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You stood by the door nervously, a small box of cookies in hand as you knocked on the door. You just hoped this kid wasn't allergic to gluten or something. A couple minutes passed till you heard a loud booming voice yell, "oi shut up I'll get it!"

Your brows furrowed curiously at the commotion as someone tripping with a loud thud and a string of curses could be heard behind the door. Whoever it was must have been one of Childe's friends as he most certainly didn't sound like a little boy.

Suddenly, the door swings open as you're greeted by a man with red eyes and dyed blue hair. He seemed to hold a toothy grin, his whole demeanour nonchalant as he leaned against the doorframe. His eyes light up as he sees the box in your hand, most definitely liking the fact you brought snacks with you. Snacks meant for a child but beggars can't be choosers you suppose.

"Well to what do I owe the pleasure…" Before more could be said he was quickly shoved aside by Childe. "Y/N, come inside." He smiled warmly, placing a hand on your back comfortably as he motioned you past all the chaos. The place was a disaster.

Dishes were stacked ridiculously high, leftovers still left in certain pots. The stench being hidden by incense sticks that were messily arrayed in holders. Toys were spread all across the floor chaotically, almost as if someone went through a flat out war within the living room.

The only thing that seemed remotely organized was the ruin guard plushie hanging from the ceiling light as if put up for execution.

"I'm sorry for the mess. It's been a little busy here lately…" Childe let out a nervous laugh, looking around slightly ashamed that he didn't clean up. You on the other hand just smiled, "it's fine. I don't mind to be honest."

Soon enough feet could be heard making their way into the room, echoing throughout the large house. It was a boy. You found that he looked quite adorable, gingerish brown hair messily lay on his head along with light freckles dusting his face. Blue eyes like Childe's graced his precious face and he smiled happily as he caught a glimpse of you.

"Hello, are you my brother's girlfriend?" The kid inquired innocently while his brother tsked under his breath. "Don't fall for it. He was a little shit just a few moments ago." Dottore let out a snicker, patting your shoulder lightly until Childe wafted him off.

"I didn't think my brother knew any pretty girls minus Miss Signora." Teucer hummed before shrugging, grabbing onto your hand gently. It was much smaller than yours but you followed him as he began to tug you away from Childe. "Come on, miss, let me show you my room!" Signora? So he already had a girlfriend…

"Wow, your brother has already stolen your girl." Dottore laughed, leaning against Childe who grumbled under his breath. He knows he asked you to come over for help but to be fair he wanted more time with you. "Well now that you have time on your hands, get cleaning."

"I hope you choke on air." Childe huffed to Dottore who mocked taking offense, chuckling at his friend's dampened mood.

In the end, Childe finally finished the dishes. Dottore and Teucer sat on the floor, eyes glued to the TV while eating the cookies you had brought with you. They found them absolutely delicious, no doubt about it although Teucer seemed to get annoyed at Dottore for eating so many of the treats.

Childe took a seat beside you on the sofa, resting his head on your shoulder tiredly to which you allowed. "You finished?" You smiled to which he hummed a small yes, wrapping his arms around you comfortingly. You felt yourself flush at the close contact but stayed quiet, feeling his breath along your shoulder.

You all sat there nonchalantly, nothing could be heard other than the TV playing in the background. Childe's soft breathing could be heard in your ears as he seemed to fall asleep with you in his arms. He looked peaceful and oddly cute as he slept there. Though you'd never admit it, you enjoyed having him close like this.

As well as him, Teucer seemed to fall asleep too. His little head resting on Dottores lap, him gently stroking his head. "Kids are so much better when sleeping. They're less annoying." He spoke softly, a small smile on his lips. "Childe puts so much of his time onto this brat I'm surprised he's not passed out from exhaustion before." Dottore admitted with a stifled laugh.

"I'll take Teucer to bed and get going. You should probably try and wake up Childe or you won't end up leaving tonight." Dottore hummed, picking up the sleeping kids form slowly in hopes to not stir him awake. He seemed good with kids, sleeping kids anyway.

You looked down to the other sleeping form resting on your shoulder. His hair fell in front of his eyes and his arms lay limply around you, almost as if he didn't plan to let go. You stifled a small laugh, shaking him gently with a smile.

"Childe, come on I need to go home." He stirred slightly, his brows furrowed in concentration as he pulled you closer. "Just stay here…" He whined, almost temptingly into your ear. "I can't, we have work tomorrow."

"So? I have an extra uniform, it should be fine." He brushed it off easily, hiding his face in the bridge between your neck and shoulder. Your (scent) perfume was almost intoxicating to him as he found himself comfortable falling back to sleep again, if it wasn't for your persistence.

"What if it doesn't fit? Plus I don't think you'd want to fall asleep on the sofa, come on." You hummed, keeping your tone sweet and soft while you continued to try and wake him up.

"Is he still not getting up?" Dottore laughed, leaning against the wall as he watched your attempts to get the ginger male up. "Well, have fun with your futile attempts. I'm going home." Dottore teased, making his way to leave the house casually. Helpful…

You sighed, letting your arms fall limp instead of continuing to shake the man awake. You were on the brink of giving up. Childe stirred slightly some more but only till he found himself most comfortable again, a small smile on his lips as he looked over at you.

"So, are you going to stay the night?" He teased while you rolled your eyes with a sigh, closing your eyes with a warm smile. "Looks like it apparently since you have me hostage."


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