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You both entered the house where Teucer resided on the sofa. He was sitting upside down watching the tv, his hair falling just barely above the ground.

"You could get a nosebleed doing that, you know?" Childe sighed while observing his brother's sitting position. "Yolo, oh by the way did you know the new Tevyat Hero movie came out?" You watched as the boy excitedly dragged you away from your boyfriend and to the sofa with him. "Come on Y/N watch it with me!" You smiled softly while Childe grumbled a small complaint to himself, sluggishly taking a seat beside you.

He wanted you for himself however it seems his brother wanted to spend more time with you. You didn't mind however, seeing no issue in watching a movie with the kid sitting beside you.

"Do we have to?" Childe whispered, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him. "We can always go upstairs, have it be just the two of us." He chimed quietly, his breath warm against your neck as he spoke careful as to not let his brother hear him. "Stop hogging auntie Y/N." Teucer groaned, cuddling up to you as the movie started while Childe rolled his eyes.

You were pressed up beside Childe, your hand resting on his chest while Teucer hugged your side comfortably. The boy was glad you were his brother's girlfriend, you were nice. He enjoyed watching movies with you and was always happy to hear of Childe that you were coming to visit.

Childe kept his hand on your side, his thumb rubbing soft circles along your hip as the movie continued. The three of you watching in silence, it had been a long day for all of you and it was time for everyone to relax. Of course Childe wished to do other things when you both got to his but this was also nice. He was happy to be around people he called family all the time and was especially happy to have someone he could call his own.

Teucer was the first to fall asleep close to the end of the movie, his eyes drifting open and shut every so often till he finally passed out. You couldn't help but smile at the younger boy beside you, soft snores coming from his sleeping form.

"I'll take him to bed. Be back soon." Childe whispered, kissing your cheek softly before getting up from the sofa. You just stayed sat there, watching as the credits rolled along the tv slowly while allowing your mind to drift off.

Childe tucked his brother into the sheets, smiling warmly as he did. His brother stirred slightly before relaxing again, allowing Childe to kiss his forehead and exit the room quietly. He was glad to finally have some alone time with you but he would admit he always enjoyed seeing you two sat together. It reminded him that he had everything he needed right where he was. That his life was running as smooth as it possibly could.

Now he didn't know the full capacity as to what your father put you through but, he planned to make sure you felt just as happy as he did. He wants you to feel comfortable and relaxed around him without any worries of the future ahead.

Going back down the stairs, he sat down beside you once more and planted a soft kiss on your head. "I hope I didn't leave you waiting too long." You smiled slightly at the male, allowing yourself to hide your face slightly within the crook of his neck. "You didn't don't worry, besides I was quite comfortable waiting here for you." Childe hummed, gliding his fingers across your waist happily.

"How about we go to sleep? Tomorrow we have a whole day to ourselves after all." He commented to which you nodded, feeling the fatigue weigh down your muscles slightly. "You have a point, it has been quite a long day to be fair."

And that's where you found yourself now. In Childe's bedroom, sat on the bed awkwardly looking around. You were used to inhabiting the guest room of his estate when visiting but now that you were his girlfriend, he thought it'd be better if you slept with him. And to be honest you didn't oppose the idea…

It was quite nice - a tv, a dark oak dresser, a nightstand that housed a photo of Childe and Teucer. Both looked to be at some sort of theme park, bright cheerful smiles on the pair of their faces. It was cute.

Your fingertips ran along the dark red sheets beneath you, the soft velvet feeling smooth along the pads of your fingers. The room held a soft scent of vanilla liqueur cognac along with pine, the smell itself honestly being quite welcoming to your senses.

"Here, I tried to find something that'd fit you." You were handed a large grey shirt and some black shorts, Childe rummaging through his drawers for something to wear himself. To be honest he mainly didn't wear anything to sleep, however since he was spending the night with his girlfriend for the first time, he thought he'd be respectful. "Thank you."

You began to unbutton your blouse, rolling the shirt off your shoulders with ease. The shirt Childe gave you was decent size, falling down to just slightly over your hips. It was quite a comfortable material to, airy around your body but also not too baggy. Childe kept his eyes trained to his own clothes, wishing to give you some privacy while you changed even though he was tempted to take a glance at you.

You turned and did the same however when he changed, the temptations were heavy within both of you.

You felt the bed dip beside you while Childe leaned closer to you, smiling happily. "God I'm tired, work is a pain." You couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the male, running your fingers through his hair while he chose to rest his head on your chest. You were very much smitten with the way his body heat radiated against your skin, both of you sitting there comfortably.

"I love you." Childe sighed contently, closing his eyes while he pulled you closer to him. He loved everything about you to be honest. To say the least he was most definitely hooked.

You felt yourself hesitate at those three words however. Love. You knew you held strong feelings for Childe, most definitely an attraction. But the word 'Love' left an unnerving feeling within your stomach, one that made you feel as if the world around you stopped. You wished to reciprocate the statement so badly but the words seemed stuck on the tip of your tongue.

Was it something holding you back? And that's when your thoughts drifted to your father. That's right, as a child you never learned the basics of love. You were seen as a business transaction from a young age. Love meant you were vulnerable in front of another - something you never wished to be.

"Y/N?" Childe whispered, running a thumb along your cheek comfortingly. "You don't have to say it, you know? I can wait." He smiled warmly while you felt yourself grip the sheets tightly, wishing to look away from the male in shame. Here he was having to comfort you for not being able to say three simple words. Three simple words that you should be able to say and mean.

"I know it's just…" You couldn't find the right words to explain what you felt but Childe seemed to understand. "Some people find it harder to say than others, I can wait, don't worry Y/N. I'll always wait for you." He spoke reassuringly, his words full of sincerity. You couldn't help but feel a wave of tension leave you as he said that and a small smile tugged at your lips.

"Thank you Childe"

"Thank you Childe"

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