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Chapter 8.

Trigger warning.

Y/N Pov.

I lay in bed as he attends to my medical needs. However, that didn't really end well. He was only really capable of giving me pills to swallow. He was about to take my bodily heat temperature.

"Do you need help?"
"No. I can do this." He replies, fiddling with the thermometer. His cheeks turn red as his eyes narrow. "Kakucho!" His raspy voice bonce's off of the walls as he screams- voice full of anger.

Kakucho then bursts through the room, almost tripping and falling over the door frame. "Are you okay?" He asked full of worry.

"Do this for me." Izana demands, embarrassed.

He begins to blush from shame- knowing he couldn't commit a simple task of taking my bodily heat the thermometer.

Kakucho sighs as he snatches the thermometer. He walks closer to me. His hands travel down to my waist, as he grabs my shirt about to pull half of it off.

"What the fuck Kakucho I asked you to help- not to undress her!" Izana grabs his wrist, eyes widening.

"I have to put it under her armpit, Izana"

"Oh yeah, I knew that. I was just testing you to make sure you know what you're doing, you know? Finish what you're doing." He mumbles quite fast.

This is so stupid. I feel Kakucho slip the thermometer under my armpit, the metal is cold causing me to flinch. We stay quiet for a few minutes, it was awkward. Kakucho waiting to grab the thermometer from under my armpit, Izana standing right beside me- as if he was trying to be closer beside me than Kakucho is. I cannot question this guy's antics, honestly.

Kakucho reads the thermometer. "It's well over 37 degrees Celsius. She is definitely in need of more medication, we don't have enough here at home."

"Let's get her more medicine on our way back from the meeting." Izana fiddles with his hands as he say's that.

"Mmmh" Kakucho hums. "Get ready, Meetings soon." Kakucho leaves without a further word, the thermometer in his hand slamming the door shut behind him.

Izana looks down on me in the bed, I was weak and sick beneath him. His eyes show a sign of pity. He then walks to the extremely small closet- I didn't even notice it. He glides the door open, and then begins to get half-naked in the middle of the room with his back turned towards me. I stare at his back, it was so fit and toned. I bet his front was too. I was proven right as he turned around, facing me.

He walks closer to me- and I can feel the heat rising- and then he reaches past me. His earrings were laying on top of the bed-side table. I felt so stupid for thinking he's coming to do something to me.

Either way, It's not like I'd want that. He may be hot, and occasionally gentle, but that doesn't justify the fact he literally abducted me in addition to hurt me. The carving he did to me was not going to heal any-time soon. I need to make it out of here- I cannot get used to this life-style.

He slips the earrings into the pierced holes in his ears. They sway from side to side as he slightly shakes his head to ruffle his hair. "I forgot I took those out- I never take them out." He says, caressing the red, white and black hanafuda earrings. He spins around to look at me directly "You should get a pair too... do you want some?"

"No, it's okay-"

"I'm getting you a pair." He slips on the red uniform I had met him in. His red pant's sliding up over his legs, next, a black t-shirt over his head laying baggily on him. He lastly swings his arms through the red jacket of the uniform. On the back was the yin and yang emblem accompanied by 'Tenjiku' embedded in kanji. It's a beautiful uniform. He fully zips it up and turns to face me.

"I will be back soon." Without saying anything else, He leaves the room as well as the house. I was now here, alone.

After a few minutes I decided I'd do something reckless- something stupid- I went to the door of the room.

Izana had locked the door the last time he left me here- so naturally I just want to test it out, is it locked this time? . I wont do anything I shouldn't do after. I nudge the door.

It was open. The door opened, exposing a long hallway. I contemplate going down the hall.

I have nothing else to lose. I tip-toe my way down the hallway, my heart beat racing. I could barely find my way around the area, the lights were mostly all off.

But I finally find a front door- it was slightly open. I found it unusually odd. But it was convenient, I can run out of here and find my way home.

I mentally prepare myself. As fast as possible, I push it open and begin to sprint.

"I told you Kakucho. There was something wrong." My heart sank as I heard the voice over my shoulder- stopping me dead in my tracks. I should've listened to logic and stayed inside after i saw the open door, rather than impulsively run out. I feel a tight grip on my arm. "What are you doing, bitch?" He spat at me from behind. I slowly move my head towards him.

"I'm sorry.." I could barely form the words. I tremble.

"Haha!" His lilac eyes pierced into my soul as he pulls me by the arm back into the house. It didn't take long before I was in the same, plain, room.

"Now, stay still as I put these on for you" He smiles at me, tightly attaching my wrist onto the bed rest with hand-cuffs. "You look beautiful here."

And suddenly, he slaps me across the face. Where is this sudden change of emotion coming from? It burnt severely and a tear accidentally slipped out of my eye. "Why the fuck are you trying to run away? I did so much for you. This whole room for you! I cooked for you!" I stay silent, in shock as he lists thing's he did for me.

He kisses his teeth at me. "This time, I assure you, the door will be locked." there was a slight pause before he continued "See you soon Y/N. Be a good girl, okay?" He smiles at me again.

He's happy, then angry, followed by another wave of happiness. I don't understand it at all! I'm shocked and scared...

I don't like this.

Izana's Pov.

I wanted to go back and kiss her, I don't even care if she's sick and contagious. But I can't. She angered me so much and simply had to be punished! She's lucky I was still patient enough with her!

"Izana, that was a bit rude, I told you not to do this."

Once again, Kakucho doesn't understand this. Always preaching about how I've done something wrong or taken things too far. I sure do hope one day he realises, I'm right.

We set off into the direction where I and the rest of the gang were to meet.

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now