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Chapter 3.

No one's pov.
Izana couldn't stop thinking about you. Infact, he only thought about you. From the moment his long and light eyelashes flutter as his eyes opened in the morning, to when they shut tight as he falls asleep in the night.

The only other thing circulating his mind, apart
from your physical form and the way you behave, was "Why was it you?" and "Why was a king, such as himself, submitting to a lady he knows nothing about?".

And just in that moment, a rush of enlightenment came over him. He knows nothing whatsoever about you. But it won't stay that way. His idea was ready to venture outside of his imagination, and be put into action.

He was sitting on a bunch of wooden crates, which lucky didn't give him splinters, watching his gang interact with one another. It was crucial into building a sense of peaceful relations among the members.

He scanned his lilac pupils around the area looking for 2 black uniform. They looked repulsive to Izana. He believes Kakucho shouldn't have let them have their own special uniforms- are they trying to out do their king!?

But that wasn't important right now. Izana sat there for a minute or so, contemplating if they were the right people for the job.

Izana sighs, throwing his head back as he runs his fingers through his platinum hair.

"Kakucho" He signalled for his friends, his right hand man's attention, who rapidly began to listen "Call over the Haitani's for me"

Kakucho doesnt even question Izana's actions, instead, he immediately went to search for the iconic brothers, and rulers, of Roppongi.

Soon enough, with Kakucho in front of them, Ran and Rindou make their way to a conflicted looking Izana.

The brother's stood there, waiting for his words.

"You remember the stunt back there?" Izana asked
Ran shrugged.
"The cute H/C girl"

"Oh! What about her. Hm~?" Ran asked, in a mocking tone.

"She's off limits. I want you to bring me information about her."

"What? You know that's stalking right?" Rindou asked, in shame and disbelief of their boss

It's ironic of Rindou to say that, as if he isn't already a gang member who does stuff equally as questionable.

"For real. What's in it for us anyway?" Ran questions.

"I will rank you higher within' the gang. A higher position. you won't be like everyone else here." Izana states. He wasn't sure why he would give them such a luxury just to find out some information about a girl, but theres no other way Izana though he could convince them. And it's not like any sum of money Izana had to offer would make a difference to their bank accounts.

"Okay, whatever" Ran shrugs

"I don't know what sneaky shit you're onto, but we'll do it. Kind of surprising a person like you cared about others that much. Very unexpected." Rindou comments, making his brother chuckle

"What the fuck? Stop being rude to your boss!" Kakucho shouts after them as the brothers walk away to begin their mission. All they knew is how you look and your first name, Y/N, as how Izana told them.

Izana sat there,Not even attempting to hide his smirking. He will know you more than you know yourself.

Just how far will this obsession go? It's getting terribly unhealthy.

Ran's Pov
"Not going to lie, Rindou, I was going to do this even if we didn't get anything in return. But once he mentioned a higher rank, I was all for it! Haha!~ I was so bored, things are getting funner. Our heartless boss is obsessed with a girl."

Me and Rindou walked the streets trying to find any source of evidence about where she may be or any clues as to where she went, apart from seeing her walk off this way.

"I thought Izana was ,you know, not interested in anyone, forever. Or maybe couldn't even pull for shit." Rindou replyed nonchalantly. It left me in an uncontrollable fit of laughter. I was on the verge of literal tears, yet he just looked at me with confusion making me wheeze even more. Gosh, my brother is so obliviously hilarious.

We walk around, asking people on the streets if they knew where Y/N went. Rather than naming her, we explained how she looked.

Some people could identify where she went, but there was no visual sign of where she was.

We saw a short blonde boy with a fade trim in the back. He had green eyes and a hoop, silver earring. We approach him.

"Yo." I call out to him. "Have you seen a chick, H/C hair, Her hair was H/L in terms of length. Some fierce E/C and S/K skin."

"Oh! My sister Y/N? Sounds like her." He exclaims

Oh shit. I look at Rindou signalling to do something about this. What the fuck do we do? This isn't sneaky at all.

"Do you have an image of her?" Rindou asks, pulling up his glasses as the blonde boy shows us a picture of Y/N.

What the fuck is Rindou doing?

"Oh. Thats not her.  I guess she just looked similar. See you around." Rindou waves goodbye as i follow him.

He then pulls me into an alleyway.

"Well that was smart!" I praise him

"You're just dumb, Ran. Now we follow him. That's her brother."

"Rude!" I exclaimed.

We followed the boy around until he reached an apartment. The name plate states 'Matsuno'.

That was easier than I imagined.

"Y/N Matsuno. Lets dive into other information." I calmly say as me and Rindou walk home.

It only took a few minutes for me and Rindou to get everything we needed. We called up people from Roppongi to do the rest.

They returned back to us, informing what they now knew from her by asking people in the area as stealthily and sneakily as possible.

I guess it was kind of creepy, me and Rindou stalked her for a simple rank in a gang.

But what can i say? Izana is a 'King'

And i guess a king gets what a king wants.

Hey, Thank you for the support on this book <3

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now