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In the end the pair of you didn't do anything. Not yet anyway. Instead, you were both curled up on the sofa watching TV.

Childe ran his fingers through your h/c locks, your head residing on his chest. Both of you were smitten with the position, Teucer not calling for anything else throughout the movie. He was most presumably watching the Yaksha series again. His favorite actor no doubt being Xiao though personally you'd have to say you preferred the one that played the Hydro Yaksha known as Bonanus.

"Next weekend we should be Teucer free," Childe hummed contently. "Are you asking me to stay over again?" You looked up at the male from where you sat, the two of you were grinning like children. "You might as well live with me, that's just how much you'll be staying over."

"Hm, I'll think about it." Childe's eyes widened at your words. "Wait so you'll live with me?" He honestly sounded hopeful while you rolled your eyes. "I meant about staying over again, though perhaps in the future…" The future was still a yes in Childe's eyes. He planned to spend the rest of his life with you after all, even if you didn't see it yet he did.

You gasped while he hugged you tightly from where you sat, pulling you further up his lap as he hid his face in your shoulder. "You're too perfect for this world Y/N I swear to God." You stifled a small laugh while the male kissed every part he could see of you, the feeling leaving a tingling sensation along your skin.

"Childe, that tickles." The male simply smirked before nestling his head in the crook of your neck. You had to admit you loved being in Childe's arms, it brought an odd sense of security to your heart every time. Being around the male made you feel safe, perhaps it was because of his calming nature or just simply because he was your boyfriend. Though to be completely honest, you felt it even when he wasn't dating you.

Something about the male just managed to bring a smile to your face, a very uplifting feeling residing in your heart. Was this what it felt like to be loved? Was this what true love felt like? If that's the case you liked it; you enjoyed not being eyed as nothing more than a business transaction. You enjoyed having someone see you and your feelings and not turn a blind eye to them. Childe made you feel wanted.

You remember the first time you saw him as if it were yesterday. The soft lingering scent of Amber and toffee as he greeted you kindly, his eyes not once drifting away from yours as he introduced you to everyone. Looking at it now, it was no surprise you became infatuated with the male. However, that love also left a strong feeling of hesitation.

You agreed to being committed to this male and you plan to stick to that promise. Although the fear of him casting you aside still stuck in your mind like a fly buzzing in your ear. Your own doubts and worries grew irritant in your mind but nonetheless they wouldn't go away.

"Y/N, you okay?" Childe dragged his fingers along your neck and to your shoulder, repeating the action comfortingly. "Yeah, sorry I just got stuck in my own thoughts." You released a dry laugh, forcing a smile while the man smiled. "You know you can tell me what's wrong right? I am a pretty good listener if I do say so myself."

The offer was tempting to be honest. You craved more than anything to release your worries from your mind, to be reassured that they were simply false thoughts your brain made to scare you. However that vast craving also brought a strong sense of anxiety. What if he agreed with what you thought? What if he left you because of it?

Childe however seemed to read your mind, his palm resting on your cheek as he forced you to look at him. "Whatever it is you're thinking, I promise I won't judge you. I'm your boyfriend, not a complete stranger."

"I… I can't help but worry that we won't work out." You bit your lip while Childe quirked a brow. "Well it's just, my parents… They started off fine like us but when my father got his business." You couldn't help but hesitate, looking away from the male while you felt his eyes not once leave you. He rubbed circles reassuringly on your knuckles, wanting to prove he was listening to every word you spoke.

He wanted to remind you that someone was there for you. To listen and to actually care about what you think. No doubt your worries hurt him slightly, already having doubts about your relationship with him. However he knew that this was the best thing for you, to open up about what you're truly feeling. Perhaps then the two of you could work on fixing it together.

"I've always held my doubts about, well love as a whole I guess. It's a bit embarrassing to admit but growing up I kind of thought it was just a fairytale thing…" You let out an almost disheartened laugh at the end of your explanation, your face burning with shame while the male looked at you silently.

"Y/N, I don't care if I have to tell you everyday from now on but I love you. I promise we won't turn out anything like your mother and father, I will make sure of it." Childe promised, his voice laced with pure sincerity while he held your hands in his. "If you ever have any worries just tell me, I'm your boyfriend and I'd rather know what you're thinking." Childe smiled softly causing you to smile almost as well.

You truly were lucky to meet such a man.

You truly were lucky to meet such a man

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