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Childe didn't come into work the next day, requesting to have the day off which Baizhu happily gave him. It worried you slightly and you couldn't keep your mind from straying to the male.

"Y/N we have an order for table five." Yun Jin hummed, leaning against the door frame as she watched you work briskly. "Alright, what is it?" You ran a hand through your hair tiredly, "Some pancakes and a caramel macchiato."

While you were working busily it was a lazy afternoon for Childe. Or at least it should have been. He kicked back in his messy living room while the others made an even larger disaster somewhere else within the house.

He leaned his head back, stretching his legs out tiredly while his arms lay lazily outstretched between two sofa cushions. Finally a break…

"Ajax! Dottore ripped the head off my ruin guard figurine!"

Childe groaned at the shrill voice of his brother Teucer who continued to scream at his immature friend. "Ah fuck," Childe huffed, beginning to make his trek upstairs.

"Dottore stop murdering my brothers toys, you sick freak!"

Childe was tired and it was only half way through the day. He needed a serious break, sadly Dottore had to stop by and crush his plans. Inside Teucer's room, Dottore could be seen causing great disaster while Teucer hit him harshly with his pigeon plush that he got of a friend.

"Tell your kid to stop assaulting me! Gah!" Dottore put his hands up in a false surrender, however Teucer continued. "Fix my ruin guard!" He shrieked while Childe grinned at the turn of events. "Nah I think you've got this handled. Plus I have things to do today."

Childe sent Dottore a mini salute as Teucer went back to his violent attack, having Dottore give in to fixing his toys. He hated children, especially ones related to a certain ginger cafe worker. "Alright you little prick stop hitting me!"

Childe chuckled before pulling out his phone. You should have been off work by now, perhaps he could see you for a bit. He bit his lower lip in thought before opening your contact number. Would you even let him see you? What if your busy? After all he shouldn't be taking up so much of your time, you may have family around or something.

Well it was too late now as his thumb clicked onto the call icon. "Fuck, I didn't think this through." Childe let out a curt cough and put the phone to his ear as you picked up. "Hey, everything alright?"

"Yeah I was just wondering how you were. How was work?" Childe chuckled, scratching the nape of his neck as humiliation grew. "Teucer you little shit give me back my shoes!" Childe tensed at the chaos going on behind him, you having to stifle a small laugh.

"I'm sorry about that. Today's a bit chaotic…" Childe admitted while you smiled on the other side of the phone. "That's alright. So, did you really just call to ask how work is?" You hummed, not buying the excuse at all. "Not really, to be fair I just wanted to see you today." He shamefully admitted, not noticing Dottore stood behind him.

"Oh Teucer, your brothers got a girlfriend! Score he's no longer bitchless!" Childes' brows furrowed as he let out an exasperated sigh. "Dottore if I give Teucer back to my parents and he's repeating a bunch of curses and slurs I'm going to beat your…"

Childes' sentence stopped as he heard you laugh down the phone, finding the whole situation immensely humourous. "Sorry, sorry didn't mean to laugh. It sounds like you've had a long day." Childe felt himself grow warm as he walked away from the male, hiding his embarrassment. He found your laugh incredibly attractive for some reason, he wanted to hear it more often.

"Yeah you could say that. Babysitting isn't my best trait to be fair." You hummed listening to Childe rant about how annoying caring for children could be. He loved them but the extra responsibility that came with them was not fun. "If only I could get some help. Maybe someone who doesn't behead innocent children's toys!" Childe emphasized the last part to which his friend yelled for him to fuck off casually.

"Is that an invitation for me to come over or for me to babysit?" You teased while Childe chuckled, "both maybe? I would be lying if I said that I don't want to see you."

"Cringe. Tell your girlfriend I said hello though." Teucer nonchalantly walked past, opening the fridge to find some sort of snacks. You felt yourself flush at being called Childe's girlfriend, your heart accelerating at the thought.

"She's not my… you know what, shut up and go watch cartoons."  Childe groaned, rubbing his temples as Teucer shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sorry about that, I'll send you the address alright?"

"That's fine. See you soon." You hummed happily, the call ending before another man could scream something down the phone. Childe seemed to have a very chaotic household going on today, let's hope it would settle down for your arrival.

 Childe seemed to have a very chaotic household going on today, let's hope it would settle down for your arrival

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