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You both stood before the building happily. The rain struck the ground more violently than earlier and you could feel raindrops slowly rolling down your nose causing you to grin. It was a nice feeling.

You remember never being allowed outside in the rain in case you got sick. Your father didn't want his future business heir to catch a deadly virus or something but now you had nothing to worry about. For you weren't an heir to a business you don't want. You were free from his control, free to make your own decisions with your life.

"You ready to go in or do you wish to freeze a tad bit longer?" Childe grinned, to which you smiled and began to gently pull him along. He shivered from the cold but he would admit his hand felt much warmer in yours.

"Let's stop ourselves from getting sick." You chuckled while entering the large building quickly. Inside was much warmer, the pale yellow light illuminating the main room of the gallery brightly. It was beautiful to say the least.

"Like what you see?" Childe stifled a small laugh at your awe filled state. You had witnessed art galleries when photos of your father were posted online however, you had never been to one yourself. It was beautiful to say the least in your eyes.

"It's, beautiful…" you spoke before turning to the male. That's when you realised just how truly close you were to him. You flushed and stumbled to create some distance while he felt his face grow warm. He thought about just how close you two where, you were practically inches apart…

He shook his head and removed the thoughts quickly from his mind. You were his coworker and new friend, he needed to focus and needed to stop allowing his thoughts to wander. "Let's go this way first!"

Childe was lightly tugged by you to his left, smiling softly as you began to take in the artwork before you. The place didn't seem very busy, most likely because it was a rainy evening - many would wish to stay indoors with family or friends.

You couldn't help but be mesmerized by the different pieces the two of you came across. Reading their information and studying the piece silently while Childe watched you. He wasn't a big fan of art but he found it cute just how excited you were to look around. He believed it was if you had never been to an art gallery in your life. Though he doubted it considering you used to live in the Aoyama Ward.

"Childe look at this one!" You cheered beside a large painting, pulling the boy to your side happily. Childe looked at the painting silently, it was quite boring to be honest. It was just a field with some colorful flowers to him; he saw it as nothing but what you'd find in a living room. "I think it looks nice, I wouldn't mind walking in a flower field." You spoke wistfully, causing Childe's attention to turn to you.

You noticed how he stared at you silently and began to flush in embarrassment. "Ah sorry, just wishful thinking. Anyway, how about we get going?" You smiled nervously at the man. "One day I'll take you to a field, it'll be full of millions of flowers from glaze lilies to sweet flowers." Childe explained while you stared at him silently, you didn't have any words. Nobody had every promised you such a thing even as a joke. However for some reason you felt it wasn't a joke, perhaps it was because of the sincerity within his eyes that made you believe that.

It made your heart ache. You wanted to believe him so much but something within you caused a pool of anxiety to whirl up in your stomach. So you just smiled sadly and began to lead him out of the gallery, "very funny Childe. Your humour is slowly improving."

Childe wanted to say that he meant it but from your expression he couldn't. It was almost as if you don't want him to. You were scared of it being a false promise. You were scared of commiting to something that could be nothing but a joke.

You could still remember all of the times your father promised to be places. The times you begged and begged him to show up but soon realized he only agreed to shut you up. You didn't want to be led into a false sense of security; a place full of lies and half assed truths and promises. You'd rather die than go back to a life like that.

"Let me walk you home." Childe smiled softly, pulling you closer to him while the two of you began the walk in the rain. "You don't have to you know?" You hummed to which Childe gave you a toothy grin, "I insist. Plus it's safer than letting you walk alone this late at night."

He did have a point. As a (height), (weight) female you were definitely easy to kidnap or worse, murder. Though you doubt Childe really thought of that, he probably thought of the tamer things such as robbery. Which you'd be right to guess so, he was scared of someone going to attack you. Especially considering you have seemed to be out of it all day.

"Thanks." You hummed, rubbing your hands together for warmth as the two of you walked. "Don't mention it, we're friends after all." The word made Childe want to cringe as it came out of his mouth but he was right. The pair of you were friends and nothing more. Although he wished to be, it was highly unlikely something would become of the two of you.

So for now he just had to stick to wishful thinking. Who knows, maybe one day that wish may come true. Maybe not? You'll just have to find out.

 Maybe not? You'll just have to find out

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