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Chapter 25.

Izana's Pov.

"Mikey. I can't stay here much longer I need to return to Tokyo with Y/N. She's so upset- I can't handle it." I stress to him.

"We still have to get him to quiet down somehow and not rat us out." He point's to some guy we had in the room, tied down onto a rusted metal chair.

He's been helping me and Mikey out with our business, he's one of the many people we've hired to work under us. Recently he's been exposed of conspiring against our plans, most likely with a group of people praying upon our failure. Or he could be working with the police, it's an alternative idea.

I pull out a gun from my pocket, I've had enough of waiting. I pull the trigger not even thinking twice before his brains erupted across the warehouse floor. Painting vermillion splatters across the surface.

"Izana, we still needed him, you know he's probably not the only one against us. Could've informed us of some more people."

Mikey looks down at the body. "Fuck, ew, he got my flip flops dirty." He gently shakes his right foot in an attempt to flick the blood off.

"I don't care anymore! I want to get us home and sort everything out regarding Y/N and our child." Mikey isn't very sane, neither is he a safe person to be around, but over this topic I'm going to be very direct. If I want something, I'll get it.

A nonchalant feeling washes over me as I begin to think of alternative solutions for the problem.

"Okay." He walks out of the room. Mikey had always struggled with empathy, seems like he doesn't give a shit. But behind his smokey cold eyes are bottled up feelings he'd never act upon.

Perhaps, I was too weak, bewitched by Y/N Matsuno. I couldn't bottle those feelings.

I sigh out.

Y/N Kurokawa sounds better.

Y/N's pov.

It's been 3 days since I've spoken to Izana.

Actually, I haven't even seen neither him nor Mikey around. They're not even present at home.

Now that I really think about it, this could've been a great chance to escape, but I blew it off. Something in my gut ties me down to this fate, it makes me not want to leave Izana.

A loud bang at the door adverts my attention. It's so aggressively loud.

I stumble to the door, the excruciating sound of the pounding distressing me. I tug on my H/L hair in worry. Eventually hearing Aneria's cries swimming through the house.

This is irritating.

These feelings hit me like a tsunami, so suddenly.

I twist the lock, reaching to the door knob, but it was already roughly opened from the outside. Flinching back in fear, Falling hard on my ass as I hit the floor.

Eyes watering, I watch police men shove their way into the house.

"What the fuck?" I whisper in disbelief.

I cradle Aneria close to my chest, swaying her side to side, Engulfing her in my protective nature.

I wasn't able to understand what the police men were saying, managing to make out an apology and them eventually bringing up Izana's full name as well as Mikey's.

I show no acknowledgment of who they are, knowing it'd only bring trouble with the law. I had no idea they were most likely doing something illegal, but I'm not surprised.

Izana hadn't changed.

The uncanny ideas as to why these people are looking for them float around my head as I examine the trashed house.

They took and broke everything apart just to realise theres no trace of them here. Didn't even try to repair anything or clean up.

Izana is so sly.


I stand on the balcony, Holding my baby. It's been about an hour since it all went down, I had no idea what to do next.

"Y/N ARE YOU HERE?" The rapid sound of a door sliding open, metal clanging rings from behind me.

I finally notice whoever was calling me.

"Where have you been, Izana?"

"Y/N!" His large hands roughly grab my hips, pushing me into him. Lips coming in contact with my neck as he gently pecks me over and over. Not forgetting to give some attention to his child too as he softly rubs her head.

"Now's not the time to chat, I'm sending you back to Tokyo. Okay?" He stops for a split second before returning to his hastily exclaimed speech "To Chifuyu and everyone! Lets go."

My heart drops. Running into the house, trying to gather whatever of our belongings is late.

"Don't worry about it, your stuff is on the plane. Or, you could Just buy new things later." He groans, visibly in a concerning state of stress.

"Are you okay?" I make my way to him, Tapping his arm gently. His lilac eyes pierce through me, examining my full body.

Without a second thought, he reaches out, pinching the sides of my clothes at the shoulders, Pulling me in.

Arms around me as his plump, soft lips make contact with mine. My eyes close and his tongue slips into my warm mouth.

His breath slows as he focuses on me, pleasuring me with a plethora of love saturated kisses. Almost for a second ignoring his prior breakdown.

He pulls away, tearing up. "Please.. lets go Y/N. It's not safe."

He leads me out of the house and into the exact same car as the one which drove us here a few days ago.

This whole situation rushed so fast. I'm only just now fully processing these events.

Now boarding the plane, I look down. Eyebrows furrowing as I stare down at my lover. "Izana?" I question "You're not coming with us?"

"I've still got some unfinished business here." He shouts up at me. Of course he does.

"I'll see you soon?" He doesn't answer me.

Simply flashing a smitten smile across his smooth, tan face. His platinum hair swaying as he blows me a kiss and waves.

"Bye Y/N. I love you and Aneria both so much."

I smile back, face blushing.

Sitting in my seat. I watch as both him and his brother wait for the plane to ascend.

This is all so strange.

I should be questioning this, but then again, everything Izana does is questionable.

However, I didn't notice the tears spilling from those lilac orbs until the plane began to fly away.

Izana's Pov

"I thought you were going with them, now you're leaving them? That wasn't very nice of you." Mikey's voice rings from beside me as he chews on a snack. "Plus, Y/N is a nice woman."

"Shut the fuck up and eat your Taiyaki, Mikey." He lowly giggles.

"You know anyways, they're better off without me."

King | Obsessive!Izana Kurokawa x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now