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The next day, you entered the cafe sheepishly. You'd admit you don't regret saying yes to Childe but the thought of being in a committed relationship still scared you. What if he got bored of you? Or worse, what if he left you?

"Good morning love." The male spoke quietly, his lips ghosting the shell of your ear, his voice setting your body aflame with featherlight touches.

"Oh hello Childe!" You spoke in a slightly startled manner, turning to face the male who grinned his demeanour more cheery than usual. "How did you sleep?" He hummed, quirking a brow while you felt yourself grow more and more flustered by the second.

Before dating you would be able to be around the male with ease. However, something felt different now that you two were official. "I slept fine, what about you?" The whole conversation felt heavily awkward but Childe didn't seem to care. He was just happy to be around you, he was especially happy about the fact both of you were dating now.

"Good, Teucer misses you." You rolled your eyes. More like he missed you but use your own brother as an excuse Childe sure.

"Is that an invite for me to come over or to babysit?" You chimed, removing yourself from the front door and to the kitchen nonchalantly. After all, you were still in fact in your workplace. This was not somewhere to be getting distracted. No matter how much Childe made you weak at the knees sometimes. It was time to be professional.

"Maybe the first option." Childe hummed, leaning against the door frame as he watched you begin work. His eyes glazed over your figure slowly, taking in all the little details about you. He watched how your fingers nimbly tied the back of the apron around your waist, your hips gently swaying as you made your way over to the oven.

You would be lying if you said you couldn't notice how the man stared at you in silence. Though you paid no actual attention to it, wishing to focus on everything in front of you instead. "Oh perfect Childe, you can show our new worker the ropes." Baizhu smiled at the male as he popped his head into the kitchen, signalling for Childe to follow him.

"I look forward to working with you all." The voice spoke, definitely one of a man's. And one with utmost familiarity to your ears. "Ah, zhongli, I didn't expect you to start working with us!" Childe spoke with enthusiasm. He was happy to be having another male work with him to say the least.

Zhongli looked around, taking in the place he'd now be considered working at. Just as you had, he had perfect credentials for the job, going to quite a high class private school. "Yes, I thought it was about time I take a break from working in the office." Baizhu nodded happily beside the two males who spoke. "Yep, he'll be working as my assistant for the time being."

You popped your head out of the kitchen, waving happily at the male who returned it casually. He was happy to begin his work life in a place with familiar faces.

"Y/N we have an order of Eternal Fate again. It seems to be quite popular lately." Hu Tao hummed, seeming to be in a more carefree and relaxed attitude than last time. She was most likely able to get more sleep lately which is good.

"Alright, I'll have it out in a minute!" You chimed before departing back into the kitchen. Today should be a fairly easy day. Hopefully…


Once finished with the final order, you sighed in relief. Not many dishes were requested today thankfully, although Yun Jin was stuck working at the barista machine all day. Many seemed to be ordering warm drinks and found themselves sitting inside during this cold day.

Fog misted the windows making it harder to see the streets outdoors. Car lights were the only thing remotely visible outside, blinking on and off. Unless someone were to walk past the window, it would be hard to take in their appearance with proper detail, the only thing being visible to the eye was now just their hazy figures.

Compared to outside, the cafe was nice and warm. It carried a welcoming aura to all of its customer's, protecting them from the harsh temperatures outside. You helped Shenhe wipe down the final tables, your eyes drifting off to Childe who continued to show Zhongli how everything worked. Thankfully, he seemed to wrap his head around everything quite quickly.

"That should be it. Baizhu told me your shifts are Tuesday to Friday but honestly you can come in whenever you want." He shrugged nonchalantly, patting the males shoulder as he made his way over to you.

"You ready to go? I'll lock up." With that everyone went to retrieve their belongings from their lockers, wrapping themselves up in coats. You finished up grabbing your things and left quickly, allowing Childe to close the door behind you. Chongyun and Hu Tao held one anothers hands, hiding their faces in their coats from the cold. It truly was freezing today.

"Your hands are cold!" Hu Tao groaned, Chongyun's hand practically being like ice compared to hers. "Well you asked to hold it, just let go if it's that bad." Chongyun rolled his eyes, not really caring for his friends complaining. After all he can't control his body temperature.

"No I could lose you in the fog." Hu Tao explained, the fog practically encasing everyone. "You won't lose me if I'm right next to you." Chongyun further explained, finding Hu Tao's poor excuse stupid. "Never say never, a ghost could get you or something." Chongyun tensed while Hu Tao snickered at her companion. Works like a charm everytime.

Yun Jin sighed at the two teens antics, too tired from work. "I can't wait to get home, I can finally turn on my heater." Shenhe nodded in agreement, however she seemed to be perfectly fine in the cold. Her and Chongyun just stood there nonchalantly while everyone else felt frozen.

Childe's hand was thankfully warm in yours, most likely from how long you had been holding it. Most of the time, the males hand would be absolutely freezing in yours. You swore it was as if he recently left a cold climate country.

"Well, we're going this way. Bye everyone!" Childe waved with his free hand, beginning to leave with you from the rest of the group. Soon enough, their figures blended in with the distance while the two of you continued on.

Streetlights filled the pavement with an ill hue, the fog making it much harder to see around you. Silence continued between the pair of you however it wasn't awkward, it was a peaceful and comfortable silence. Childe felt a smile hang loosely on his lips, joy spreading in his heart while the two of you walked. He was happy to finally be able to call you his girlfriend. He wanted nobody but you as his lover.

"How did you find work today?" He asked, striking a conversation with you who allowed yourself to grow comfortable within his presence. "It was alright, a bit mundane but I'll live."

"Some days will be like that, however when I'm by your side I promise everyday will be fun." He promised to you happily, not noticing the way your face heated up at his words. Though of course he couldn't read your mind, your thoughts could be completely innocent or ones of a pervert.

"That would be nice."


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