waved a hand in his face slowly, smiling slightly as he broke from his train of thought. "Now look who's spacing out." You teased while he flushed slightly, a small smile on his lips as he covered his face. "My bad, I was just thinking of what I have to do once I get off work." He lied nervously while you hummed.

You let your fingers strum along the pottery of your drink while humming. "I mean, I've heard there's an art museum around here if you want to check it out?" Childe cocked a brow, leaning on the counter beside you. "You've not seen the museum yet? I assumed you lived around here."

You smiled and scratched the nape of your neck with your free hand. "Ah well, actually I moved here from the Aoyama Ward in Tokyo." You chuckled lightly while Childe stared at you silently. "How come? I've heard that the place has a ton of things there. You know? Kind of like a big commercial area or whatever." You smiled and nodded your head in agreement. "It is but it wasn't a place I wished to stay."

Well more like you didn't have a choice but to leave. Though if you were given the option, you'd much rather stay where you are now than share a house with that old man again. "Understandable, I'm not all for busy places either." Childe hummed in understanding, watching as you took another sip from your drink.

"So do you want to check out the museum with me?" You inquired, grinning slightly while he nodded. "Sure, it sounds like fun. See it as a date." With that he left into the room at the back to get his coat. Since Hu Tao was at the counter, you asked Yun Jin if she could cover for you along with Shenhe.

Both happily agreed and wished you a good evening. You felt slightly bad leaving them to do the work on their own however that quickly dissipated as Childe held your hand happily. "Let's go see some old art we probably won't remember later." He grinned happily while you agreed, not minding the warmth of his hand within the cold rain.

It's been a while since you've hung out with a friend. You were, happy...

 You were, happy

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