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"Y/N! Oh and Childe." Hu Tao spoke, wrapping her arms around your shoulders as she held her exam results excitedly. "Guess who passed amazingly, I did that's right!"

Hu Tao did a small victory dance to herself, spinning around estatically. You smiled warmly at the girl while Shenhe sighed, rubbing her temples as the girl continued to sing out of pitched tunes. She was happy for the girl but she would admit it was too early to be improvising victory songs.

"She's been telling everyone as soon she got through the doors today." Yun Jin explained, a small smile on her lips at her friends enthusiasm. "Now I can finally set up a funeral parlor!" Hu Tao squealed to which Chongyun grimaced. He didn't like the dead, it made him think of spirits like in the movies which made his skin crawl considerably.

"That's lovely Hu Tao but why a funeral parlor?" You hummed, squeezing past the female to the coffee machine. "Ah well, my grandad used to run one till he passed. I thought I'd carry on his work or something, it's dumb when you think about it…" Hu Tao spoke bashfully, twiddling her fingers together in embarrassment.

She wasn't one to share her reasons for wishing to run such a place. People found it incredibly morbid and just thought she had a weird fascination with the dead whenever she brought it up. However, she wished to do it because he did. And she wants to follow in his footsteps till the end of time.

He loved his job and he always cared for Hu Tao from a young age, her parents passing sometime after her fifth birthday. He pulled her out of a dark time for a kid and for that she was forever grateful. She was grateful for the love he gave her, she was grateful that he put up with her chaotic personality, she was grateful he was there for her when others weren't.

"That's not dumb at all, if anything it's quite cute." You spoke confidently and reassuringly to the female, adding milk to your half made latte for a customer. Childe nodded in agreement, "I wish you told us earlier we always thought you had a thing for corpses."

Shenhe elbowed the man to which he winced, letting out a sigh as she did. "You thought that actually. We simply believed you had a… interesting job interest is all." Yun Jin chuckled at the two before turning to Hu Tao who stood there silently. "As your coworkers and friends. We wish you luck with your career choice."

Hu Tao felt tears of joy prick her eyes, quickly wiping them away however they just seemed to continue. Soon she was bawling into her arms, a large smile on her lips from her supportive friends. Chongyun patted her back gently while Shenhe quickly went to get her some water, watching as the girl tried to calm her happy tears.

"I'm just so happy, happy to have a family here at my work." You smiled softly at the girl, her results still held tightly within her hands and her face now stained with tears. But it was nice. Because you knew those weren't tears of sorrow, they were tears of joy. For family, something you for once found yourself quite happy to be a part of.

"Well that technically is what we are. If you work at this Café you're automatically classed as family." Chongyun flushed as he explained, letting out a curt cough as he took his leave to work at the cash register again.

Although slightly embarrassed from what he admitted he believed it was the right thing to say. He saw everyone within Liyue Café as family to him, of course only Shenhe was his real blood family but ties can be stronger than blood. And that's what everyone that worked here had, an unbreakable bond. So blood related or not, in his eyes they were family.

You on the other hand had mixed feelings. On one side you were happy to have a place that you could truly call home, happy to have loved ones surrounding you. However something within your gut felt like fear, fear of being left for nothing like your father did. You were honestly scared of commiting to something as big as family again after all family was the reason you were kicked out and thrown away like a used rag. You didn't want to depend on anyone ever again but at the same time, you wouldn't mind doing so… It confused you more than your sexuality crisis did at fourteen.

"Hey Y/N, your dazing off again~" Childe teased, patting your head gently. "Sorry!" You jumped, shame rushing to your face while Childe laughed. "It's fine don't worry about it, but don't get to distracted on the job. No matter how amazing I look." He joked with a small grin to which you returned, shaking your head at the male. "Oh my apologies your attractiveness simply blew me away." You exaggerated, allowing a hand to fall dramatically from your face before taking your leave to fulfill more orders.

"Pft and they say they aren't dating." Both Hu Tao and Chongyun watched your interaction from a far, their faces completely expressionless while Childe flushed. "God, teenagers are annoying. Stop focusing on your coworkers love lives!" He hissed in embarrassment, quickly making his leave to spare himself anymore embarrassment.

"I bet they'll be dating in a few months if not less." Chongyun spoke nonchalantly to which Hu Tao agreed. Both her and Chongyun weren't exactly ones for pointing out when and if something would happen however you two were clearly smitten with one another.

Even if one of them wouldn't admit it, or were too scared to admit their feelings.

Even if one of them wouldn't admit it, or were too scared to admit their feelings

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